Tribal Wars Stats: World 57: Player

Tribalwars Player Profile: PyrrhicVictory (conquers)

Type Old player New player Old tribe New tribe Min/Max points Date range  

>1< [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [all] 116
  Village Points Old owner New owner Date/Time
83. Shame about the ending (564|496) K45 1,120 dickie6123 [EARN] PyrrhicVictory [FC] 2021-11-04 04:26:28
82. Going, going, gone (541|459) K45 3,207 legend slayer PyrrhicVictory [FC] 2021-11-02 16:44:02
81. Running out of names (565|494) K45 2,421 Blobby97 [EARN] PyrrhicVictory [FC] 2021-11-02 15:13:31
81. Running out of names (565|494) K45 2,421 PyrrhicVictory [FC] PyrrhicVictory [FC] 2021-11-02 15:13:31
80. Slayed a legend (528|494) K45 4,362 legend slayer [EZ] PyrrhicVictory [FC] 2021-11-02 00:24:28
79. The final curtain (561|499) K45 9,481 PyrrhicVictory [FC] PyrrhicVictory [FC] 2021-11-01 17:44:20
79. The final curtain (561|499) K45 9,555 dickie6123 [EARN] PyrrhicVictory [FC] 2021-11-01 17:15:00
78. And so I face (564|486) K45 9,640 dickie6123 [EARN] PyrrhicVictory [FC] 2021-11-01 13:01:45
77. The End is Near (557|513) K55 7,869 dickie6123 [EARN] PyrrhicVictory [FC] 2021-11-01 13:00:00
76. And now (558|490) K45 9,599 dickie6123 [EARN] PyrrhicVictory [FC] 2021-11-01 13:00:00
77. The End is Near (557|513) K55 7,869 PyrrhicVictory [FC] PyrrhicVictory [FC] 2021-11-01 13:00:00
76. And now (558|490) K45 9,599 PyrrhicVictory [FC] PyrrhicVictory [FC] 2021-11-01 13:00:00
75. Sorry, late to the party (522|453) K45 10,680 salle69 [static] PyrrhicVictory [FC] 2021-10-26 12:01:41
203 (572|471) K45 2,281 PyrrhicVictory [FC] Blobby97 [EARN] 2021-10-18 01:31:25
203 (572|471) K45 2,281 Barbarian PyrrhicVictory [FC] 2021-10-18 01:05:13
74. Thanks Lexi (542|534) K55 8,468 Smudgey94 [DX2] PyrrhicVictory [FC] 2021-10-16 17:40:14
73. My marriage is in Runes (433|496) K44 2,281 Barbarian PyrrhicVictory [FC] 2021-10-16 16:36:59
72. Rune Away Bride (499|558) K54 2,281 Barbarian PyrrhicVictory [FC] 2021-10-15 22:59:14
71. Rune Goldberg (448|559) K54 2,281 Barbarian PyrrhicVictory [FC] 2021-10-15 22:22:52
70. Wayne Runey (488|526) K54 2,281 Barbarian PyrrhicVictory [FC] 2021-10-15 01:26:45
>1< [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [all] 116

2025-03-14 23:39:36 GMT

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