Tribal Wars Stats: World 5: Tribe

Tribalwars Tribe Profile: THE ORDER (tribe changes)

Player Action Date/Time Points
kaameloott Left 25th March 2011 - 21:13 302
donwelshwizard Left 17th March 2011 - 11:14 0
EdwardTe Left 25th February 2011 - 05:12 0
reza1 Left 22nd February 2011 - 06:18 0
ImSatan Left 09th February 2011 - 06:18 0
XH558 Left 05th February 2011 - 04:19 0
KingAusten Left 01st February 2011 - 19:18 33,889
maserati Left 30th January 2011 - 04:16 0
KVAZAR Left 30th January 2011 - 04:16 0
Chalky4890 Left 29th January 2011 - 22:16 368,642
Vodkadud1 Left 29th January 2011 - 19:17 176,356
RimGuy Left 29th January 2011 - 13:16 46,955
eastsider Left 28th January 2011 - 15:16 818
princesslivvy Left 28th January 2011 - 09:16 55
Thing 0 Left 28th January 2011 - 09:16 25,624
tueb Left 28th January 2011 - 08:16 93,544
bloodstorm Left 28th January 2011 - 03:17 0
tbolt77 Left 28th January 2011 - 02:17 20,762
Hawkfar Left 28th January 2011 - 02:17 14,586
Leman Russ Left 27th January 2011 - 20:16 15,044
simca2 Left 27th January 2011 - 20:16 58,063
care3cfc Left 27th January 2011 - 19:16 112,769
lma 07 Left 27th January 2011 - 19:16 7,675
strider4040 Left 27th January 2011 - 19:16 315,706
manutdSniper Left 27th January 2011 - 19:16 132,260
bob1968 Left 27th January 2011 - 19:16 74,749
baltiman Left 27th January 2011 - 19:16 166,384
AlfieDog Left 27th January 2011 - 19:16 53,881
toftyboy Left 27th January 2011 - 18:16 81,494
mark3474 Left 27th January 2011 - 18:16 794,692
cyberstitch Left 27th January 2011 - 18:16 23,925
sydney the great Left 27th January 2011 - 18:16 155,908
W1smokee Left 27th January 2011 - 18:16 477,985
killinfker Left 27th January 2011 - 17:16 273,685
StickShift Left 27th January 2011 - 17:16 237,060
jaz2007 Left 27th January 2011 - 17:16 582 Left 27th January 2011 - 17:16 111,754
Flashy Noble Left 27th January 2011 - 16:16 30,572
massfish Left 27th January 2011 - 16:16 13,557
gngr29 Left 27th January 2011 - 15:15 198,999
trence Left 27th January 2011 - 15:15 25,825
focusrs1984 Left 26th January 2011 - 04:17 0
Lord Mass Murderer Left 26th January 2011 - 04:17 0
narnarvish Left 26th January 2011 - 04:17 0 Joined 25th January 2011 - 23:17 111,754
mr tank8 Left 25th January 2011 - 06:16 0
lightstar049 Left 23rd January 2011 - 06:16 0
eastsider Joined 22nd January 2011 - 17:16 664
Flashy Noble Joined 21st January 2011 - 19:16 28,592
massfish Joined 21st January 2011 - 17:16 12,569
sydney the great Joined 18th January 2011 - 21:17 142,079
StickShift Joined 18th January 2011 - 18:17 182,885
toftyboy Joined 17th January 2011 - 15:16 54,983
bloodstorm Joined 17th January 2011 - 08:15 77,712
craftie2004 Left 17th January 2011 - 06:16 0
AlfieDog Joined 16th January 2011 - 21:17 34,742
kaameloott Joined 16th January 2011 - 20:01 4,094
simca2 Joined 16th January 2011 - 11:16 48,422
narnarvish Joined 15th January 2011 - 23:18 8,687
Hawkfar Joined 15th January 2011 - 15:18 13,792
lma 07 Joined 15th January 2011 - 11:16 5,465
Leman Russ Joined 15th January 2011 - 10:18 4,479
trence Joined 15th January 2011 - 09:15 20,693
Digger1706 Left 14th January 2011 - 19:21 330,767
KVAZAR Joined 13th January 2011 - 16:15 666,139
RimGuy Joined 13th January 2011 - 13:15 45,156
Thing 0 Joined 12th January 2011 - 03:15 3,169
W1smokee Joined 11th January 2011 - 23:16 361,516
