Tribal Wars Stats: World 11: Tribe

Tribalwars Tribe Profile: Teh knights Templar (tribe changes)

Player Action Date/Time Points
matthewduddy Left 23rd July 2012 - 02:14 0
laser Left 23rd June 2012 - 10:14 132
Emphasise Left 11th May 2012 - 02:15 0
Froggyy Left 09th April 2012 - 22:15 338
maternater Left 07th April 2012 - 23:16 2,150
mwatts81 Left 31st March 2012 - 00:18 0
wing chun 8718 Left 29th March 2012 - 02:26 0
hanko123 Left 27th March 2012 - 01:29 1,024
zorlacmorlac Left 26th March 2012 - 10:20 561
senior nr18 Left 25th March 2012 - 23:21 9,647
vzgg93 Left 25th March 2012 - 20:22 4,642
pietro7855 Left 25th March 2012 - 19:22 11,417
christdons Left 25th March 2012 - 09:20 7,329
patrick199 Left 24th March 2012 - 23:21 10,487
monteray Left 24th March 2012 - 22:21 1,523
deb0809 Left 24th March 2012 - 22:21 1,169
TheTeutonicKnight Left 23rd March 2012 - 23:21 10,884
byakuya 1 Left 22nd March 2012 - 16:19 3,795
maddog godfrey Left 22nd March 2012 - 00:20 4,215
PaleRider Left 22nd March 2012 - 00:20 8,167
hanko123 Joined 18th March 2012 - 08:19 894
Soldier9 Left 15th March 2012 - 20:18 149
Tanty Left 15th March 2012 - 10:17 12,499
Letero Left 14th March 2012 - 23:21 20,429
Ambrosius Left 13th March 2012 - 10:21 48
Ambrosius Joined 11th March 2012 - 23:20 1,913
vzgg93 Joined 11th March 2012 - 14:19 3,857
Emphasise Joined 11th March 2012 - 14:19 3,086
senior nr18 Joined 11th March 2012 - 11:19 6,728
hanko123 Left 10th March 2012 - 19:20 739
mwatts81 Joined 10th March 2012 - 12:18 3,119
monteray Joined 10th March 2012 - 00:17 1,183
maddog godfrey Joined 09th March 2012 - 22:19 4,009
patrick199 Joined 09th March 2012 - 22:19 7,664
flaming moe Left 08th March 2012 - 22:18 0
Matlow1 Left 08th March 2012 - 22:18 5,183
Letero Joined 07th March 2012 - 20:21 15,219
TheTeutonicKnight Joined 07th March 2012 - 18:21 14,482
byakuya 1 Joined 07th March 2012 - 17:21 1,570
byakuya 1 Left 07th March 2012 - 15:20 1,547
Twinny x Left 07th March 2012 - 15:20 471
getknotted Left 06th March 2012 - 23:20 12,231
nellie Left 06th March 2012 - 17:26 13,220
najcarg Left 06th March 2012 - 17:26 14,951
miller.01 Left 06th March 2012 - 17:26 20,915
Nyas Left 06th March 2012 - 17:26 14,802
Gudmundr Left 06th March 2012 - 03:18 0
0snake0 Left 04th March 2012 - 21:25 38,212
0snake0 Joined 04th March 2012 - 06:17 36,664
Nyas Joined 04th March 2012 - 05:17 14,642
carotrololo Left 04th March 2012 - 04:17 233
je.suis.le.feu Left 03rd March 2012 - 23:19 6,268
je.suis.le.feu Joined 03rd March 2012 - 22:18 6,268
miller.01 Joined 03rd March 2012 - 22:18 20,597
laser Joined 02nd March 2012 - 23:17 9,731
nellie Joined 02nd March 2012 - 13:17 13,235
COOGii3 Left 02nd March 2012 - 07:18 9,319
ShellShockVII Left 01st March 2012 - 18:16 13,444
COOGii3 Joined 29th February 2012 - 15:19 9,264
PaleRider Joined 29th February 2012 - 01:25 4,246
maternater Joined 28th February 2012 - 22:20 3,950
getknotted Joined 28th February 2012 - 05:17 15,546
