Tribal Wars Stats: World 43: Rankings

ID Name Owner Points Location Continent
4985 RustyN11 Dragonwaster11 12,540 540|447 K45
2391 {190} GEEZADAEMON UKSjN 12,538 533|461 K45
1520 001 Ryzceltic Panther 12,538 510|537 K55
648 078 bigonesAL c0 The Unexpected 12,538 515|487 K45
2563 45 C1A087 UKSjN 12,538 522|457 K45
2748 45 C2B090 UKSjN 12,538 528|457 K45
2811 Btec 1 The Unexpected 12,538 550|510 K55
2385 {037} BRUTEDAEMON UKSjN 12,528 538|470 K45
2269 {053} CHIEFDAEMON UKSjN 12,528 519|457 K45
2424 {056} CRYBABYDAEMON UKSjN 12,528 520|457 K45
2803 {073} COVERTDAEMON UKSjN 12,528 523|454 K45
3290 *Carpe Diem The Unexpected 12,528 511|554 K55
3523 *Fusion The Unexpected 12,528 511|556 K55
1155 *Granary Square The Unexpected 12,528 520|527 K55
980 *Tobacco Dock The Unexpected 12,528 521|524 K55
1897 002 Elysium HodgyBadger 12,528 490|458 K44
1903 006 jordanc2269 Panther 12,528 504|547 K55
1170 011. Greed The Unexpected 12,528 516|470 K45
3001 025 Mos Espa AudaciousRoy 12,528 547|524 K55
613 074 bigonesAL c0 The Unexpected 12,528 517|487 K45
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