bob1968 Joined 11th January 2011 - 20:16 49,340
care3cfc Joined 11th January 2011 - 19:16 104,858
mark3474 Joined 11th January 2011 - 13:22 622,440
mp69 Left 11th January 2011 - 10:16 6,903
care3cfc Left 10th January 2011 - 21:16 104,858
Insight Left 10th January 2011 - 09:15 405,623
shooter66 Left 10th January 2011 - 06:15 0
mark3474 Left 09th January 2011 - 22:16 590,825
ASBO123 Left 09th January 2011 - 22:16 287,566
PartisonConfederate Left 09th January 2011 - 15:16 375,021
A@shik Left 08th January 2011 - 17:15 42,606
uhy001 Left 08th January 2011 - 16:15 634,740
Eoin The Great Left 03rd January 2011 - 23:15 55
lil conquerer Left 30th December 2010 - 22:14 240,333
Lord Mass Murderer Joined 29th December 2010 - 20:15 27,444
mp69 Joined 27th December 2010 - 20:15 57,236
splodger Left 26th December 2010 - 19:30 275,307
Jacko 10 Left 26th December 2010 - 01:41 1,594
Bofox69 Left 26th December 2010 - 01:41 62,363
mp69 Left 26th December 2010 - 01:41 57,236
MichaBlack Left 26th December 2010 - 01:41 15,050
crazygoth Left 23rd December 2010 - 16:14 61,695
Lord Mass Murderer Left 23rd December 2010 - 16:14 27,291
loraq Left 23rd December 2010 - 16:14 43,764
laktus Left 22nd December 2010 - 05:15 0
craftie2004 Joined 21st December 2010 - 21:14 163,925
robert woo Left 21st December 2010 - 06:14 0
Dawesyboy99 Left 20th December 2010 - 05:15 0
spicy onion dip Left 19th December 2010 - 19:14 0
sir-nate Left 19th December 2010 - 19:14 0
MiseryDispute Left 19th December 2010 - 19:14 286
Scorpicor Left 19th December 2010 - 06:13 0
tbolt77 Joined 17th December 2010 - 04:13 10,570
MichaBlack Joined 15th December 2010 - 18:14 13,418
A@shik Joined 13th December 2010 - 09:13 7,420
sparkles Left 13th December 2010 - 03:13 1,952
djibs7 Left 13th December 2010 - 03:13 0
tbolt77 Left 13th December 2010 - 03:13 10,570
ArisIHD Left 13th December 2010 - 03:13 21,893
lil conquerer Joined 11th December 2010 - 08:13 223,135
laktus Joined 11th December 2010 - 02:13 64,256
Vodkadud1 Joined 10th December 2010 - 22:13 71,833
princesslivvy Joined 10th December 2010 - 20:13 15,510
Pandaa Left 10th December 2010 - 05:12 0
mp69 Joined 09th December 2010 - 19:13 36,157
Jacko 10 Joined 08th December 2010 - 23:12 1,181
Lord Mass Murderer Joined 08th December 2010 - 21:13 16,365
Eoin The Great Joined 08th December 2010 - 12:12 7,719
care3cfc Joined 07th December 2010 - 18:13 67,858
jaz2007 Joined 07th December 2010 - 09:12 15,118
MiseryDispute Joined 06th December 2010 - 19:12 247
logzlad Left 05th December 2010 - 13:10 118,610
Argonaut61 Left 04th December 2010 - 16:10 125,208
coatesch Left 04th December 2010 - 02:10 13,508
L.Gyorffy Left 03rd December 2010 - 18:03 19,644
kevp1984 Left 01st December 2010 - 19:03 22,215
Argonaut61 Joined 01st December 2010 - 15:03 146,749
gngr29 Joined 01st December 2010 - 09:03 134,327
EdwardTe Joined 01st December 2010 - 02:03 319,730
manutdSniper Joined 01st December 2010 - 01:06 129,466
spicy onion dip Joined 30th November 2010 - 22:03 101,491
maserati Joined 30th November 2010 - 15:03 101,072
Digger1706 Joined 30th November 2010 - 08:03 328,194
PartisonConfederate Joined 30th November 2010 - 02:03 311,432
TalkItOut Left 29th November 2010 - 14:03 251
leedsunited92 Left 29th November 2010 - 14:03 36,343
ArisIHD Joined 29th November 2010 - 14:03 18,949
dogman Left 26th November 2010 - 17:02 0
