Tribal Wars Stats: World 50: Tribe

Tribalwars Tribe Profile: Nut Hunting Squirrels (tribe changes)

Player Action Date/Time Points
Vindictive Joined 10th January 2021 - 15:04 2,282,955
King kazac95 Left 10th January 2021 - 15:04 2,604,508
Big-Tone Joined 09th January 2021 - 16:04 3,334,469
b0ri Joined 09th January 2021 - 12:04 3,392,238
dotty7676 Joined 09th January 2021 - 11:04 3,522,577
Big-Tone Left 08th January 2021 - 21:04 3,312,093
dotty7676 Left 08th January 2021 - 01:06 3,477,018
b0ri Left 07th January 2021 - 22:04 3,168,284
Mr TOXiiC Joined 07th January 2021 - 20:04 2,569,038
TheBigDog Joined 07th January 2021 - 10:04 2,489,912
gawjussgeorguss Joined 06th January 2021 - 14:05 2,134,284
JLonce Joined 06th January 2021 - 07:05 3,450,766
Mr TOXiiC Left 05th January 2021 - 20:05 2,547,030
Petros FTW Joined 05th January 2021 - 20:05 3,448,261
TheBigDog Left 04th January 2021 - 16:04 2,427,756
JLonce Left 04th January 2021 - 13:04 3,337,235
gawjussgeorguss Left 03rd January 2021 - 20:04 2,106,555
Petros FTW Left 03rd January 2021 - 19:04 3,310,837
CellteX Joined 03rd January 2021 - 16:04 2,091,419
Vindictive Left 03rd January 2021 - 16:04 1,982,999
drluke95 Left 29th December 2020 - 19:05 1,787,558
Cheaterkadze Joined 29th December 2020 - 19:05 1,742,705
gawjussgeorguss Joined 29th December 2020 - 00:05 2,062,158
blabla Left 28th December 2020 - 23:05 2,169,936
drluke95 Joined 18th December 2020 - 21:04 1,783,788
CellteX Left 18th December 2020 - 21:04 1,565,936
Leodarius Left 18th December 2020 - 21:04 1,201,366
laingd2 Joined 18th December 2020 - 21:04 1,925,929
Vindictive Joined 12th December 2020 - 11:04 1,402,609
Andy01744 Left 12th December 2020 - 00:04 1,177,177
trotter10 Joined 12th December 2020 - 00:04 1,819,391
dotty7676 Joined 12th December 2020 - 00:04 2,462,403
King kazac95 Joined 12th December 2020 - 00:04 1,413,060
SouthzFinest1 Left 11th December 2020 - 22:04 1,146,945
laingd2 Left 11th December 2020 - 22:04 1,809,467
drluke95 Left 11th December 2020 - 21:04 1,780,977
gawjussgeorguss Left 09th December 2020 - 23:05 1,465,882
Leodarius Joined 09th December 2020 - 23:05 1,078,940
Andy01744 Joined 16th November 2020 - 17:05 849,974
JLonce Joined 16th November 2020 - 14:04 1,376,958
PeterDGreat1 Left 16th November 2020 - 01:06 0
Stop Lurking Left 12th November 2020 - 13:04 833,503
blabla Joined 17th October 2020 - 11:04 781,196
The Big D Left 05th October 2020 - 03:05 0
CellteX Joined 02nd October 2020 - 21:04 501,040
Super Sharp Shooter Left 02nd October 2020 - 16:04 467,492
drluke95 Joined 19th September 2020 - 00:04 684,918
sameerjoad Left 19th September 2020 - 00:04 211,952
sameerjoad Joined 18th September 2020 - 23:04 211,863
CellteX Left 18th September 2020 - 22:04 344,398
CellteX Joined 18th September 2020 - 11:04 342,428
farm4fun Left 08th September 2020 - 10:05 272,073
OriginalNutter. Joined 27th August 2020 - 17:04 461,997
spalobrizolas Left 27th August 2020 - 16:04 111,682
PeterDGreat1 Joined 25th August 2020 - 06:05 290,480
seni2801 Left 24th August 2020 - 21:04 145,874
Leodarius Left 24th August 2020 - 21:04 95,841
farm4fun Joined 24th August 2020 - 21:04 247,602
Super Sharp Shooter Joined 24th August 2020 - 20:04 283,602
Cheaterkadze Left 24th August 2020 - 20:04 165,857
patrao2d Joined 24th August 2020 - 20:04 129,731
Big-Tone Joined 24th August 2020 - 20:04 404,573
b0ri Joined 24th August 2020 - 20:04 334,777
BigColombia Left 24th August 2020 - 20:04 129,512
sameerjoad Left 24th August 2020 - 20:04 126,909
Nubieta Left 24th August 2020 - 19:04 86,259
