Tribal Wars Stats: World 21: Tribe

Tribalwars Tribe Profile: I Kill Every Army (tribe changes)

Player Action Date/Time Points
RoryJ1980 Left 09th April 2015 - 11:18 750
Chelseajean Left 09th April 2015 - 11:18 733
olwhitg Left 09th April 2015 - 11:18 5,275
King Doxey Left 09th April 2015 - 11:18 163
phantombrave Left 08th April 2015 - 18:25 2,440
hcole1891 Left 08th April 2015 - 17:21 5,105
BluntBlaze100 Left 08th April 2015 - 16:28 2,238
bob31 Left 08th April 2015 - 12:34 3,013
jo58 Left 06th April 2015 - 18:18 1,796
mistszuPL Left 05th April 2015 - 20:20 1,120
King Doxey Joined 31st March 2015 - 16:26 550
phantombrave Joined 30th March 2015 - 21:17 1,807
mistszuPL Joined 28th March 2015 - 21:15 580
BluntBlaze100 Joined 27th March 2015 - 23:16 530
hcole1891 Joined 27th March 2015 - 19:15 1,472
Kirkby III Left 26th March 2015 - 17:14 20,769
Kirkby III Joined 26th March 2015 - 15:21 20,208
jo58 Joined 23rd March 2015 - 20:21 60
Nails Left 22nd March 2015 - 18:18 8,828
bob31 Joined 21st March 2015 - 16:16 2,637
Nails Joined 21st March 2015 - 13:15 8,689
tim666 Left 18th March 2015 - 03:17 0
lairdscott6 Left 07th March 2015 - 11:15 0
dixond94 Left 07th March 2015 - 11:15 209
Madfanta Left 14th February 2015 - 23:52 0
johntoe Left 07th February 2015 - 02:19 0
dixond94 Joined 05th February 2015 - 19:27 173
BoltonFanatic Left 04th February 2015 - 01:36 580
clairejm1981 Left 04th February 2015 - 01:36 0
Zeli Left 04th February 2015 - 01:36 0
Yateseyboy Left 30th January 2015 - 02:18 0
Veljex Left 24th January 2015 - 19:20 3,862
trebor79 Left 24th January 2015 - 10:29 5,114
clairejm1981 Joined 21st January 2015 - 17:36 2,293
leader09 Left 20th January 2015 - 02:23 1,007
Rex Scottorum Left 20th January 2015 - 02:23 775
Rex Scottorum Joined 19th January 2015 - 18:30 832
The Ice Man Left 19th January 2015 - 14:40 2,022
Big blue Left 19th January 2015 - 11:46 1,700
Madfanta Joined 18th January 2015 - 16:28 192
trebor79 Joined 18th January 2015 - 14:28 2,477
Big blue Joined 18th January 2015 - 04:19 1,528
JohnC59 Left 18th January 2015 - 00:37 3,139
Veljex Joined 16th January 2015 - 23:27 1,857
The Ice Man Joined 16th January 2015 - 09:24 1,259
Zeli Joined 15th January 2015 - 10:29 311
tim666 Joined 13th January 2015 - 16:30 18,116
Craig679 Left 12th January 2015 - 18:35 36
BATTLE-AXE Left 12th January 2015 - 18:35 36
TheDon1993 Left 12th January 2015 - 18:35 224
Disporis Left 11th January 2015 - 17:36 0
JohnC59 Joined 11th January 2015 - 14:42 2,883
nal-saturn Left 10th January 2015 - 16:37 429
Karolkarol Left 09th January 2015 - 14:28 1,525
nal-saturn Joined 09th January 2015 - 09:20 355
reece684 Left 09th January 2015 - 07:26 539
Mikeyy Left 09th January 2015 - 00:21 0
BoltonFanatic Joined 09th January 2015 - 00:21 104
reece684 Joined 09th January 2015 - 00:21 539
ErwinAndWarDaddy Left 07th January 2015 - 21:39 1,562
TheDon1993 Joined 05th January 2015 - 10:31 205
lordwubster Left 03rd January 2015 - 15:23 1,127
ErwinAndWarDaddy Joined 03rd January 2015 - 14:31 863
dawsonleo Left 02nd January 2015 - 16:23 1,785
dawsonleo Joined 02nd January 2015 - 06:25 1,705
everton92 Left 31st December 2014 - 11:36 54
jakeyg Left 31st December 2014 - 11:36 36
Craig679 Joined 31st December 2014 - 10:33 1,729
gstarkirby Left 29th December 2014 - 03:20 0
craigo12310 Left 28th December 2014 - 12:43 63
BATTLE-AXE Joined 27th December 2014 - 08:28 355
Karolkarol Joined 26th December 2014 - 01:25 533
Mikeyy Joined 22nd December 2014 - 11:42 515
olwhitg Joined 21st December 2014 - 18:23 6,769