Tanty Joined 27th February 2012 - 16:17 8,996
najcarg Joined 27th February 2012 - 15:18 12,097
zorlacmorlac Joined 23rd February 2012 - 20:18 3,062
Soldier9 Joined 22nd February 2012 - 23:19 1,178
Shiloh26 Left 22nd February 2012 - 20:20 8,451
pietro7855 Joined 20th February 2012 - 14:17 3,730
Shiloh26 Joined 19th February 2012 - 14:18 8,004
hanko123 Joined 19th February 2012 - 02:17 6,161
william the first Left 19th February 2012 - 00:16 661
carotrololo Joined 19th February 2012 - 00:16 159
christdons Joined 18th February 2012 - 23:17 1,221
hanko123 Left 17th February 2012 - 01:21 6,021
lordbooper Left 15th February 2012 - 00:17 51
flaming moe Joined 13th February 2012 - 01:23 10,133
william the first Joined 13th February 2012 - 00:16 16,204
hanko123 Joined 13th February 2012 - 00:16 5,481
glassblower Left 12th February 2012 - 22:16 0
Froggyy Joined 12th February 2012 - 22:16 4,159
ShellShockVII Joined 12th February 2012 - 18:27 7,610
byakuya 1 Joined 11th February 2012 - 18:16 83
Gudmundr Joined 11th February 2012 - 17:17 6,599
Twinny x Joined 11th February 2012 - 16:15 44
-ross- Left 11th February 2012 - 11:15 7,520
-ross- Joined 11th February 2012 - 01:21 7,520
cheesy foot Left 10th February 2012 - 18:16 1,019
lordbooper Joined 07th February 2012 - 01:22 26
matthewduddy Joined 06th February 2012 - 09:15 1,568
Biglew18 Left 03rd February 2012 - 14:15 8,509
siko Left 02nd February 2012 - 09:14 6,192
blata Left 02nd February 2012 - 07:16 583
Moody1 Left 02nd February 2012 - 01:24 6,710
bad cop Left 01st February 2012 - 22:23 10,057
Matlow1 Joined 01st February 2012 - 19:18 995
Emnasty Left 01st February 2012 - 16:18 19,263
misschiff Left 01st February 2012 - 16:18 0
TotallyTom Left 01st February 2012 - 16:18 8,210
Noobleaffer Left 01st February 2012 - 16:18 6,682
Warp one Left 01st February 2012 - 15:19 10,843
CapBlood Left 01st February 2012 - 06:15 1,053
Watfords Woodsy Left 30th January 2012 - 23:22 11,334
pizzahappy Left 30th January 2012 - 21:17 23,600
speartons Left 30th January 2012 - 05:15 1,763
wing chun 8718 Joined 29th January 2012 - 20:18 7,438
Emulate Left 27th January 2012 - 23:16 8,005
BoBo Baggins Left 26th January 2012 - 23:16 3,436
packman1980 Left 26th January 2012 - 22:15 7,222
snakeater Left 26th January 2012 - 08:14 0
marks76 Left 24th January 2012 - 23:16 8,166
borris Left 24th January 2012 - 22:18 5,721
xFracture Left 24th January 2012 - 21:18 867
Llywelyn Left 24th January 2012 - 20:20 10,330
BoBo Baggins Joined 22nd January 2012 - 23:15 2,606
ben32108 Left 18th January 2012 - 19:16 1,078
Emulate Joined 15th January 2012 - 00:14 6,081
packman1980 Joined 03rd January 2012 - 13:15 3,026
borris Joined 01st January 2012 - 04:23 2,547
glassblower Joined 01st January 2012 - 00:22 1,067
siko Joined 31st December 2011 - 20:14 1,106
wolf Left 31st December 2011 - 13:14 2,300
cheesy foot Joined 31st December 2011 - 05:13 2,303
Biglew18 Joined 31st December 2011 - 01:20 1,581
