Tribal Wars Stats: World 2: Tribe

Tribalwars Tribe Profile: Bears of the North (conquers)

Type Old tribe New tribe Min/Max points Date range  

>1< [all] 3
  Village Points Old owner New owner Date/Time
Battery of the Bravest Men (357|315) K33 2,840 Grizzlythebrown [BOTN] gethinchink [DND] 2010-05-11 09:15:17
Menethil (355|315) K33 4,199 Grizzlythebrown [BOTN] WOLF WARIOR RO [(GB)] 2010-05-04 21:42:21
Battery of the Bravest Men (357|315) K33 2,583 Barbarian Grizzlythebrown [BOTN] 2010-04-11 19:10:41
>1< [all] 3

2025-03-07 02:45:07 GMT

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