Tribal Wars Stats: uk33: Player

Tribalwars Player Profile: -Feel the Peacocks (conquers)

Type Old player New player Old tribe New tribe Min/Max points Date range  

>1< [2] [3] [4] [all] 78
  Village Points Old owner New owner Date/Time
Aint My Fault (460|540) K54 10,280 -Feel the Peacocks [been] 2017-10-15 22:37:54
Lock [074] (470|546) K54 10,239 -Feel the Peacocks LuckyJay [WaTF] 2017-10-15 14:14:00
K54 060 RAWR (467|551) K54 9,167 -Feel the Peacocks SChaouki97 [UK 33] 2017-10-15 09:26:16
K54 || TheVangaurd || 350 (473|536) K54 9,727 -Feel the Peacocks Rutsbag [WaTF] 2017-10-14 18:12:16
#RRTW 011 W (460|546) K54 8,483 -Feel the Peacocks Hells Reaper [Mayans] 2017-10-14 16:29:22
#RRTW 043 N (478|542) K54 6,920 -Feel the Peacocks Mr.Impossible [WaTF] 2017-10-14 10:55:23
030 (467|540) K54 9,727 -Feel the Peacocks carl197 [WaTF] 2017-10-14 10:01:04
Naughty Step (474|538) K54 5,213 -Feel the Peacocks Lazybones [WaTF] 2017-10-14 09:02:03
Lock [081] (471|544) K54 7,436 -Feel the Peacocks [been] 2017-10-14 08:30:29
SW 08 Nutz (462|549) K54 6,954 -Feel the Peacocks Seneca [been] 2017-10-14 08:10:24
Lock [079] (466|544) K54 8,802 -Feel the Peacocks trail [been] 2017-10-14 01:29:29
West 126 (462|535) K54 9,188 -Feel the Peacocks AR11 [[A2]] 2017-10-13 19:53:10
Lock [142] (468|553) K54 10,239 -Feel the Peacocks Pit Viper [been] 2017-10-13 18:09:20
027 Limit Breaker (477|543) K54 10,239 -Feel the Peacocks Peaceful Peasant [WaTF] 2017-10-13 17:10:49
West 096 (459|543) K54 5,967 -Feel the Peacocks Horatio111 [RESIST] 2017-10-13 15:04:09
West 095 (458|542) K54 7,066 -Feel the Peacocks Horatio111 [RESIST] 2017-10-13 11:57:22
Baptism of Fire (466|541) K54 10,239 -Feel the Peacocks Mr.Impossible [WaTF] 2017-10-13 11:56:00
Lock [069] (468|550) K54 10,239 -Feel the Peacocks Peaceful Peasant [WaTF] 2017-10-13 10:03:01
Begonia 08 (470|532) K54 10,239 -Feel the Peacocks Exsedor [SLAP.] 2017-10-13 09:30:51
James Bond (461|538) K54 10,239 -Feel the Peacocks Beer Slayer [UK 33] 2017-10-13 08:19:45
>1< [2] [3] [4] [all] 78

2025-03-14 14:14:20 GMT

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