Tribal Wars Stats: World 11: Player

Tribalwars Player Profile: lots of love (conquers)

Type Old player New player Old tribe New tribe Min/Max points Date range  

>1< [all] 4
  Village Points Old owner New owner Date/Time
sheep (610|471) K46 1,245 lots of love [Couch] quintonku [KTZ] 2012-03-13 04:19:40
293 - Monsterball Attacking :) (526|500) K55 1,755 lots of love [Couch] Ironnick [CC] 2012-01-18 22:37:43
278 - Sleepy (529|498) K45 3,063 lots of love [Couch] Ironnick [CC] 2012-01-18 12:27:02
293 - Monsterball Attacking :) (526|500) K55 1,520 gudgey [SuBV] lots of love [Couch] 2012-01-09 21:17:03
>1< [all] 4

2025-03-14 15:25:09 GMT

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