Tribal Wars Stats: World 11: Player

Tribalwars Player Profile: WARLORD SETTERZ (villages)

[2] [all]
000 Mount Doom10,471576|624K65
001 Mordor10,471569|626K65
002 Minus Morgul10,471569|628K65
003 Isengard10,471570|626K65
004 Rohan10,471579|624K65
005 Helms Deep10,471575|629K65
006 The Dead Marshes10,249574|633K65
007 Mines of Moria10,471570|627K65
008 Sherlops Lair10,471575|627K65
009 Fangorn Forest10,471569|627K65
011 Osgiliath10,471583|622K65
012 Brandywine10,471583|618K65
013 Orthanc10,471585|615K65
014 River Isen10,471569|604K65
015 The Black Gate10,471583|612K65
016 Mirkwood10,471578|620K65
017 Ithilian10,471587|612K65
018 The Misty Mountains10,471582|618K65
019 Anduin10,471586|614K65
020 Minus Ithill10,471575|622K65
021 The Burning Plains10,471591|635K65
022 Paths Of The Dead10,471583|611K65
023 Bree10,244580|640K65
024 Nimrodel10,471577|614K65
025 Caradhras10,363585|597K55
026 Dunland10,471599|608K65
027 Gondor10,471577|625K65
028 Minis Tirith10,471572|617K65
029 Hobbiton10,471582|622K65
030 North Farthing10,244587|620K65
031 Weathertop10,471585|629K65
032 Barad-Dur10,092565|626K65
033 The Shire10,363574|638K65
034 Cracks of Doom10,471584|597K55
035 Lothlorien10,471575|621K65
037 Sam(wise)10,471618|615K66
038 Merry10,471617|609K66
039 Pippin10,471616|609K66
040 Gandalf10,235529|645K65
041 Aragorn10,471571|626K65
042 Legolas10,471566|613K65
043 Gimli10,471600|607K66
044 Boromir10,471571|621K65
045 Frodo10,471618|610K66
046 The Eye10,471602|605K66
047 The One Ring10,471570|628K65
048 The Fellowship10,471596|610K65
049 The two Towers8,959591|589K55
050 The forbidden Pool10,471589|608K65
051 The return of the King10,471619|617K66
[2] [all]


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2025-03-11 12:47:21 GMT

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