Tribal Wars Stats: World 4: Tribe

Tribalwars Tribe Profile: The Razzers (tribe changes)

Player Action Date/Time Points
mark nicholls Left 08th May 2011 - 05:13 0
The-Razzer-Ross Left 10th February 2011 - 04:16 0
kingMesbah Left 16th October 2010 - 06:30 0
kingMesbah Joined 19th September 2010 - 15:27 736
ja jas Left 12th August 2010 - 19:19 470
The-Razzer-Ross Joined 04th August 2010 - 13:05 656
The-Razzer-Ross Left 26th July 2010 - 22:28 447
-Diesel xXx- Left 26th July 2010 - 19:19 331
Quagmire3 Left 24th July 2010 - 13:00 254
stezzacoat Left 22nd July 2010 - 06:53 0
dieselmachine Left 22nd July 2010 - 02:00 654
ronan854 Left 21st July 2010 - 13:15 0
Stratovarius Left 20th July 2010 - 16:21 2,314
GreenArmy Left 19th July 2010 - 20:31 1,921
terminatorgodz Left 19th July 2010 - 20:31 1,680
Madmax64 Left 19th July 2010 - 13:15 1,057
War Champion Left 19th July 2010 - 03:53 438
aniran morgan Left 19th July 2010 - 01:32 770
The-Razzer-Billy Left 18th July 2010 - 22:28 413
glifeguard22 Left 18th July 2010 - 19:20 184
lil boy pip Left 18th July 2010 - 19:20 14,570
coldrevenge Left 18th July 2010 - 16:16 816
bacon king Left 18th July 2010 - 16:16 9,015
jam mad Left 18th July 2010 - 13:08 528
Paulegt Left 18th July 2010 - 13:08 2,558
The-Razzer-Joe Left 18th July 2010 - 13:08 8,962
jordan99uk Left 18th July 2010 - 13:08 444
chrisharris2000 Left 18th July 2010 - 10:03 650
Shadow300 Left 18th July 2010 - 03:54 1,647
g3offr3y Left 18th July 2010 - 03:54 6,945
littlerob69 Left 18th July 2010 - 01:29 148
stevenc47 Left 18th July 2010 - 01:29 1,390
-Diesel xXx- Joined 17th July 2010 - 22:14 309
hibobb1 Left 15th July 2010 - 22:16 279
Quagmire3 Joined 15th July 2010 - 19:07 240
aniran morgan Joined 14th July 2010 - 16:04 667
jam mad Joined 13th July 2010 - 03:53 414
War Champion Joined 13th July 2010 - 01:24 372
Ninjapro Left 13th July 2010 - 01:24 120
GreenArmy Joined 07th July 2010 - 19:14 1,202
terminatorgodz Joined 07th July 2010 - 19:14 1,107
lil boy pip Joined 05th July 2010 - 16:00 26,687
Madmax64 Joined 05th July 2010 - 03:50 309
lil boy pip Left 04th July 2010 - 22:01 26,481
lil boy pip Joined 04th July 2010 - 18:56 26,737
monkeywith1gun Left 03rd July 2010 - 12:50 890
g3offr3y Joined 02nd July 2010 - 22:01 3,052
littlerob69 Joined 02nd July 2010 - 01:18 1,784
chrisharris2000 Joined 30th June 2010 - 22:12 382
Pante09 Left 25th June 2010 - 06:52 0
ronan854 Joined 24th June 2010 - 09:46 5,760
crusadermick Left 22nd June 2010 - 07:05 0
Shadow300 Joined 20th June 2010 - 18:52 885
theGenK Left 18th June 2010 - 22:14 896
Pante09 Joined 18th June 2010 - 22:14 3,493
Paulegt Joined 18th June 2010 - 03:58 952
buliss Left 17th June 2010 - 22:06 0
Alex? Left 17th June 2010 - 22:06 78
Red Devils09 Left 16th June 2010 - 19:10 3,417
lou3 Left 15th June 2010 - 18:59 368
ghost99uk Left 08th June 2010 - 19:10 59
jordan99uk Joined 08th June 2010 - 15:39 246
dieselmachine Joined 08th June 2010 - 15:39 3,052
ryan ahern Left 08th June 2010 - 15:39 1,740
coldrevenge Joined 05th June 2010 - 03:41 241
stevenc47 Joined 04th June 2010 - 21:55 1,888
ja jas Joined 04th June 2010 - 18:52 278
goochman Left 04th June 2010 - 18:52 894
jordan99uk Left 03rd June 2010 - 15:53 224
glifeguard22 Joined 02nd June 2010 - 03:46 1,058
daffyduck223 Left 31st May 2010 - 19:16 63
I K1ll U Left 31st May 2010 - 19:16 379
theGenK Joined 31st May 2010 - 16:12 643
kezzer91 Left 30th May 2010 - 12:56 1,402
oscymo Left 29th May 2010 - 19:05 577
ryan ahern Joined 29th May 2010 - 19:05 1,740
daffyduck223 Joined 29th May 2010 - 09:48 61
Ninjapro Joined 27th May 2010 - 12:45 730
The Vixen Left 26th May 2010 - 13:01 1,206
jordan99uk Joined 26th May 2010 - 09:49 64
Alex? Joined 26th May 2010 - 09:49 709
buliss Joined 25th May 2010 - 22:36 890
ghost99uk Joined 24th May 2010 - 22:21 437
kezzer91 Joined 24th May 2010 - 03:41 1,125
hibobb1 Joined 23rd May 2010 - 19:04 623
oscymo Joined 23rd May 2010 - 12:51 360
bacon king Joined 21st May 2010 - 03:48 772
herby75 Left 18th May 2010 - 22:56 118
lou3 Joined 18th May 2010 - 19:42 133
I K1ll U Joined 17th May 2010 - 22:44 142
hughess Left 15th May 2010 - 16:22 942
The-Razzer-Billy Joined 15th May 2010 - 12:59 57
mark nicholls Joined 11th May 2010 - 22:59 1,077
The Vixen Joined 11th May 2010 - 22:59 189
skeltz Left 11th May 2010 - 19:29 471
skeltz Joined 11th May 2010 - 12:55 447
herby75 Joined 11th May 2010 - 01:49 118
crusadermick Joined 09th May 2010 - 16:12 176
Red Devils09 Joined 04th May 2010 - 22:43 108
harryrag Left 04th May 2010 - 22:43 84
stezzacoat Joined 04th May 2010 - 22:43 88
hughess Joined 02nd May 2010 - 19:06 805
Divine Entity Left 29th April 2010 - 22:17 409
Stratovarius Joined 29th April 2010 - 06:53 340
harryrag Joined 27th April 2010 - 16:07 313
Divine Entity Joined 25th April 2010 - 12:59 342
monkeywith1gun Joined 17th April 2010 - 18:58 189
goochman Joined 16th April 2010 - 03:56 135
The-Razzer-Joe Joined 13th April 2010 - 22:36 80
The-Razzer-Ross Joined 13th April 2010 - 22:36 81

2025-03-13 09:54:58 GMT

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