Tribal Wars Stats: World 6: Tribe

Tribalwars Tribe Profile: THE SAXANG HORSEMEN (tribe changes)

Player Action Date/Time Points
gege25 Left 19th May 2012 - 20:15 0
cakemaker13 Left 16th April 2012 - 18:15 1,533
viper121 Left 14th April 2012 - 10:15 0
dark shadow night Left 11th April 2012 - 04:15 0
Lionman22 Left 11th April 2012 - 02:15 3,958
neilwitr Left 09th April 2012 - 08:14 6,341
7sheld Left 05th April 2012 - 20:14 0
bramley3 Left 05th April 2012 - 03:12 0
sd9602 Left 04th April 2012 - 20:14 8,376
VAULT101 Left 04th April 2012 - 19:14 16,872
Nese Left 04th April 2012 - 13:14 792
J349 Left 03rd April 2012 - 21:14 700
jamie76 Left 03rd April 2012 - 16:14 0
billshkin Left 03rd April 2012 - 10:13 964
Robulous Left 02nd April 2012 - 23:14 0
Hamster1234 Left 02nd April 2012 - 16:13 3,579
katniss52 Left 02nd April 2012 - 07:32 0
Tornado-valley Left 01st April 2012 - 17:22 0
Taylor 68 Left 31st March 2012 - 22:21 0
tribalwarsplayer Left 31st March 2012 - 18:21 50,033
shalton Left 30th March 2012 - 16:20 0
davidmillard Left 29th March 2012 - 02:26 0
STRINGER Left 28th March 2012 - 11:21 10,380
Lings Left 27th March 2012 - 22:21 0
Keithpove Left 27th March 2012 - 21:22 207,955
Acey2002 Left 26th March 2012 - 03:19 5,801
pghj2005 Left 25th March 2012 - 15:20 7,147
kg27121 Left 24th March 2012 - 18:20 1,647,390
BallBiter Left 24th March 2012 - 14:20 6,825
r3b3kascott Left 21st March 2012 - 02:20 0
oONEWBYOo Left 21st March 2012 - 00:19 81,339
valiant1971 Left 19th March 2012 - 18:20 9,278
devil emperor Left 19th March 2012 - 10:19 6,108
LADYDAY Left 19th March 2012 - 01:27 0
ndb4 Left 18th March 2012 - 19:19 4,216
milllzzy Left 18th March 2012 - 12:19 0
red4 Left 15th March 2012 - 04:17 0
hosscel Left 15th March 2012 - 04:17 0
DavySmeg Left 14th March 2012 - 01:29 7,559
tomginge Left 14th March 2012 - 00:19 0
Grumbale Left 09th March 2012 - 01:25 0
Paul Phoenix Left 07th March 2012 - 00:18 76
Samd47 Left 05th March 2012 - 21:19 0
Bhavik32 Left 04th March 2012 - 22:18 76
homeless17 Left 04th March 2012 - 01:26 0
kacpraki Left 02nd March 2012 - 01:22 0
wolfman1 Left 29th February 2012 - 16:19 19,878
jjjumper Left 23rd February 2012 - 18:16 0
Hiv Aleksa Left 18th February 2012 - 11:16 28,470
-ShadowX Left 17th February 2012 - 08:15 31,182
tomginge Joined 15th February 2012 - 19:19 3,977
Hiv Aleksa Joined 13th February 2012 - 21:17 22,111
billshkin Joined 09th February 2012 - 20:15 1,050
r s jenkins Left 08th February 2012 - 14:18 1,303
ernesteen37 Left 08th February 2012 - 13:17 42,320
devil emperor Joined 03rd February 2012 - 14:15 1,241
Hiv Aleksa Left 03rd February 2012 - 12:15 5,336
youngmale1967 Left 03rd February 2012 - 09:14 9,451
azurite Left 31st January 2012 - 03:15 427,619
davidmillard Joined 26th January 2012 - 22:15 543
Nese Joined 23rd January 2012 - 18:17 1,294
DavySmeg Joined 21st January 2012 - 00:15 1,429
jjjumper Joined 19th January 2012 - 19:15 929
