Tribal Wars Stats: uk28: Player

Tribalwars Player Profile: Centuri (villages)

[10] [all]
~001~ Pulsar12,145472|503K54
~002~ Sarons Eye10,576473|508K54
~003~ Four Fingers12,135474|505K54
~004~ Outer Ring12,135475|504K54
~005~ Inner Storm12,135475|505K54
~006~ Quantar Gate12,166474|511K54
~007~ Outer Gyre12,135467|506K54
~008~ Outer Roh-Cloud10,776481|519K54
~009~ Greater Arm12,135468|507K54
~010~ Light Gateway10,348468|506K54
~011~ Rounds Quantos10,014481|518K54
~012~ The Reaches10,234475|534K54
~013~ Inner Roh-Cloud10,587482|522K54
~014~ Hyperion Gate9,963486|514K54
~015~ Outskirts11,824476|499K44
~016~ Light Lost10,622477|499K44
~017~ Sarons Shoulder12,135475|500K54
~018~ Zealots Refuge10,155482|503K54
~019~ Great Venure Belt10,000483|511K54
~020~ Outer Storm10,466475|506K54
~021~ Klatsches Hold10,619477|504K54
~022~ Lesser Arm12,138473|505K54
~023~ Amananth10,233451|528K54
~024~ Aman Hook10,374450|527K54
~025~ The Connection10,297469|506K54
~026~ Outer Cloud12,135474|535K54
~027~ Inner Aman12,137449|529K54
~028~ Morain Harbour12,135478|499K44
~029~ Ring View12,135472|515K54
~030~ The Dark10,000472|509K54
~031~ The Main Gate10,141484|512K54
~032~ Hirbels Channel10,000479|501K54
~033~ Dark Crossroads10,002473|506K54
~034~ The Stith10,064472|505K54
~035~ Dark Gateway12,135467|500K54
~036~ The Far Outer12,166474|577K54
~037~ Far Gate10,301475|535K54
~038~ The Gyre12,154434|527K54
~039~ The Dark Trail10,000484|519K54
~040~ Lesser Locks12,135479|506K54
~041~ Canis 950210,000448|524K54
~042~ Outer Aman10,007436|533K54
~043~ Blasted Corner10,014459|509K54
~044~ Octavian Shore10,407457|510K54
~045~ Versalus Hook10,576456|510K54
~046~ Octavius Depot12,135457|509K54
~047~ Inner Lighthouse10,709471|504K54
~048~ Ridge Gate10,343476|509K54
~049~ Narrow Canal10,407483|509K54
~050~ Ekoos Stop12,135479|516K54
[10] [all]


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2024-12-22 04:10:36 GMT

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