Tribal Wars Stats: World 23: Player

Tribalwars Player Profile: Mason the master (conquers)

Type Old player New player Old tribe New tribe Min/Max points Date range  

>1< [all] 15
  Village Points Old owner New owner Date/Time
Mason the masters village (435|632) K64 68 Mason the master Elegost [BB] 2015-11-30 19:23:41
Krivis03 (449|642) K64 427 Mason the master krivis kirvis 2015-10-30 23:00:23
Barbarian village (456|534) K54 1,511 Barbarian Mason the master [S.C.O2] 2015-09-18 11:24:46
Barbarian village (458|536) K54 1,505 Barbarian Mason the master [S.C.O2] 2015-09-16 17:33:48
0314 (399|546) K53 3,299 Mason the master [S.C.O2] UKcheese [VODKA] 2015-09-06 17:51:27
Missoni 54:152:11 C (461|537) K54 1,502 Barbarian Mason the master [AOL] 2015-09-06 07:27:17
Missoni 54:172:0 C (460|540) K54 3,332 Mason the master [AOL] IdentityTheft. 2015-08-26 14:28:07
0314 (399|546) K53 1,282 Barbarian Mason the master [AOL] 2015-08-25 08:37:19
Albert Einstein (484|614) K64 2,980 Mason the master [HA] soop [~KMD~] 2015-08-17 19:14:59
Missoni 54:152:15 C (460|538) K54 1,515 Barbarian Mason the master [HA] 2015-08-16 20:26:13
Missoni 54:172:0 C (460|540) K54 1,545 Barbarian Mason the master [HA] 2015-08-15 19:03:17
Owain Glyndwr (484|615) K64 4,390 Mason the master [HA] TheMenInRed [Nuke] 2015-07-27 22:02:27
Albert Einstein (484|614) K64 229 Barbarian Mason the master [SWAG] 2015-07-17 13:29:13
S.L 201 (517|505) K55 2,876 Mason the master [mtm] Arcis [C.N.D] 2015-06-22 01:36:04
Missoni 55:23:8 NW (518|506) K55 237 Barbarian Mason the master [LOA] 2015-06-13 09:19:28
>1< [all] 15

2025-03-07 02:10:57 GMT

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