Tribal Wars Stats: World 43: Rankings

ID Name Owner Points Location Continent
1963 K001 Martins Initiative ElPatron 12,487 510|457 K45
2768 C003 for one and all ElPatron 12,480 550|515 K55
4473 Gorgonite 2 The Unexpected 12,480 563|483 K45
2201 Jac 3 The Unexpected 12,480 545|508 K55
5469 Norsca 4 The Unexpected 12,480 498|430 K44
1675 Rusty05 Dragonwaster11 12,480 537|518 K55
3008 RustyF10 Dragonwaster11 12,480 550|486 K45
3186 RustyF11 Dragonwaster11 12,480 552|488 K45
3847 RustyF23 Dragonwaster11 12,480 556|483 K45
4323 RustyN07 Dragonwaster11 12,480 545|456 K45
3203 RustyN19 Dragonwaster11 12,480 536|458 K45
4680 RustyN34 Dragonwaster11 12,480 541|455 K45
2525 RustyNC10 Dragonwaster11 12,480 516|453 K45
2738 RustyNC11 Dragonwaster11 12,480 517|453 K45
2130 RustyS34 Dragonwaster11 12,480 525|538 K55
2266 RustyS36 Dragonwaster11 12,480 527|539 K55
6275 RustySW03 Dragonwaster11 12,480 484|572 K54
2265 Up 1 The Unexpected 12,480 498|453 K44
6068 RustyNE02 Dragonwaster11 12,478 566|473 K45
1478 307 Noble Panther 12,476 491|463 K44
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