Tribal Wars Stats: World 1: Tribe

Tribalwars Tribe Profile: Just me, myself and Schorschi (conquers)

Type Old tribe New tribe Min/Max points Date range  

>1< [all] 10
  Village Points Old owner New owner Date/Time
056 Permador 19 (642|323) K36 4,068 schorschi [RockUK] thebestbev [Vodka!] 2009-09-05 12:59:19
07 THE WILDERNESS (696|395) K36 1,961 P..A. [RockUK] lukerichardson [DoC] 2009-09-04 17:11:25
Barbarian village (662|337) K36 781 NoBoDyIsPeRfEkT [RockUK] tobywaxman [Laaf] 2009-09-04 16:35:06
Soviet Mudkipz (659|338) K36 5,897 NoBoDyIsPeRfEkT [RockUK] tobywaxman [Laaf] 2009-09-02 16:38:30
Lavenlaar (698|402) K46 4,058 Koenigin [RockUK] gwaxman [Laaf] 2009-09-02 09:32:37
Sacra di San Michele (699|401) K46 713 Barbarian Koenigin [RockUK] 2009-09-01 00:59:31
Cawdor (696|396) K36 5,710 P..A. [RockUK] xsoldierx [DoC] 2009-08-30 21:58:28
056 Permador 13 (645|317) K36 2,638 schorschi [RockUK] barbosa simao [Vodka!] 2009-08-27 03:28:36
056 Permador 18 (644|322) K36 2,722 schorschi [RockUK] hennerz50 [Vodka!] 2009-08-26 11:59:22
056 Permador 17 (640|322) K36 7,412 schorschi [RockUK] thebestbev [Vodka!] 2009-08-25 01:37:22
>1< [all] 10

2024-12-23 18:34:05 GMT

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