john gemmell Left 19th January 2012 - 18:18 783
r3b3kascott Joined 19th January 2012 - 14:14 1,199
shalton Joined 19th January 2012 - 07:14 2,996
Hamster1234 Joined 19th January 2012 - 00:15 10,968
-ShadowX Joined 18th January 2012 - 22:16 1,404
ernesteen37 Joined 18th January 2012 - 18:15 16,147
kacpraki Joined 18th January 2012 - 17:15 269
wolfman1 Joined 18th January 2012 - 15:15 4,484
r s jenkins Joined 18th January 2012 - 14:15 478
john gemmell Joined 18th January 2012 - 12:15 8,382
STRINGER Joined 18th January 2012 - 11:15 12,819
valiant1971 Joined 18th January 2012 - 10:15 1,239
Hiv Aleksa Joined 18th January 2012 - 10:15 3,499
ndb4 Joined 18th January 2012 - 09:14 4,855
J349 Joined 18th January 2012 - 09:14 7,910
Taylor 68 Joined 18th January 2012 - 08:15 4,553
homeless17 Joined 18th January 2012 - 07:16 6,416
BallBiter Joined 18th January 2012 - 02:17 2,923
milllzzy Joined 18th January 2012 - 01:21 5,385
katniss52 Joined 18th January 2012 - 01:21 1,466
Samd47 Joined 18th January 2012 - 00:15 3,276
dark shadow night Joined 17th January 2012 - 23:16 2,123
tribalwarsplayer Joined 17th January 2012 - 23:16 21,931
Lings Joined 17th January 2012 - 23:16 24,455
jamie76 Joined 17th January 2012 - 23:16 3,344
Grumbale Joined 17th January 2012 - 23:16 5,229
gege25 Joined 17th January 2012 - 23:16 2,439
youngmale1967 Joined 17th January 2012 - 22:16 4,139
oONEWBYOo Joined 17th January 2012 - 21:16 51,948
hosscel Joined 17th January 2012 - 20:16 16,163
The Bug Left 14th January 2012 - 22:14 76
romannurik Left 14th January 2012 - 22:14 0
Jack Sawyer Left 05th January 2012 - 17:14 5,752
The Bug Joined 04th January 2012 - 21:16 80,410
romannurik Joined 01st January 2012 - 14:33 460,789
7sheld Joined 26th December 2011 - 18:15 41,532
bramley3 Joined 26th December 2011 - 09:14 155,418
azurite Joined 25th December 2011 - 03:13 282,461
Acey2002 Joined 24th December 2011 - 23:14 258,135
pghj2005 Joined 24th December 2011 - 18:15 99,566
red4 Joined 24th December 2011 - 17:15 63,413
Robulous Joined 24th December 2011 - 16:15 79,035
Keithpove Joined 24th December 2011 - 16:15 281,874
Bhavik32 Joined 24th December 2011 - 13:15 287,198
kg27121 Joined 24th December 2011 - 13:15 2,137,082
neilwitr Joined 24th December 2011 - 00:14 531,690
pips Left 23rd December 2011 - 23:14 174,667
cakemaker13 Joined 23rd December 2011 - 17:15 423,903
Lionman22 Joined 23rd December 2011 - 17:15 136,344
cazfoggy Left 23rd December 2011 - 03:21 0
Athelstan4 Left 22nd December 2011 - 20:23 563,214
7sheld Left 22nd December 2011 - 17:24 40,794
stuma Left 22nd December 2011 - 17:24 43,632
Robulous Left 22nd December 2011 - 14:21 79,035
cakemaker13 Left 22nd December 2011 - 13:24 444,190
pghj2005 Left 22nd December 2011 - 11:20 99,382
James Empire Left 22nd December 2011 - 11:20 209,078
bramley3 Left 22nd December 2011 - 11:20 153,130
kg27121 Left 22nd December 2011 - 10:21 2,125,733