Paulo 008 Left 26th November 2010 - 17:02 5,137
Pandaa Joined 26th November 2010 - 16:02 35,232
kutusov Left 26th November 2010 - 13:02 24,096
Insight Joined 25th November 2010 - 17:06 168,381
Luhem Left 23rd November 2010 - 18:07 37,144
chat-one Left 23rd November 2010 - 18:07 39,742
-xyzjorge- Left 23rd November 2010 - 18:07 50,308
hokagejinso Left 23rd November 2010 - 06:06 0
vindaloo Left 21st November 2010 - 06:04 0
TalkItOut Joined 19th November 2010 - 22:10 123
scotty431 Left 18th November 2010 - 20:05 0
Twistkiller Left 18th November 2010 - 06:03 0
Anthonyls Left 17th November 2010 - 06:03 0
logzlad Joined 15th November 2010 - 18:05 92,399
Ben Doon Left 14th November 2010 - 02:04 182,819
Ben Doon Joined 13th November 2010 - 13:04 197,011
vindaloo Joined 13th November 2010 - 09:04 371,489
Calyndrell Left 11th November 2010 - 06:03 0
nev25 Left 10th November 2010 - 15:04 86,160
o danny boy Left 10th November 2010 - 06:03 0
-Callum-D- Left 09th November 2010 - 08:03 89,181
morganba Left 06th November 2010 - 23:03 6,014
stockoHMK Left 04th November 2010 - 22:03 15,424
kutusov Joined 04th November 2010 - 21:03 12,821
djibs7 Joined 04th November 2010 - 17:03 23,786
leedsunited92 Joined 03rd November 2010 - 18:03 169,396
Aotea Left 01st November 2010 - 18:02 0
Juzam Left 01st November 2010 - 06:02 0
pvfc Left 01st November 2010 - 01:07 109,632
kutusov Left 01st November 2010 - 01:07 12,472
cliffjack23 Left 01st November 2010 - 01:07 16,372
stepheng97 Left 01st November 2010 - 01:07 61
Mr Ted Left 31st October 2010 - 22:02 34,936
Scorpicor Joined 31st October 2010 - 08:03 22,488
cfcjustin Left 30th October 2010 - 22:03 123,767
Dawesyboy99 Joined 30th October 2010 - 13:02 24,765
Kina-Chan Left 28th October 2010 - 19:03 18,933
pvfc Joined 28th October 2010 - 15:11 106,617
-xyzjorge- Joined 28th October 2010 - 09:11 30,180
Kina-Chan Joined 27th October 2010 - 21:13 35,426
simca2 Left 27th October 2010 - 21:13 11,958
fraser highlander Left 27th October 2010 - 21:13 38,280
stepheng97 Joined 27th October 2010 - 18:10 61
Mr Ted Joined 27th October 2010 - 15:16 33,405
sparkles Joined 27th October 2010 - 12:11 51,922
ImSatan Joined 27th October 2010 - 10:21 39,591
lightstar049 Joined 27th October 2010 - 03:33 83,157
Luhem Joined 27th October 2010 - 00:56 36,706
reza1 Joined 26th October 2010 - 21:45 109,943
hokagejinso Joined 26th October 2010 - 18:43 41,207
crazygoth Joined 26th October 2010 - 18:43 44,185
killinfker Joined 26th October 2010 - 18:43 105,772
uhy001 Joined 26th October 2010 - 18:43 21,913
robert woo Joined 26th October 2010 - 18:43 116,950
splodger Joined 26th October 2010 - 18:43 59,246
Juzam Joined 26th October 2010 - 18:43 48,087
XH558 Joined 26th October 2010 - 15:42 262,386
sir-nate Joined 26th October 2010 - 15:42 67,555
fraser highlander Joined 26th October 2010 - 03:37 37,120
Paulo 008 Joined 25th October 2010 - 18:50 4,978
nev25 Joined 25th October 2010 - 15:45 81,982
Boushey Left 25th October 2010 - 15:45 83,675
Boushey Joined 25th October 2010 - 12:40 83,638
lee 30 Left 25th October 2010 - 09:34 399,408
stockoHMK Joined 25th October 2010 - 00:55 78,090
-Callum-D- Joined 24th October 2010 - 15:38 67,269
dogman Joined 24th October 2010 - 15:38 21,479
lee 30 Joined 24th October 2010 - 09:34 425,601
cfcjustin Joined 22nd October 2010 - 21:36 133,183
uneasiestbook Left 21st October 2010 - 21:43 37,117