jeffhawk Left 19th December 2014 - 18:20 108
gypsy007 Left 15th December 2014 - 17:23 36
benpod1 Left 15th December 2014 - 17:23 0
charles1740 Left 15th December 2014 - 17:23 36
leader09 Joined 13th December 2014 - 03:17 210
Hugh Hiltingham Left 11th December 2014 - 23:22 94
bigthurlo Left 10th December 2014 - 19:31 0
JordCorfield Left 09th December 2014 - 01:27 283
gstarkirby Joined 07th December 2014 - 23:20 66
Torbitt666 Left 07th December 2014 - 22:30 216
aquarius7 Left 04th December 2014 - 16:18 3,561
Wookiee Left 04th December 2014 - 02:25 4,926
lukewood2101 Left 03rd December 2014 - 22:31 122
jakeyg Joined 01st December 2014 - 20:25 385
charles1740 Joined 01st December 2014 - 15:23 1,136
TommyTank200 Left 01st December 2014 - 02:19 0
lairdscott6 Joined 29th November 2014 - 21:21 594
Disporis Joined 28th November 2014 - 02:17 170
bigthurlo Joined 27th November 2014 - 21:19 1,407
tim666 Left 27th November 2014 - 15:19 1,212
johnboy-15 Left 27th November 2014 - 01:27 0
white horse Left 25th November 2014 - 11:22 8,575
craigo12310 Joined 24th November 2014 - 17:23 312
sassy123 Left 23rd November 2014 - 21:22 80
everton92 Joined 22nd November 2014 - 15:21 194
Torbitt666 Joined 22nd November 2014 - 14:20 92
lukewood2101 Joined 22nd November 2014 - 13:19 508
Wookiee Joined 21st November 2014 - 21:21 2,869
King Davidd Left 21st November 2014 - 21:21 1,321
punta001 Left 21st November 2014 - 12:19 3,678
Lukester18 Left 20th November 2014 - 20:21 4,175
TommyTank200 Joined 20th November 2014 - 14:18 21,068
aquarius7 Joined 17th November 2014 - 10:24 2,833
gypsy007 Joined 16th November 2014 - 17:27 319
Mark1Mark Left 16th November 2014 - 17:27 0
johnboy-15 Joined 15th November 2014 - 20:23 7,148
white horse Joined 15th November 2014 - 18:25 4,456
jeffhawk Joined 15th November 2014 - 13:27 3,166
sassy123 Joined 13th November 2014 - 22:24 3,954
sassy123 Left 13th November 2014 - 21:27 3,918
Mark1Mark Joined 13th November 2014 - 21:27 3,474
speckledhen Left 13th November 2014 - 17:29 987
Jwj901 Left 12th November 2014 - 15:21 905
vomit29 Left 12th November 2014 - 13:21 133
help Left 12th November 2014 - 10:22 0
pinty1990 Left 11th November 2014 - 22:23 0
Lord jambo Left 11th November 2014 - 21:23 4,745
JordCorfield Joined 11th November 2014 - 11:27 3,964
vomit29 Joined 11th November 2014 - 11:27 4,455
vomit29 Left 11th November 2014 - 00:20 4,451
Edmarwardtha Left 10th November 2014 - 20:22 1,562
5511Phil Left 10th November 2014 - 20:22 3,841
Ralph Left 10th November 2014 - 20:22 56
King Davidd Joined 10th November 2014 - 19:23 849
GEO2090 Left 10th November 2014 - 01:24 0
tim666 Joined 09th November 2014 - 22:22 2,399
RadicalBenX Left 07th November 2014 - 23:22 36
SolventSine67 Left 07th November 2014 - 20:20 4,396
Jwj901 Joined 07th November 2014 - 20:20 729
SolventSine67 Joined 07th November 2014 - 19:19 4,396
Raeru Left 07th November 2014 - 15:20 0
benpod1 Joined 06th November 2014 - 21:20 3,915
Edmarwardtha Joined 06th November 2014 - 19:20 1,286
tim666 Left 06th November 2014 - 18:20 2,170
King bubbles Left 06th November 2014 - 18:20 196
vomit29 Joined 05th November 2014 - 16:27 4,126
Faker Left 05th November 2014 - 14:28 0
Raeru Joined 04th November 2014 - 17:22 2,708
punta001 Joined 04th November 2014 - 15:23 2,205
TommyTank200 Left 04th November 2014 - 13:23 9,783
buggyman Left 03rd November 2014 - 23:25 1,767
King bubbles Joined 02nd November 2014 - 21:21 264
seanybaby Left 02nd November 2014 - 08:21 8,766
Yateseyboy Joined 01st November 2014 - 21:19 2,050