azurite Left 22nd December 2011 - 06:57 278,933
The Bug Left 22nd December 2011 - 06:57 80,410
romannurik Left 22nd December 2011 - 06:57 460,681
Lionman22 Left 22nd December 2011 - 01:34 136,344
Keithpove Left 22nd December 2011 - 01:34 278,789
Ryani Left 22nd December 2011 - 00:20 264,813
Bhavik32 Left 22nd December 2011 - 00:20 287,057
sarus Left 22nd December 2011 - 00:20 462,841
red4 Left 22nd December 2011 - 00:20 62,101
neilwitr Left 21st December 2011 - 23:23 525,244
Acey2002 Left 21st December 2011 - 23:23 249,886
mexican86 Left 21st December 2011 - 22:22 189,353
LaZzY Left 20th December 2011 - 02:21 0
TOE-RAG Left 20th December 2011 - 02:21 0
TheDefender Left 05th December 2011 - 01:34 0
cjf11 Left 04th December 2011 - 12:18 0
cooter Left 27th November 2011 - 18:21 123,527
demnted18 Left 22nd November 2011 - 23:18 404,440
viper121 Joined 20th November 2011 - 18:20 2,369
TheDefender Joined 18th November 2011 - 21:18 349
scottishmartin Left 18th November 2011 - 01:26 0
Raven1 Left 16th November 2011 - 21:23 167
stuma Joined 14th November 2011 - 20:20 9,360
War Champion Left 14th November 2011 - 19:20 0
War Champion Joined 11th November 2011 - 13:17 9,849
sd9602 Joined 11th November 2011 - 13:17 113,182
VAULT101 Joined 11th November 2011 - 13:17 17,204
cooter Joined 11th November 2011 - 13:17 123,055
Ryani Joined 11th November 2011 - 13:17 218,720
Bhavik32 Joined 11th November 2011 - 13:17 263,999
pips Joined 11th November 2011 - 13:17 236,673
sarus Joined 11th November 2011 - 13:17 548,488
pghj2005 Joined 11th November 2011 - 13:17 68,465
Athelstan4 Joined 11th November 2011 - 13:17 430,463
azurite Joined 11th November 2011 - 13:17 181,229
James Empire Joined 11th November 2011 - 13:17 215,633
cakemaker13 Joined 11th November 2011 - 13:17 428,047
cazfoggy Joined 11th November 2011 - 13:17 11,033
Lionman22 Joined 11th November 2011 - 13:17 128,478
mexican86 Joined 11th November 2011 - 13:17 132,999
red4 Joined 11th November 2011 - 13:17 45,319
scottishmartin Joined 11th November 2011 - 13:17 23,105
Paul Phoenix Joined 11th November 2011 - 13:17 26,570
neilwitr Joined 11th November 2011 - 13:17 490,036
LADYDAY Joined 11th November 2011 - 13:17 1,746
Tornado-valley Joined 11th November 2011 - 13:17 348,844
bramley3 Joined 11th November 2011 - 13:17 122,765
Robulous Joined 11th November 2011 - 13:17 68,227
cjf11 Joined 11th November 2011 - 13:17 107,270
Raven1 Joined 11th November 2011 - 13:17 108
The Bug Joined 11th November 2011 - 13:17 106,842
romannurik Joined 11th November 2011 - 13:17 369,575
demnted18 Joined 11th November 2011 - 13:17 328,165
War Champion Left 11th November 2011 - 12:17 0
sd9602 Left 11th November 2011 - 12:17 0
VAULT101 Left 11th November 2011 - 12:17 0
cooter Left 11th November 2011 - 12:17 0
Ryani Left 11th November 2011 - 12:17 0
Bhavik32 Left 11th November 2011 - 12:17 0
pips Left 11th November 2011 - 12:17 0