kevp1984 Joined 20th October 2010 - 21:39 177,427
neilread2009 Left 20th October 2010 - 15:36 235,312
kevp1984 Left 19th October 2010 - 15:36 176,673
SCeNeZz Left 18th October 2010 - 18:40 136,880
DeanPenguin Left 18th October 2010 - 03:31 50,379
Cotton Vest Left 18th October 2010 - 00:45 53
*German-PoWer* Left 17th October 2010 - 21:39 267,580
just badger Left 17th October 2010 - 18:40 120,033
alphaKing Left 17th October 2010 - 15:36 108,039
marks76 Left 17th October 2010 - 15:36 173,672
luke welchs Left 17th October 2010 - 12:33 374,098
KingAusten Joined 17th October 2010 - 06:32 593
simca2 Joined 17th October 2010 - 03:30 10,363
DeanPenguin Joined 17th October 2010 - 00:46 50,269
Hobnoblin Left 17th October 2010 - 00:46 133
thomas1971f Left 16th October 2010 - 18:32 88,074
clintparker Left 16th October 2010 - 00:45 78,948
Smiler1973 Left 16th October 2010 - 00:45 35,861
just badger Joined 15th October 2010 - 21:36 91,520
alphaKing Joined 14th October 2010 - 03:28 83,684
Jake Meht Left 13th October 2010 - 21:37 6,279
killer andreas Left 13th October 2010 - 18:36 1,822
neilread2009 Joined 13th October 2010 - 15:34 209,751
cyberstitch Joined 12th October 2010 - 00:43 997
Cotton Vest Joined 11th October 2010 - 00:42 5,979
cyberstitch Left 10th October 2010 - 21:37 917
BLOODY SWORD Left 10th October 2010 - 21:37 359
Jayheard1 Left 10th October 2010 - 21:37 636
Steve69 Left 10th October 2010 - 21:37 200
loadofloot Left 10th October 2010 - 21:37 111
kutusov Joined 10th October 2010 - 21:37 3,505
BLOODY SWORD Joined 10th October 2010 - 18:35 356
loadofloot Joined 10th October 2010 - 15:32 93
The lady Left 10th October 2010 - 15:32 53
Jake Meht Joined 10th October 2010 - 15:32 2,012
Jayheard1 Joined 10th October 2010 - 12:32 578
Steve69 Joined 10th October 2010 - 09:31 171
Twistkiller Joined 09th October 2010 - 21:31 17,624
Bofox69 Joined 09th October 2010 - 21:31 21,506
morganba Joined 09th October 2010 - 12:31 2,586
cyberstitch Joined 08th October 2010 - 21:34 888
Hobnoblin Joined 08th October 2010 - 15:29 4,183
The lady Joined 08th October 2010 - 15:29 11,303
thomas1971f Joined 08th October 2010 - 12:27 71,204
Smiler1973 Joined 08th October 2010 - 12:27 26,627
tbolt77 Joined 08th October 2010 - 06:28 8,492
captaincartlidge Left 08th October 2010 - 06:28 0
clintparker Joined 08th October 2010 - 00:40 72,432
coatesch Joined 08th October 2010 - 00:40 108,019
marks76 Joined 08th October 2010 - 00:40 132,867
uneasiestbook Joined 08th October 2010 - 00:40 21,083
*German-PoWer* Joined 07th October 2010 - 18:34 220,582
SCeNeZz Joined 07th October 2010 - 15:32 104,504
edmanchamp Left 07th October 2010 - 09:27 56
skint Left 07th October 2010 - 06:27 0
luke welchs Joined 07th October 2010 - 03:27 322,612
ASBO123 Joined 05th October 2010 - 00:42 35,218
scotty431 Joined 30th September 2010 - 09:25 3,522
focusrs1984 Joined 28th September 2010 - 12:27 55,620
Petal1 Left 24th September 2010 - 15:28 8,655
flowz Left 23rd September 2010 - 18:31 49
edmanchamp Joined 20th September 2010 - 09:24 11,865
edmanchamp Left 19th September 2010 - 06:27 11,764
joeboy138 Left 19th September 2010 - 06:27 1,549
warnut Left 19th September 2010 - 06:27 0
loraq Joined 15th September 2010 - 00:52 37,677
REBEL RUSS Left 09th September 2010 - 01:08 65,491
Petal1 Joined 07th September 2010 - 19:23 43,931