blabla Left 24th August 2020 - 17:05 139,099
SouthzFinest1 Joined 24th August 2020 - 17:05 313,148
Agustin Left 24th August 2020 - 17:05 73,995
laingd2 Joined 24th August 2020 - 17:05 286,804
TheBigDog Joined 24th August 2020 - 17:05 466,671
Stop Lurking Joined 24th August 2020 - 16:04 360,228
Nikos1967 Left 24th August 2020 - 16:04 230,874
margarita63 Left 24th August 2020 - 16:04 33,913
Mr TOXiiC Joined 24th August 2020 - 12:04 436,770
fotis80 Left 24th August 2020 - 11:04 63,602
Petros FTW Joined 23rd August 2020 - 20:05 441,028
Gwennie the Welsh Left 23rd August 2020 - 19:04 17,109
Gwennie the Welsh Joined 23rd August 2020 - 18:04 17,109
The Big D Joined 23rd August 2020 - 17:04 2,390,061
-RnK- Left 23rd August 2020 - 17:04 75,142
gawjussgeorguss Joined 23rd August 2020 - 15:04 640,764
legend slayer Left 23rd August 2020 - 14:04 27,153
Brazil-1998 Left 23rd August 2020 - 14:04 77,426
legend slayer Joined 23rd August 2020 - 01:04 26,377
Talion95 Left 21st August 2020 - 12:04 272,472
spalobrizolas Joined 20th August 2020 - 16:04 106,195
-RnK- Joined 19th August 2020 - 23:05 63,429
Brazil-1998 Joined 19th August 2020 - 14:05 70,976
worthy Left 19th August 2020 - 09:05 18,631
Darkling Left 19th August 2020 - 09:05 28,882
panos336 Left 19th August 2020 - 09:05 17,459
RyDow Joined 17th August 2020 - 12:06 357,149
Gwennie the Welsh Left 12th August 2020 - 01:05 42,898
Nubieta Joined 12th August 2020 - 01:05 69,193
Silver Daze Left 11th August 2020 - 14:05 5,655
Cheaterkadze Joined 04th August 2020 - 15:06 55,616
Nikos1967 Joined 04th August 2020 - 09:06 110,389
margarita63 Joined 04th August 2020 - 06:05 13,385
worthy Joined 03rd August 2020 - 18:05 10,999
Agustin Joined 03rd August 2020 - 10:05 37,424
Darkling Joined 03rd August 2020 - 07:05 22,993
Gwennie the Welsh Joined 03rd August 2020 - 00:05 39,778
panos336 Joined 02nd August 2020 - 23:04 14,295
fotis80 Joined 02nd August 2020 - 23:04 39,243
blabla Joined 02nd August 2020 - 21:04 47,549
Leodarius Joined 02nd August 2020 - 21:04 53,415
Upside Down Left 02nd August 2020 - 21:04 24,023
Super Sharp Shooter Left 30th July 2020 - 22:04 101,454
Super Sharp Shooter Joined 29th July 2020 - 23:05 98,250
PeterDGreat1 Left 29th July 2020 - 13:05 123,598
-RnK- Left 28th July 2020 - 22:05 30,508
Trey Z Left 28th July 2020 - 12:05 26
b0ri Left 27th July 2020 - 20:05 110,973
adriaN- Left 27th July 2020 - 15:05 0
Outplayed Mate Left 24th July 2020 - 21:04 79,773
spalobrizolas Left 24th July 2020 - 21:04 62,696
sameerjoad Joined 24th July 2020 - 21:04 32,239
seni2801 Joined 24th July 2020 - 19:04 45,935
Trey Z Joined 23rd July 2020 - 18:05 27,325
jamie76 Left 23rd July 2020 - 12:05 9,405
Original Alex Left 20th July 2020 - 09:07 26
Duzza12 Left 17th July 2020 - 18:04 9,343
ryanag99 Left 15th July 2020 - 19:05 61,752
Nok Su Kao Left 15th July 2020 - 08:06 30,420
Duzza12 Joined 14th July 2020 - 14:05 19,233
Original Alex Joined 13th July 2020 - 23:05 19,426
Don Chase Left 12th July 2020 - 23:05 33,571
b0ri Joined 11th July 2020 - 16:04 55,409
spalobrizolas Joined 11th July 2020 - 15:05 48,006
gawjussgeorguss Left 07th July 2020 - 23:06 131,748
Petros FTW Left 07th July 2020 - 23:06 69,438
gawjussgeorguss Joined 06th July 2020 - 08:06 111,113
gawjussgeorguss Left 06th July 2020 - 02:08 110,018
tsangari Left 06th July 2020 - 00:06 31,530
Richmee Left 05th July 2020 - 22:05 34,703
Upside Down Joined 04th July 2020 - 09:06 11,022
piers56 Left 03rd July 2020 - 20:05 16,567
Petros FTW Joined 02nd July 2020 - 14:05 57,092
BigHugh Left 02nd July 2020 - 12:05 21,235