sarus Left 11th November 2011 - 12:17 0
pghj2005 Left 11th November 2011 - 12:17 0
Athelstan4 Left 11th November 2011 - 12:17 0
azurite Left 11th November 2011 - 12:17 0
James Empire Left 11th November 2011 - 12:17 0
cakemaker13 Left 11th November 2011 - 12:17 0
cazfoggy Left 11th November 2011 - 12:17 0
Lionman22 Left 11th November 2011 - 12:17 0
mexican86 Left 11th November 2011 - 12:17 0
red4 Left 11th November 2011 - 12:17 0
scottishmartin Left 11th November 2011 - 12:17 0
Paul Phoenix Left 11th November 2011 - 12:17 0
neilwitr Left 11th November 2011 - 12:17 0
LADYDAY Left 11th November 2011 - 12:17 0
Tornado-valley Left 11th November 2011 - 12:17 0
bramley3 Left 11th November 2011 - 12:17 0
Robulous Left 11th November 2011 - 12:17 0
cjf11 Left 11th November 2011 - 12:17 0
Raven1 Left 11th November 2011 - 12:17 0
The Bug Left 11th November 2011 - 12:17 0
romannurik Left 11th November 2011 - 12:17 0
demnted18 Left 11th November 2011 - 12:17 0
birt82 Left 05th November 2011 - 20:19 0
scottishmartin Joined 01st November 2011 - 00:19 19,484
Huxter999 Left 29th October 2011 - 21:18 0
StephenBailey Left 27th October 2011 - 20:17 0
jamie955 Left 19th October 2011 - 02:19 0
Sabbath951 Left 12th October 2011 - 14:20 99
dwin Left 06th October 2011 - 22:17 137,231
nml232009 Left 06th October 2011 - 12:16 1,652
A11919 Left 06th October 2011 - 12:16 0
SeeJay Left 29th September 2011 - 04:16 0
Allan80 Left 29th September 2011 - 04:16 0
ludlow Left 27th September 2011 - 03:16 0
chat Left 22nd September 2011 - 21:17 0
nml232009 Joined 17th September 2011 - 21:17 86
jackfella Left 14th September 2011 - 18:18 0
Sydoon Left 10th September 2011 - 15:17 0
bendymon Left 06th September 2011 - 12:18 0
spillerme Left 06th September 2011 - 03:16 0
ironrob Left 03rd September 2011 - 01:25 0
yertyert Left 28th August 2011 - 19:18 0
Drake137 Left 28th August 2011 - 07:18 70
xxmaccaxx Left 19th August 2011 - 21:16 0
StephenBailey Joined 16th August 2011 - 12:17 21,341
demnted18 Joined 15th August 2011 - 05:16 33,868
Keithpove Joined 13th August 2011 - 16:16 77
chat Joined 12th August 2011 - 22:16 249
Lincos Left 12th August 2011 - 19:16 0
Sabbath951 Joined 09th August 2011 - 14:17 79
Waynoc Left 08th August 2011 - 01:26 0
alek666 Left 06th August 2011 - 11:16 152,123
Huxter999 Joined 31st July 2011 - 19:17 74
ironrob Joined 31st July 2011 - 13:16 74
mexican86 Joined 28th July 2011 - 05:15 108
jackfella Joined 28th July 2011 - 00:17 348
Paul Phoenix Joined 27th July 2011 - 21:18 326
iman7 Left 25th July 2011 - 15:17 18,929
nml232009 Left 25th July 2011 - 03:15 0
xxmaccaxx Joined 23rd July 2011 - 22:17 1,355
les871 Left 22nd July 2011 - 03:16 0
dwin Joined 18th July 2011 - 21:17 272
coolhandhoward Left 13th July 2011 - 17:18 0
birt82 Joined 10th July 2011 - 23:18 3,617
SERVOS Left 29th June 2011 - 22:17 0
Tom salmon Left 29th June 2011 - 20:17 0
War Champion Joined 26th June 2011 - 14:16 97