L.Gyorffy Joined 07th September 2010 - 16:19 67,334
Ravager Left 06th September 2010 - 01:15 0
edmanchamp Joined 05th September 2010 - 19:21 3,005
tueb Joined 04th September 2010 - 19:13 37,559
scott12 Left 31st August 2010 - 19:17 0
edmanchamp Left 31st August 2010 - 19:17 2,996
warnut Joined 30th August 2010 - 12:58 26,092
DragonRider1994 Left 28th August 2010 - 02:29 586
warnut Left 22nd August 2010 - 22:56 22,831
RYTER1 Left 20th August 2010 - 19:14 0
benj01 Left 16th August 2010 - 03:53 17,036
classicc Left 11th August 2010 - 13:04 109
zac14villa Left 10th August 2010 - 07:08 0
chat-one Joined 07th August 2010 - 22:06 1,326
warnut Joined 07th August 2010 - 19:10 19,818
DragonRider1994 Joined 06th August 2010 - 13:01 5,418
classicc Joined 06th August 2010 - 09:53 2,041
cliffjack23 Joined 06th August 2010 - 01:21 4,595
Briandead Left 05th August 2010 - 19:10 0
cozik Left 05th August 2010 - 06:52 8,085
Anthonyls Joined 01st August 2010 - 13:02 4,187
warnut Left 28th July 2010 - 16:26 4,599
darkdestroyer Left 27th July 2010 - 22:34 1,983
warnut Joined 27th July 2010 - 13:12 4,409
o danny boy Joined 27th July 2010 - 13:12 43,523
Briandead Joined 27th July 2010 - 01:36 4,761
joeboy138 Joined 26th July 2010 - 22:28 4,102
baltiman Joined 26th July 2010 - 22:28 2,669
flowz Joined 25th July 2010 - 13:04 1,511
strider4040 Joined 22nd July 2010 - 02:00 2,463
cozik Joined 19th July 2010 - 22:45 1,169
-AJ- Left 18th July 2010 - 22:28 1,273
scott12 Joined 18th July 2010 - 19:20 2,360
zac14villa Joined 18th July 2010 - 01:30 1,680
Petal1 Left 15th July 2010 - 16:10 2,041
Briandead Left 14th July 2010 - 09:57 2,867
darkdestroyer Joined 13th July 2010 - 22:25 1,292
kevp1984 Joined 13th July 2010 - 22:25 888
justm3 Left 13th July 2010 - 12:58 3,616
animmol Left 13th July 2010 - 09:58 3,103
captaincartlidge Joined 13th July 2010 - 07:04 1,565
skint Joined 13th July 2010 - 03:53 1,783
shooter66 Joined 12th July 2010 - 22:19 893
Ravager Joined 12th July 2010 - 22:19 1,285
chunkyrik Left 12th July 2010 - 19:10 1,416
mark3474 Joined 12th July 2010 - 16:05 1,703
mosesmillard Left 12th July 2010 - 16:05 2,591
cristian healy Left 12th July 2010 - 13:04 1,548
MooreYMan Left 12th July 2010 - 13:04 3,850
benj01 Joined 12th July 2010 - 03:55 1,934
killer andreas Joined 12th July 2010 - 01:26 1,886
mosesmillard Joined 11th July 2010 - 21:58 2,467
FLASH-BANG Left 11th July 2010 - 21:58 1,580
Calyndrell Joined 11th July 2010 - 19:07 1,420
MooreYMan Joined 11th July 2010 - 16:04 3,559
Chalky4890 Joined 11th July 2010 - 16:04 1,515
RYTER1 Joined 11th July 2010 - 13:00 1,495
mr tank8 Joined 11th July 2010 - 13:00 2,078
Petal1 Joined 11th July 2010 - 07:00 1,596
chunkyrik Joined 11th July 2010 - 01:23 1,332
cristian healy Joined 11th July 2010 - 01:23 1,502
FLASH-BANG Joined 11th July 2010 - 01:23 1,479
Garzz Left 10th July 2010 - 22:04 3,231
edmanchamp Joined 10th July 2010 - 19:00 1,124
animmol Joined 10th July 2010 - 19:00 2,940
Garzz Joined 10th July 2010 - 16:06 3,221
Aotea Joined 10th July 2010 - 16:06 1,404
Briandead Joined 10th July 2010 - 16:06 2,332
justm3 Joined 10th July 2010 - 16:06 2,841
-AJ- Joined 10th July 2010 - 16:06 1,153
REBEL RUSS Joined 10th July 2010 - 16:06 950
donwelshwizard Joined 10th July 2010 - 12:59 987

2025-03-11 23:54:36 GMT

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