Tribal Wars Stats: World 21: Village

Village: Kemosobe face 20 (conquers)

VillagePointsOld OwnerNew OwnerDate/Time
Kemosobe face 20 (531|435) K45 9,613 yorkie the second [~RP~] eddie1pop [IBF] 2015-10-31 - 17:26:33
Kemosobe face 20 (531|435) K45 9,802 Obi one yorkie the second [~RP~] 2015-10-13 - 08:21:12
Kemosobe face 20 (531|435) K45 1,901 Barbarian Obi one [TBR] 2015-01-05 - 14:44:11

2024-11-15 23:05:52 GMT

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