Tribal Wars Stats: World 53: Player

Tribalwars Player Profile: Iaminsaneatpvp (conquers)

Type Old player New player Old tribe New tribe Min/Max points Date range  

>1< [2] [3] [all] 54
  Village Points Old owner New owner Date/Time
- 404 32- double66 (449|507) K54 2,313 Iaminsaneatpvp Alexander The Great [MA0MAO] 2021-03-29 22:46:40
- 408 00- enji (450|499) K44 9,564 Iaminsaneatpvp Alexander The Great [MA0MAO] 2021-03-29 18:16:41
- 404 30- orion (451|507) K54 5,138 Iaminsaneatpvp Alexander The Great [MA0MAO] 2021-03-29 14:00:50
080 - Harvester (430|512) K54 2,672 Iaminsaneatpvp star123 [MA0MAO] 2021-03-28 23:18:14
- 408 08- tolisddd (450|496) K44 7,206 Iaminsaneatpvp Alexander The Great [MA0MAO] 2021-03-28 00:53:56
072 - Qwertys Butcher Shop (441|507) K54 9,490 Iaminsaneatpvp star123 [MA0MAO] 2021-03-25 22:20:10
073 - Fortress de la Scannerman (443|508) K54 4,655 Iaminsaneatpvp star123 [MA0MAO] 2021-03-25 22:14:03
070 - Ice Shards (444|506) K54 4,799 Iaminsaneatpvp star123 [MA0MAO] 2021-03-25 22:10:20
071 - Onslaught (428|513) K54 2,343 Iaminsaneatpvp star123 [MA0MAO] 2021-03-25 21:38:12
089 - NS15-Gallows (433|503) K54 5,752 Iaminsaneatpvp troygrendon [SQB] 2021-03-25 21:18:21
D030.Rip (437|501) K54 5,647 Iaminsaneatpvp troygrendon [SQB] 2021-03-25 04:22:30
102 - New 6 (433|501) K54 5,155 Iaminsaneatpvp troygrendon [SQB] 2021-03-22 23:02:31
D016. Pordi (434|500) K54 5,868 Iaminsaneatpvp troygrendon [SQB] 2021-03-22 21:10:29
- 415 05- Kostascrusader (443|502) K54 6,066 Iaminsaneatpvp fourlegs [SQB] 2021-03-22 16:49:50
- 400 15- Spyridisnikos (445|500) K54 5,067 Iaminsaneatpvp fourlegs [SQB] 2021-03-22 16:28:15
D011. New (436|502) K54 8,591 Iaminsaneatpvp [SQB] star123 [MA0MAO] 2021-03-20 19:04:25
D011. New (436|502) K54 8,591 star123 [MA0MAO] Iaminsaneatpvp [SQB] 2021-03-20 18:45:42
K54:086-Go Kan Ryu_ (442|519) K54 3,219 Iaminsaneatpvp [SQB] Hitmonchan [MA0MAO] 2021-03-20 07:03:31
D012. Ffs... (435|503) K54 3,728 Iaminsaneatpvp troygrendon [SQB] 2021-03-19 23:37:22
- 415 08- (441|502) K54 5,213 Iaminsaneatpvp draxb [SQB] 2021-03-19 23:11:41
>1< [2] [3] [all] 54

2025-03-14 15:41:32 GMT

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