Moody1 Joined 31st December 2011 - 00:14 1,227
ben32108 Joined 30th December 2011 - 23:15 2,096
bad cop Joined 30th December 2011 - 23:15 2,573
marks76 Joined 30th December 2011 - 22:14 2,699
shockzzz Left 30th December 2011 - 22:14 1,406
TotallyTom Joined 30th December 2011 - 22:14 1,754
xFracture Joined 30th December 2011 - 22:14 1,485
goose1766 Left 29th December 2011 - 23:14 1,845
Biglew18 Left 29th December 2011 - 12:13 1,411
xxsnake Left 29th December 2011 - 10:13 1,241
cheesy foot Left 29th December 2011 - 10:13 2,131
Moody1 Left 28th December 2011 - 22:18 1,026
marks76 Left 28th December 2011 - 22:18 2,544
bad cop Left 28th December 2011 - 22:18 2,391
mosmoanda Left 28th December 2011 - 22:18 0
xFracture Left 28th December 2011 - 22:18 1,277
glassblower Left 28th December 2011 - 22:18 894
topcat1958 Left 28th December 2011 - 21:19 2,312
xFracture Joined 27th December 2011 - 14:16 1,121
steve1973 Left 26th December 2011 - 11:15 557
Biglew18 Joined 20th December 2011 - 16:21 835
alpaxjj Left 19th December 2011 - 23:22 1,569
shockzzz Joined 16th December 2011 - 10:18 634
TotallyTom Left 16th December 2011 - 00:17 566
Moody1 Joined 14th December 2011 - 20:23 409
Bremptano Left 14th December 2011 - 18:24 45
goose1766 Joined 13th December 2011 - 20:24 638
steve1973 Joined 13th December 2011 - 18:23 303
kaylamicks Left 13th December 2011 - 13:20 570
Mice167 Left 11th December 2011 - 21:21 366
Emnasty Joined 08th December 2011 - 15:16 584
Skyhawkas Left 08th December 2011 - 13:16 244
Mice167 Joined 04th December 2011 - 21:20 261
speartons Joined 04th December 2011 - 11:18 240
Noobleaffer Joined 04th December 2011 - 11:18 188
alpaxjj Joined 04th December 2011 - 10:19 288
CapBlood Joined 04th December 2011 - 01:30 178
Bremptano Joined 04th December 2011 - 01:30 155
kaylamicks Joined 03rd December 2011 - 19:19 197
wolf Joined 03rd December 2011 - 16:19 183
Llywelyn Joined 03rd December 2011 - 16:19 308
xxsnake Joined 02nd December 2011 - 07:19 80
Warp one Joined 30th November 2011 - 17:20 106
marks76 Joined 29th November 2011 - 16:19 98
mosmoanda Joined 28th November 2011 - 21:20 53
glassblower Joined 28th November 2011 - 19:22 51
TheHolyOne Left 28th November 2011 - 19:22 59
The Libertine Left 28th November 2011 - 19:22 80
topcat1958 Joined 28th November 2011 - 19:22 33
deb0809 Joined 28th November 2011 - 19:22 26
TheHolyOne Joined 28th November 2011 - 18:21 51
The Libertine Joined 28th November 2011 - 18:21 70
blata Joined 28th November 2011 - 17:20 66
Skyhawkas Joined 28th November 2011 - 17:20 50
cheesy foot Joined 28th November 2011 - 16:19 26
TotallyTom Joined 28th November 2011 - 15:19 32
Watfords Woodsy Joined 28th November 2011 - 14:19 53
pizzahappy Joined 28th November 2011 - 12:18 26
bad cop Joined 28th November 2011 - 12:18 48
misschiff Joined 28th November 2011 - 12:18 38
snakeater Joined 28th November 2011 - 11:18 26

2025-03-14 15:42:43 GMT

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