Tribal Wars Stats: uk26: Tribe

Tribalwars Tribe Profile: SCORPIONS (conquers)

Type Old tribe New tribe Min/Max points Date range  

>1< [2] [all] 31
  Village Points Old owner New owner Date/Time
Flag 07 (370|541) K53 681 Zoobalon [SPN] Last Behemoth [Flag] 2017-02-07 11:37:23
64:153:19 (469|638) K64 2,363 general saber [SPN] Networkwoody [AFA.] 2017-01-24 16:00:41
46:62:23 (613|419) K46 3,036 chessboy [SPN] Fr1scas [Shhh!] 2017-01-21 19:13:03
46:82:3 (613|420) K46 2,524 chessboy [SPN] Fr1scas [Shhh!] 2017-01-21 18:51:51
46:62:2 (612|415) K46 3,263 chessboy [SPN] Fr1scas [Shhh!] 2017-01-16 21:26:55
46:82:3 (613|420) K46 1,429 Barbarian chessboy [SPN] 2017-01-05 10:55:18
46:143:4 (619|435) K46 4,406 chessboy [SPN] Fr1scas [Shhh!] 2017-01-05 02:41:29
46:62:23 (613|419) K46 1,519 Barbarian chessboy [SPN] 2017-01-03 15:52:49
46:143:4 (619|435) K46 4,062 Barbarian chessboy [SPN] 2016-12-30 08:14:07
Checkpoint (513|360) K35 801 LGPCallum [SPN] Peles Tears 2016-11-09 22:28:57
XXX (375|446) K43 5,198 ernie [SPN] keepster1 [.S.] 2016-11-08 12:24:37
x1x (373|451) K43 3,660 ernie [SPN] keepster1 [.S.] 2016-11-07 18:34:15
xxx (373|447) K43 8,149 ernie [SPN] keepster1 [.S.] 2016-11-07 15:22:20
Fresh3 (364|480) K43 388 chessboy [SPN] mattacton [.S.] 2016-11-04 17:48:36
0553 (399|404) K43 2,304 Insomnia [SPN] tomstert [FCN] 2016-11-03 11:00:24
0476 (415|388) K34 2,496 King Alpher [SPN] tomstert [FCN] 2016-11-01 22:37:56
007 Barb (435|381) K34 2,050 regalian [SPN] kytte [FCN] 2016-10-29 23:06:01
Barbarian village (364|525) K53 1,696 chessboy [SPN] The butcherman [A.F.A] 2016-10-28 22:09:22
Barbarian village (362|526) K53 4,990 chessboy [SPN] The butcherman [A.F.A] 2016-10-28 19:07:13
yob8 (403|406) K44 3,150 homeofall [SPN] johnnyamps [.S.] 2016-10-28 02:05:15
>1< [2] [all] 31

2025-03-11 12:21:55 GMT

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