jamie76 Joined 01st July 2020 - 17:06 26,650
BigColombia Joined 30th June 2020 - 13:06 9,812
BigColombia Left 30th June 2020 - 12:06 13,566
BigHugh Joined 28th June 2020 - 09:06 14,506
BigHugh Left 28th June 2020 - 01:06 25,322
BigHugh Joined 27th June 2020 - 20:05 24,804
BigHugh Left 27th June 2020 - 18:05 30,103
jaguarr Left 27th June 2020 - 12:05 26
jaguarr Joined 27th June 2020 - 02:07 3,197
jaguarr Left 27th June 2020 - 01:05 3,197
farm4fun Left 27th June 2020 - 00:05 5,334
jaguarr Joined 27th June 2020 - 00:05 3,165
farm4fun Joined 25th June 2020 - 22:05 5,501
Smog Joined 24th June 2020 - 23:06 17,517
Big-Tone Left 23rd June 2020 - 13:06 28,829
PeterDGreat1 Joined 22nd June 2020 - 19:06 1,474
OriginalNutter. Left 22nd June 2020 - 19:06 10,408
Mr TOXiiC Left 21st June 2020 - 15:06 48,555
-RnK- Joined 20th June 2020 - 19:06 5,260
piers56 Joined 20th June 2020 - 14:05 6,406
jaguarr Left 20th June 2020 - 12:06 11,844
Stop Lurking Left 20th June 2020 - 10:05 31,437
jaguarr Joined 20th June 2020 - 10:05 11,844
BigColombia Joined 20th June 2020 - 00:05 4,834
jaguarr Left 18th June 2020 - 22:05 6,453
OriginalNutter. Joined 18th June 2020 - 16:05 6,736
TheBigDog Left 18th June 2020 - 13:06 15,477
Sparse Joined 17th June 2020 - 20:07 41,551
camkam11 Left 17th June 2020 - 19:07 14,619
b0ri Left 17th June 2020 - 19:07 15,728
OriginalNutter. Left 13th June 2020 - 23:05 5,357
ryanag99 Joined 13th June 2020 - 23:05 9,408
BigHugh Joined 12th June 2020 - 00:05 16,172
carecry Left 11th June 2020 - 01:06 9,167
Eriswell Joined 10th June 2020 - 23:06 14,910
ast.gangster Left 10th June 2020 - 15:06 6,802
jaguarr Joined 08th June 2020 - 20:05 4,940
Super Sharp Shooter Left 08th June 2020 - 19:06 2,681
Super Sharp Shooter Joined 07th June 2020 - 15:05 2,512
Deadlymupp Left 07th June 2020 - 11:05 6,973
Romulus Left 06th June 2020 - 09:05 3,031
Richmee Joined 06th June 2020 - 09:05 4,037
Nok Su Kao Joined 05th June 2020 - 12:05 11,425
Don Juan Left 05th June 2020 - 11:05 2,195
adriaN- Joined 04th June 2020 - 12:05 4,050
Don Juan Joined 04th June 2020 - 12:05 8,965
adriaN- Left 04th June 2020 - 11:05 4,038
Monorex Left 04th June 2020 - 11:05 2,350
OriginalNutter. Joined 23rd May 2020 - 18:05 455
storm chaser Left 23rd May 2020 - 17:05 1,251
Red Star Joined 22nd May 2020 - 15:05 435
HootieMcTootie Left 21st May 2020 - 10:05 513
Don Chase Joined 19th May 2020 - 11:06 550
Talion95 Joined 19th May 2020 - 01:06 728
jaguarr Left 17th May 2020 - 21:05 368
Richmee Left 17th May 2020 - 21:05 347
Mr TOXiiC Joined 17th May 2020 - 16:05 351
mattoverfield24 Left 17th May 2020 - 15:06 330
tsangari Joined 15th May 2020 - 00:05 212
carecry Joined 14th May 2020 - 22:05 187
b0ri Joined 14th May 2020 - 22:05 186
adriaN- Joined 14th May 2020 - 21:05 203
Stop Lurking Joined 14th May 2020 - 19:05 137
Outplayed Mate Joined 14th May 2020 - 17:05 190
storm chaser Joined 14th May 2020 - 16:05 197
camkam11 Joined 14th May 2020 - 15:05 124
Deadlymupp Joined 14th May 2020 - 15:05 157
HootieMcTootie Joined 14th May 2020 - 14:05 163
jaguarr Joined 14th May 2020 - 14:05 108
mattoverfield24 Joined 14th May 2020 - 14:05 175
Richmee Joined 14th May 2020 - 14:05 165
gawjussgeorguss Joined 14th May 2020 - 13:05 111
Silver Daze Joined 14th May 2020 - 13:05 115
Romulus Joined 14th May 2020 - 13:05 96
TheBigDog Joined 14th May 2020 - 13:05 123
Big-Tone Joined 14th May 2020 - 13:05 74
Monorex Joined 14th May 2020 - 13:05 77
ast.gangster Joined 14th May 2020 - 13:05 121

2025-03-14 15:39:54 GMT

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