Ashmaile Left 26th June 2011 - 14:16 0
cjf11 Joined 25th June 2011 - 00:15 8,582
Tom salmon Joined 24th June 2011 - 18:16 57,176
Cortez97 Left 23rd June 2011 - 09:14 2,525
hotsuma Left 22nd June 2011 - 11:17 0
iman7 Joined 21st June 2011 - 21:17 3,730
jascatman2 Left 21st June 2011 - 21:17 0
spillerme Joined 21st June 2011 - 18:16 69
romannurik Joined 21st June 2011 - 14:18 4,483
The Bug Joined 20th June 2011 - 18:16 7,566
Raven1 Joined 20th June 2011 - 14:16 7,309
Allan80 Joined 18th June 2011 - 14:15 41,960
lady1471 Left 17th June 2011 - 15:15 1,527
Xavier Harkonen Left 14th June 2011 - 11:16 12,625
deano773 Left 13th June 2011 - 20:16 29,846
deano773 Joined 13th June 2011 - 03:14 29,846
alans27 Left 11th June 2011 - 05:54 0
birt82 Left 09th June 2011 - 09:14 2,168
alex.wood 123 Left 07th June 2011 - 13:15 585
alex.wood 123 Joined 07th June 2011 - 09:15 577
Boosh Left 02nd June 2011 - 18:14 0
TribalJJC2000 Left 01st June 2011 - 22:16 146
pyong Left 01st June 2011 - 14:15 810
TOE-RAG Joined 31st May 2011 - 08:15 27,812
apollonas Left 30th May 2011 - 23:15 95
nml232009 Joined 30th May 2011 - 21:16 69
joshua josh Left 29th May 2011 - 17:15 9,958
fonkydonkey Left 27th May 2011 - 22:15 69
Jack Sawyer Joined 25th May 2011 - 22:16 351
TribalJJC2000 Joined 23rd May 2011 - 17:15 69
13ogfather Left 23rd May 2011 - 01:20 209,895
azurite Joined 22nd May 2011 - 00:16 106,171
azurite Left 21st May 2011 - 23:15 103,153
Joshhh13 Left 21st May 2011 - 23:15 117,892
Joshhh13 Joined 21st May 2011 - 22:14 117,885
Joshhh13 Left 21st May 2011 - 11:14 127,597
ludlow Joined 20th May 2011 - 16:14 63,231
slimbo Left 19th May 2011 - 06:13 0
joshua josh Joined 17th May 2011 - 22:15 1,383
staroste00 Left 17th May 2011 - 21:15 136,134
yertyert Joined 16th May 2011 - 11:14 3,666
lady1471 Joined 16th May 2011 - 10:14 319
les871 Joined 16th May 2011 - 10:14 4,922
Argonaut61 Left 15th May 2011 - 13:14 0
Davron Left 15th May 2011 - 04:14 0
VAULT101 Joined 14th May 2011 - 14:14 1,875
kg27121 Joined 14th May 2011 - 07:16 146,187
James Empire Joined 13th May 2011 - 17:14 2,046
TribalJJC2000 Left 12th May 2011 - 23:14 906
farseer taldeer Left 12th May 2011 - 09:13 0
odge9 Left 11th May 2011 - 21:15 0
Cortez97 Joined 11th May 2011 - 14:14 322
sc26 Left 10th May 2011 - 05:14 0
Cortez97 Left 09th May 2011 - 19:15 300
andreiolar Left 09th May 2011 - 05:14 0
skybluesean Left 08th May 2011 - 09:13 22,514
jennie.k Left 05th May 2011 - 21:14 119,137
coolhandhoward Joined 05th May 2011 - 11:13 68
dan926 Left 04th May 2011 - 19:15 428
jimmy Left 01st May 2011 - 15:14 27,093
Joshhh13 Joined 01st May 2011 - 13:14 116,996
bruscas Left 30th April 2011 - 17:14 106
skybluesean Joined 23rd April 2011 - 20:14 10,964
Cortez97 Joined 22nd April 2011 - 16:13 168
ngaugeneil Left 20th April 2011 - 17:15 8,649
kiddy2008 Left 20th April 2011 - 13:14 0
xxOlixx Left 20th April 2011 - 03:14 0
neilwitr Joined 11th April 2011 - 20:15 16,754
