Tribal Wars Stats: World 43: Rankings

ID Name Owner Points Location Continent
77 042 Elysium HodgyBadger 12,304 499|479 K44
3188 365 Noble Panther 12,304 487|553 K54
5569 369 Noble Panther 12,304 436|526 K54
1016 444 Noble Panther 12,304 527|483 K45
4535 45 A4B038 UKSjN 12,304 525|441 K45
3794 621 AudaciousRoy 12,304 511|443 K45
553 A007 Vultures Eat The Dead ElPatron 12,304 524|510 K55
754 A008 Deportation ElPatron 12,304 525|509 K55
1082 A015 Weber the King ElPatron 12,304 532|510 K55
1248 A017 Weber the King 3 ElPatron 12,304 534|510 K55
1512 A031 RudeyRudeyRudeyRudeyyyyy13 ElPatron 12,304 535|516 K55
1866 B004 LaQuicas Lounge ElPatron 12,304 515|541 K55
1908 B005 La Quica Store ElPatron 12,304 518|540 K55
2105 B006 La Quica Shooting Range ElPatron 12,304 515|543 K55
2303 B007 La Quicas Labyrinth ElPatron 12,304 519|544 K55
5565 Barbarian village The Unexpected 12,304 499|429 K44
3386 C004 Here they are ElPatron 12,304 548|517 K55
2275 C006 - The Jac ElPatron 12,304 545|510 K55
2224 C008 Razo Time 2 ElPatron 12,304 544|517 K55
2580 C011 Razo Time 5 ElPatron 12,304 545|519 K55
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