Tribal Wars Stats: World 3: Tribe

Tribalwars Tribe Profile: L-EGG-LESS (conquers)

Type Old tribe New tribe Min/Max points Date range  

>1< [all] 20
  Village Points Old owner New owner Date/Time
Derby (492|747) K74 4,223 Kriss [~IV~] iiM Jezz [TFE] 2010-07-21 04:49:18
2.29 sweep (492|735) K74 5,542 Kriss [~IV~] skipdepot [TFE] 2010-07-19 04:40:48
3.36 Dopey (498|739) K74 6,268 Kriss [~IV~] skipdepot [TFE] 2010-07-19 03:46:29
3.33 sleepy (493|740) K74 5,784 Kriss [~IV~] skipdepot [TFE] 2010-07-18 02:59:00
3.35 Sonic The Hedgehog (496|744) K74 8,005 Kriss [~IV~] skipdepot [TFE] 2010-07-17 14:35:55
LightBluePimpernel [75:05:99] NE (559|709) K75 4,948 Kriss [~IV~] iiM Jezz [O*S] 2010-07-16 12:15:06
3.36 bashfull (497|703) K74 6,397 Kriss [~IV~] skipdepot [TFE] 2010-07-16 00:55:27
3.34 doc (500|713) K75 5,678 Kriss [~IV~] skipdepot [TFE] 2010-07-15 16:53:39
3.32 the riddler (498|716) K74 7,910 Kriss [~IV~] skipdepot [TFE] 2010-07-15 04:33:19
3.31 poison ivy (504|710) K75 5,468 Kriss [~IV~] skipdepot [TFE] 2010-07-14 19:18:18
8.14 anson (500|709) K75 5,221 Kriss [~IV~] drxes [TFE] 2010-07-14 13:09:27
8.49 sentry (501|708) K75 6,000 Kriss [~IV~] drxes [TFE] 2010-07-14 08:37:25
3.28 Cat Woman (501|709) K75 5,249 Kriss [~IV~] skipdepot [TFE] 2010-07-14 00:39:31
3.29 Dr Freeze (502|710) K75 9,766 Kriss [~IV~] skipdepot [TFE] 2010-07-14 00:26:21
3.30 Riddler (503|711) K75 10,446 Kriss [~IV~] skipdepot [TFE] 2010-07-13 23:25:21
LightBluePimpernel [74:49:20] NE (490|742) K74 8,487 Kriss [~IV~] drxes [TFE] 2010-07-13 20:14:43
1.64 the joker retuns (505|690) K65 5,332 Kriss [~IV~] skipdepot [TFE] 2010-07-13 03:03:24
1.63 penguin (499|704) K74 3,903 Kriss [~IV~] skipdepot [TFE] 2010-07-12 22:05:52
LightBluePimpernel [74:49:20] NE (490|742) K74 9,019 drxes [TFE] Kriss [~IV~] 2010-07-12 20:41:07
1.61 robin (505|692) K65 5,659 Kriss [~IV~] skipdepot [TFE] 2010-07-12 19:53:33
>1< [all] 20

2025-03-07 02:46:35 GMT

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