Tribal Wars Stats: World 24: Tribe

Tribalwars Tribe Profile: Dogs of War (tribe changes)

Player Action Date/Time Points
pimmy Left 06th June 2016 - 09:15 0
mickby2k2 Left 22nd April 2016 - 04:11 0
ellgeeb Left 20th January 2016 - 02:17 0
iNuke iNoble Left 12th December 2015 - 23:19 26
iNuke iNoble Joined 02nd December 2015 - 22:16 26
AlwaysHalfAsleep Left 29th November 2015 - 21:27 274
TheProperCharlie Left 23rd November 2015 - 03:15 0
King RyanZ Left 20th November 2015 - 23:14 815
mickby2k2 Joined 19th November 2015 - 13:15 476
Jabazorz Left 19th November 2015 - 11:14 0
spongeygoodness Left 19th November 2015 - 03:14 0
loganas Left 18th November 2015 - 17:15 169
mavic Left 14th November 2015 - 11:14 2,585
Seabrook Left 12th November 2015 - 00:14 0
dpbUK Left 12th November 2015 - 00:14 0
Robin Left 10th November 2015 - 03:24 0
loganas Joined 09th November 2015 - 10:13 57
Grumpy122 Left 08th November 2015 - 04:13 0
King RyanZ Joined 04th November 2015 - 10:14 371
csbennett92 Left 03rd November 2015 - 14:16 954
The Katang Thang Left 29th October 2015 - 23:14 831
goldleaf Left 29th October 2015 - 01:21 3,374
Col-dras11 Left 28th October 2015 - 17:15 4,061
ryanclose Left 27th October 2015 - 18:15 599
Gen Fairfax Left 27th October 2015 - 18:15 0
spongeygoodness Joined 25th October 2015 - 18:16 1,723
jon77 Left 23rd October 2015 - 02:21 0
max4 Left 22nd October 2015 - 18:14 11,334
Silentfall Left 21st October 2015 - 18:14 832
solomak Left 21st October 2015 - 17:13 1,323
dah112 Left 21st October 2015 - 16:15 1,107
TheTXP Left 21st October 2015 - 14:14 917
algerie2 Left 20th October 2015 - 23:13 707
BladeCW Left 20th October 2015 - 22:14 919
csbennett92 Joined 20th October 2015 - 19:14 314
mavic Joined 20th October 2015 - 18:14 649
pimmy Joined 20th October 2015 - 07:13 710
Diggy Left 20th October 2015 - 00:14 104
overboard3 Left 20th October 2015 - 00:14 368
TheTXP Joined 19th October 2015 - 23:13 734
heather95 Left 19th October 2015 - 23:13 905
Jabazorz Joined 19th October 2015 - 23:13 1,437
max4 Joined 19th October 2015 - 21:14 10,323
dubplatekilla Left 19th October 2015 - 21:14 1,999
glenkid Left 19th October 2015 - 21:14 1,341
like eh Left 19th October 2015 - 14:13 3,088
ryanclose Joined 19th October 2015 - 09:22 516
glenkid Joined 19th October 2015 - 09:22 1,277
algerie2 Joined 19th October 2015 - 09:22 664
TheProperCharlie Joined 19th October 2015 - 09:22 301
Seabrook Joined 16th October 2015 - 11:13 776
overboard3 Joined 15th October 2015 - 23:12 318
Robin Joined 15th October 2015 - 21:13 563
Diggy Joined 15th October 2015 - 11:13 1,946
Grumpy122 Joined 14th October 2015 - 21:15 980
spongeygoodness Left 14th October 2015 - 13:14 1,093
solomak Joined 14th October 2015 - 08:16 715
heather95 Joined 14th October 2015 - 01:14 456
Col-dras11 Joined 14th October 2015 - 00:15 1,443
goldleaf Joined 13th October 2015 - 23:17 1,895
ellgeeb Joined 13th October 2015 - 23:17 1,060
AlwaysHalfAsleep Joined 13th October 2015 - 23:17 752
Silentfall Joined 13th October 2015 - 23:17 580
dah112 Joined 13th October 2015 - 22:14 675
spongeygoodness Joined 13th October 2015 - 22:14 1,093
like eh Joined 13th October 2015 - 22:14 2,581
BladeCW Joined 13th October 2015 - 21:13 289
The Katang Thang Joined 13th October 2015 - 21:13 531
dpbUK Joined 13th October 2015 - 21:13 1,044
dubplatekilla Joined 13th October 2015 - 21:13 1,154
Gen Fairfax Joined 13th October 2015 - 21:13 2,509
jon77 Joined 13th October 2015 - 21:13 2,361

2025-03-14 17:44:24 GMT

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