Tribal Wars Stats: World 23: Player

Tribalwars Player Profile: Legendary Jet (conquers)

Type Old player New player Old tribe New tribe Min/Max points Date range  

>1< [2] [all] 26
  Village Points Old owner New owner Date/Time
003|007 (484|418) K44 4,228 Legendary Jet tommyc1405 [VODKA.] 2015-08-13 22:57:12
Libations (485|446) K44 3,379 Legendary Jet Lord Greg [VODKA.] 2015-08-13 19:49:55
Larkins (482|447) K44 2,842 Legendary Jet [VODKA.] Lord Greg [VODKA.] 2015-08-13 00:08:45
Lass of Staffordshire (483|450) K44 2,943 Legendary Jet [VODKA.] Lord Greg [VODKA.] 2015-08-12 11:10:39
Jet (477|425) K44 5,044 Legendary Jet [VODKA.] tommyc1405 [VODKA.] 2015-08-11 19:39:36
003|006 (482|425) K44 7,240 Legendary Jet [VODKA.] tommyc1405 [VODKA.] 2015-08-11 03:04:27
169 Savinaville (492|432) K44 9,392 Legendary Jet [VODKA.] ManLikeBhan [VODKA.] 2015-08-11 00:08:33
003|005 (483|424) K44 9,350 Legendary Jet [VODKA.] tommyc1405 [VODKA.] 2015-08-10 20:03:28
F02 (493|445) K44 9,126 Legendary Jet [VODKA.] ManLikeBhan [VODKA.] 2015-08-10 09:40:38
003|004 (483|420) K44 9,757 Legendary Jet [VODKA.] tommyc1405 [VODKA.] 2015-08-10 03:50:35
001|005 (480|439) K44 3,768 Legendary Jet [VODKA.] tommyc1405 [VODKA.] 2015-08-10 02:30:18
001|006 (479|440) K44 7,656 Legendary Jet [VODKA.] tommyc1405 [VODKA.] 2015-08-10 02:29:47
Libations (485|446) K44 2,253 bigwilly1966 Legendary Jet [VODKA.] 2015-08-04 09:52:52
F02 (493|445) K44 8,628 Legendary Jet [VODKA.] Legendary Jet [VODKA.] 2015-08-02 21:08:48
F02 (493|445) K44 8,628 Legendary Jet [VODKA.] Legendary Jet [VODKA.] 2015-08-02 20:35:51
F02 (493|445) K44 8,628 fist0fgod [DA] Legendary Jet [VODKA.] 2015-08-02 20:35:51
Lass of Staffordshire (483|450) K44 2,311 Gandacul Salbatic [E.E.E.] Legendary Jet [VODKA.] 2015-07-31 19:20:48
Larkins (482|447) K44 1,073 Gandacul Salbatic [E.E.E.] Legendary Jet [VODKA.] 2015-07-26 23:34:16
171 ThreeEyesville (492|433) K44 2,760 CANARIES Legendary Jet [VODKA.] 2015-07-26 12:48:07
169 Savinaville (492|432) K44 5,939 fist0fgod [DA] Legendary Jet [VODKA.] 2015-07-16 13:45:27
>1< [2] [all] 26

2025-03-14 23:41:46 GMT

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