Tribal Wars Stats: World 40: Player

Tribalwars Player Profile: Misspeppichan (conquers)

Type Old player New player Old tribe New tribe Min/Max points Date range  

>1< [all] 10
  Village Points Old owner New owner Date/Time
[071] Panda (440|540) K54 8,089 Misspeppichan [+NC_] Deano. [OLD!] 2019-02-19 13:28:49
04 - 2 minutes to midnight (445|542) K54 7,873 Misspeppichan [+NC_] spelly [OLD!] 2019-02-18 09:14:16
04 - Aces high (444|541) K54 7,224 Misspeppichan [+NC_] Gainax [+NC_] 2019-02-16 19:03:24
04 - Wasted years (443|539) K54 8,786 Misspeppichan [+NC_] Gainax [+NC_] 2019-02-16 12:09:00
04 - Speed of light (449|537) K54 6,605 Misspeppichan [+NC_] spelly [OLD!] 2019-02-15 13:22:39
04 - Aces high (444|541) K54 7,057 Oliver twist [SCUBA] Misspeppichan [+NC_] 2019-02-10 22:04:12
[071] Panda (440|540) K54 6,722 Barbarian Misspeppichan [+NC_] 2019-01-28 22:16:51
04 - 2 minutes to midnight (445|542) K54 1,619 Barbarian Misspeppichan [+NC_] 2019-01-11 04:09:12
04 - Speed of light (449|537) K54 692 Barbarian Misspeppichan [+NC_] 2019-01-05 14:12:42
VillageoftheDamned059 (548|463) K45 861 Misspeppichan [P~R/YS] KieronB909A [TAB] 2018-12-04 19:49:12
>1< [all] 10

2025-03-11 15:04:27 GMT

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