Tribal Wars Stats: World 12: Player

Tribalwars Player Profile: PrincessLovesTeddy

posted by BigJordC at 24th May 2012 - 08:08:58 Vote up! +1 Vote down!
Sounds like it's your time of the month... haha!

Well I actually did pass the message onto V.C. and you got it didn't you? It's right here waiting for you :) Not loyal to my tribe? I am sorry, look where most of the members have disappeared off to, oh is that GOM, and not C~W~A ??? Oh nooo, I bet that's killing you having a tribe full of rimmed players. Best of luck nurturing the weak.
posted by princesslovesteddy at 21st May 2012 - 20:32:22 Vote up! 0 Vote down!
pffft I was not a step in duke as I withdrew my name and was not agreed to be a duke as the duke was inactive. you say what you wish. I am not staying in a tribe where I am being slagged off in and leading it... not happening. And yeah you weren't loyal well done for saying now get off my profile and grow up
posted by BigJordC at 21st May 2012 - 19:51:37 Vote up! 0 Vote down!
In response to your mail:

However what you have failed to mention, is you were in fact the 'step in' duke. People were backing you to take the privileges over and turn the tribe around. You had just got the full support of the tribe, then without any reason you left. And along with you around 10 members left, I was not going to stay in a tribe that was just going to falter and wilt away, that is the reason I left.

I wasn't completely loyal to TAL anyway, I was waiting to the new era of the tribe, the new heirachy, the new face.. So without the possibility of that happening I have left. With offers in the wind.

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