Tribal Wars Stats: World 18: Player

Tribalwars Player Profile: Karzy68

posted by Karzy68 at 17th January 2015 - 00:48:52 Vote up! +4 Vote down!
And you say I'm a big kid for slating people on my profile, so what the hell do you call this? LMFAO!
posted by The Young Wolf at 16th January 2015 - 19:12:14 Vote up! -4 Vote down!
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One of the biggest kids on the game, if things are not done his way will stop the game of football and take his ball home with him leaving his mates stunned in what the hell hes doing.
But i will give him this, hes great at admin work and organizing and trying to sort things out but will kick up a fuss here if it doesn't go the way he wants it too.
Accused me of not being a mate as i kept out of an argument between him and someone in my tribe who at the time had good reason to accuse him of account sitting the leader of the tribe, changing the privileges for himself to be a Duke then kicking the original leader and the baron. Seems legit then when the players in the tribe asked why he deleted the whole tribe to have a vendetta against players such as myself who never betrayed him and counted him as a valued player on the game.
He is hot headed and when he doesn't get his own way in this game, throws a hissy fit against everyone and then like a child makes his own tribe with the profile slating players like the big kid he is.
This lad is not trustworthy as he has been a spy and if your in charge watch your back and dont trust him as he went through several tribes in a couple of weeks just to become the leader to then once more have hissy fits, he said he was quitting world 18, 3 times since the new year but kept on trying to be a big kid so im writing him up so people who do look on TW Stats use this comment as a warning about the type of player you may have to deal with.
And i once was his good friend and i did nothing to betray his trust, in fact he betrayed me in the end and even blocked me on the world and has asked i would never contact him ever again. Oh dear oh dear, pathetic little child!!!

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