Tribal Wars Stats: World 11: Player

Tribalwars Player Profile: Foot Soilder (conquers)

Type Old player New player Old tribe New tribe Min/Max points Date range  

>1< [2] [3] [4] [5] [all] 98
  Village Points Old owner New owner Date/Time
Chimptastic 06 (464|408) K44 10,166 Foot Soilder Castiel* [W-G] 2012-09-16 15:18:55
112-Foot Soldier (471|421) K44 10,137 Foot Soilder clemmo [W.G] 2012-09-13 17:46:02
Chimptastic 05 (471|423) K44 10,166 Foot Soilder Castiel* [W-G] 2012-09-13 08:10:44
113-Foot Soldier (460|426) K44 9,637 Foot Soilder clemmo [W.G] 2012-09-13 07:48:37
eastside. (459|417) K44 10,137 Foot Soilder [W-G] syotos848 [W.G] 2012-09-12 12:17:21
Eastside (457|412) K44 10,166 Foot Soilder [W-G] syotos848 [W.G] 2012-09-12 08:15:12
eastside (451|412) K44 10,161 Foot Soilder [W-G] syotos848 [W.G] 2012-09-11 19:53:46
264 (455|398) K34 10,161 Foot Soilder [W-G] oscypocy [W-G] 2012-09-11 13:21:35
Buffalo Soldier (480|392) K34 10,137 Foot Soilder [W-G] justpurefun [Grim] 2012-09-11 06:02:44
Barbarian village (493|437) K44 9,209 Foot Soilder [W-G] rob2409 [SAS] 2012-07-16 17:38:16
RAGE (473|418) K44 9,418 Foot Soilder [W-G] marney24 [SAS] 2012-07-16 14:50:18
Mutchs Tepee (491|436) K44 9,418 Foot Soilder [W-G] mutch24 [W.G] 2012-07-16 12:05:09
081 (483|411) K44 8,197 Foot Soilder [W-G] marney24 [SAS] 2012-07-16 11:34:20
Smog 050 (492|430) K44 9,224 Foot Soilder [W-G] mutch24 [W.G] 2012-07-16 07:10:00
Persistence of Memory 0185 (491|412) K44 9,186 Foot Soilder [W-G] The Haggis Basher [SAS] 2012-07-16 01:20:02
081 (483|411) K44 8,382 WelshFrogman [SOS] Foot Soilder [W-G] 2012-07-15 17:08:37
081 (483|411) K44 8,382 Foot Soilder [W-G] Foot Soilder [W-G] 2012-07-15 17:08:37
081 (483|411) K44 8,382 Foot Soilder [W-G] WelshFrogman [SOS] 2012-07-15 17:08:25
Barbarian village (492|436) K44 9,138 Foot Soilder [W-G] rob2409 [SAS] 2012-07-15 16:57:05
215 (494|437) K44 9,179 Foot Soilder [W-G] rob2409 [SAS] 2012-07-15 10:13:57
>1< [2] [3] [4] [5] [all] 98

2025-03-14 15:42:04 GMT

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