Tribal Wars Stats: uk26: Player

Tribalwars Player Profile: Stranded (villages)

[6] [all]
| CaM | Hold The Door | WooKiee10,000620|485K46
000 - who has the sit ;)10,000556|500K55
001 - Moose10,000528|570K55
002 - Moose9,906527|569K55
003 - Moose9,923527|567K55
0032 K46 Smithyd210,000620|475K46
004 - Moose10,000519|578K55
004 Charmander9,841623|472K46
0042 K46 Smithyd210,000621|472K46
0043 K46 Smithyd210,000619|472K46
0046 K46 Smithyd210,000620|473K46
005 - Moose9,906520|573K55
006 - Sent By Bot9,795524|579K55
007 - Moose9,365522|576K55
008 - Moose10,000526|577K55
009 - Moose9,906518|576K55
010 - Moose10,000523|580K55
011 - Sent By Bot9,870526|581K55
012 - Moose9,365522|585K55
013 - Sent By Bot ;)10,000520|590K55
0131 K46 Smithyd210,000619|470K46
014 - Bot Slept In9,841521|585K55
015 - Moose10,000524|584K55
016 - Moose10,000534|553K55
017 - Moose9,752530|558K55
0172 K46 Smithyd210,000613|475K46
0177 K46 Smithyd210,000612|474K46
0179 K46 Smithyd29,911608|476K46
018 - Moose10,000536|552K55
019 - Moose10,000534|549K55
020 - Moose9,752532|555K55
021 - Moose10,000535|554K55
022 - Moose10,000533|550K55
023 - Moose10,000535|552K55
024 - Moose9,365533|554K55
025 - Moose9,752531|551K55
026 - Moose10,000528|541K55
027 - Moose10,000529|539K55
028 - Bot Overload10,000528|540K55
029 - Moose10,000527|539K55
030 - Moose10,000527|548K55
031 - Moose9,365529|548K55
032 - Moose9,365532|575K55
033 - Moose10,000527|538K55
034 - Moose9,752530|539K55
035 - Moose10,000529|575K55
036 - Moose10,000523|574K55
037 - Moose10,000532|544K55
038 - Moose10,000532|533K55
039 - Moose9,753528|534K55
[6] [all]


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2025-03-11 12:18:43 GMT

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