Tribal Wars Stats: uk33: Player

Tribalwars Player Profile: Wispa922 (conquers)

Type Old player New player Old tribe New tribe Min/Max points Date range  

>1< [2] [3] [all] 54
  Village Points Old owner New owner Date/Time
shhhh (488|486) K44 5,214 Wispa922 [WW1] Splatoza [Rogue.] 2018-04-26 23:46:25
Black Raven 08 (509|441) K45 6,915 Wispa922 [WW1] maya1 [Rogue] 2018-04-26 20:33:15
Glyncal (486|482) K44 10,083 Wispa922 [WW1] PAUL T and MASTERS [Rogue] 2018-04-26 20:30:23
093 (485|483) K44 10,101 Wispa922 [WW1] Chris-J-K [Rogue.] 2018-04-26 19:52:50
Bopit (492|480) K44 9,841 Wispa922 [WW1] PAUL T and MASTERS [Rogue] 2018-04-26 19:13:03
nah (494|481) K44 5,674 Wispa922 [WW1] wolfsbane44 [Rogue] 2018-04-26 19:09:49
042 (487|485) K44 4,874 Wispa922 [WW1] Splatoza [Rogue.] 2018-04-26 16:21:54
092 (488|487) K44 5,529 Wispa922 [WW1] Chris-J-K [Rogue.] 2018-04-25 18:22:46
091 (489|485) K44 5,383 Wispa922 [WW1] Chris-J-K [Rogue.] 2018-04-24 20:28:20
090 (489|488) K44 5,778 Wispa922 [WW1] Chris-J-K [Rogue.] 2018-04-24 16:03:07
bleh (494|477) K44 7,270 Wispa922 [WW1] Bruce Banner [Rogue] 2018-04-19 19:07:12
Burchy183 (485|473) K44 9,502 Wispa922 [WW1] Hells Reaper [Rogue] 2018-04-17 12:51:13
058 | Rio² (493|479) K44 9,627 Wispa922 [WW1] Paperclip [Rogue] 2018-04-16 21:25:05
Burchy179 (486|473) K44 8,879 Wispa922 [WW1] Hells Reaper [Rogue] 2018-04-16 09:44:37
088 (492|491) K44 9,794 Wispa922 [WW1] Chris-J-K [Rogue.] 2018-04-15 20:50:56
Burchy178 (499|466) K44 9,857 Wispa922 [WW1] Hells Reaper [Rogue] 2018-04-15 20:10:09
Santas den (497|462) K44 5,423 Wispa922 [WW1] Joshkebab159 [Rogue.] 2018-04-14 23:36:38
Burchy171 (498|462) K44 9,330 Wispa922 [WW1] Hells Reaper [Rogue] 2018-04-13 14:53:49
Burchy178 (499|466) K44 9,763 Barbarian Wispa922 [WW1] 2018-04-07 05:33:24
Burchy171 (498|462) K44 9,550 Barbarian Wispa922 [WW1] 2018-04-06 17:57:13
>1< [2] [3] [all] 54

2025-03-14 23:33:29 GMT

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