Yateseyboy Left 31st October 2014 - 00:17 2,113
Faker Joined 28th October 2014 - 15:22 1,673
limbos Left 28th October 2014 - 00:20 4,893
buggyman Joined 27th October 2014 - 09:22 1,192
DansAWilly Left 27th October 2014 - 01:24 2,022
tim666 Joined 26th October 2014 - 22:22 1,639
Faker Left 26th October 2014 - 21:21 1,602
5511Phil Joined 25th October 2014 - 13:19 1,695
speckledhen Joined 25th October 2014 - 12:18 2,458
adam316 Left 24th October 2014 - 00:39 36
stiggyprince Left 23rd October 2014 - 20:23 1,639
sassy123 Joined 22nd October 2014 - 22:24 1,277
Caulf02 Left 22nd October 2014 - 12:22 0
GEO2090 Joined 20th October 2014 - 03:18 1,231
Lord jambo Joined 20th October 2014 - 01:25 864
maddave Left 19th October 2014 - 11:23 1,357
archeye Left 18th October 2014 - 23:21 3,215
adam316 Joined 17th October 2014 - 21:21 1,101
Jordzilla8 Left 17th October 2014 - 21:21 376
Chelseajean Joined 17th October 2014 - 16:20 606
spencerasmith Left 17th October 2014 - 15:18 1,436
sotiiris Left 16th October 2014 - 14:18 426
Hugh Hiltingham Joined 16th October 2014 - 14:18 1,074
RoryJ1980 Joined 13th October 2014 - 17:24 407
IronBadge Left 13th October 2014 - 17:24 422
Yateseyboy Joined 12th October 2014 - 20:22 578
maddave Joined 12th October 2014 - 16:29 767
archeye Joined 12th October 2014 - 16:29 1,415
johntoe Joined 12th October 2014 - 15:21 257
Zeewier Left 12th October 2014 - 15:21 238
militantatheist Left 10th October 2014 - 18:19 653
RadicalBenX Joined 10th October 2014 - 10:18 143
heryczb Left 10th October 2014 - 06:16 812
igkya Left 09th October 2014 - 21:19 396
pinty1990 Joined 09th October 2014 - 16:18 236
pinty1990 Left 09th October 2014 - 14:18 222
Caulf02 Joined 08th October 2014 - 22:26 348
igkya Joined 08th October 2014 - 21:24 382
gez77 Left 08th October 2014 - 08:28 396
I Animal I Left 08th October 2014 - 00:21 116
help Joined 07th October 2014 - 17:24 281
asanchania Left 07th October 2014 - 15:21 1,042
Smilq Left 07th October 2014 - 11:27 365
seanybaby Joined 07th October 2014 - 10:24 400
mitage35 Left 07th October 2014 - 09:22 428
TommyTank200 Joined 07th October 2014 - 08:26 549
TommyTank200 Left 06th October 2014 - 21:21 509
Faker Joined 06th October 2014 - 19:24 355
tazmad Left 06th October 2014 - 18:22 121
I Animal I Joined 02nd October 2014 - 20:19 116
kalinga Left 02nd October 2014 - 20:19 36
mitage35 Joined 02nd October 2014 - 19:23 142
sour-lemon41 Left 02nd October 2014 - 19:23 36
militantatheist Joined 02nd October 2014 - 12:16 103
spencerasmith Joined 02nd October 2014 - 12:16 116
DansAWilly Joined 02nd October 2014 - 12:16 117
stiggyprince Joined 02nd October 2014 - 12:16 122
asanchania Joined 02nd October 2014 - 11:18 85
limbos Joined 02nd October 2014 - 11:18 107
sotiiris Joined 02nd October 2014 - 11:18 86
heryczb Joined 02nd October 2014 - 11:18 101
Jordzilla8 Joined 02nd October 2014 - 11:18 78
TommyTank200 Joined 02nd October 2014 - 11:18 84
lordwubster Joined 02nd October 2014 - 11:18 86
Zeewier Joined 02nd October 2014 - 11:18 102
Smilq Joined 02nd October 2014 - 11:18 99
gez77 Joined 02nd October 2014 - 08:17 0
pinty1990 Joined 01st October 2014 - 21:22 0
sour-lemon41 Joined 01st October 2014 - 14:24 0
kalinga Joined 01st October 2014 - 11:22 0
tazmad Joined 01st October 2014 - 01:35 0
IronBadge Joined 29th September 2014 - 22:23 0
Lukester18 Joined 29th September 2014 - 21:22 0
Ralph Joined 29th September 2014 - 02:20 0

2025-03-14 15:25:22 GMT

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