odge9 Joined 11th April 2011 - 15:14 16,927
apollonas Joined 11th April 2011 - 11:14 22,033
pips Joined 11th April 2011 - 00:13 80,950
odge9 Left 10th April 2011 - 23:14 16,735
sarus Joined 10th April 2011 - 22:14 160,239
alans27 Joined 10th April 2011 - 22:14 78,820
13ogfather Joined 10th April 2011 - 21:14 89,974
xxOlixx Joined 10th April 2011 - 21:14 11,597
jennie.k Joined 10th April 2011 - 20:14 99,558
skybluesean Left 10th April 2011 - 20:14 10,836
Argonaut61 Joined 10th April 2011 - 20:14 9,098
Boosh Joined 10th April 2011 - 20:14 69,304
slimbo Joined 10th April 2011 - 18:14 22,468
pyong Joined 10th April 2011 - 18:14 74,353
birt82 Joined 10th April 2011 - 17:14 61,165
sc26 Joined 10th April 2011 - 17:14 97,884
azurite Joined 10th April 2011 - 16:14 33,226
fonkydonkey Joined 10th April 2011 - 16:14 39,878
LaZzY Joined 10th April 2011 - 16:14 33,978
Athelstan4 Joined 10th April 2011 - 15:13 31,060
Drake137 Joined 10th April 2011 - 15:13 40,584
Xavier Harkonen Joined 10th April 2011 - 15:13 13,414
Mulund Left 10th April 2011 - 03:13 0
Hobnob1512 Left 09th April 2011 - 17:13 14,706
PompeyOldUn Left 04th April 2011 - 15:14 6,047
tbg2009 Left 03rd April 2011 - 20:27 409
Jo King Left 03rd April 2011 - 20:27 0
LADYDAY Joined 29th March 2011 - 22:14 360
Robulous Joined 28th March 2011 - 17:14 17,678
staroste00 Joined 28th March 2011 - 17:14 16,799
bramley3 Joined 28th March 2011 - 08:13 2,705
ngaugeneil Joined 28th March 2011 - 00:13 229,922
SeeJay Joined 27th March 2011 - 18:14 93,212
skybluesean Joined 27th March 2011 - 18:14 5,388
cazfoggy Joined 27th March 2011 - 18:14 999
Hobnob1512 Joined 27th March 2011 - 18:14 13,325
slimbo Left 27th March 2011 - 12:13 8,341
andreiolar Joined 27th March 2011 - 10:13 43,876
SERVOS Joined 27th March 2011 - 10:13 12,081
apollonas Left 27th March 2011 - 10:13 8,090
jimmy Joined 27th March 2011 - 02:19 107,704
slimbo Joined 27th March 2011 - 02:19 8,145
Acey2002 Joined 27th March 2011 - 02:19 11,410
Davron Joined 27th March 2011 - 00:13 21,851
jascatman2 Joined 27th March 2011 - 00:13 145,892
A11919 Joined 26th March 2011 - 22:13 46,339
Sydoon Joined 26th March 2011 - 21:13 2,947
cooter Joined 26th March 2011 - 20:13 45,742
Mulund Joined 26th March 2011 - 20:13 82,767
farseer taldeer Joined 26th March 2011 - 20:13 24,302
jamie955 Joined 26th March 2011 - 20:13 2,618
7sheld Joined 26th March 2011 - 20:13 788
apollonas Joined 26th March 2011 - 19:13 7,969
odge9 Joined 26th March 2011 - 18:14 3,820
fixtures Left 26th March 2011 - 10:13 2,964
Robulous Left 26th March 2011 - 10:13 17,583
alek666 Joined 24th March 2011 - 19:13 230
Sparten 74 Left 20th March 2011 - 19:14 0
Gwern Left 20th March 2011 - 14:13 0
kato4111 Left 19th March 2011 - 06:13 0
fred1 Left 17th March 2011 - 11:14 22,871
bradks Left 14th March 2011 - 23:14 2,719
Kingfisher27 Left 12th March 2011 - 18:13 17,111
chownsy Left 09th March 2011 - 05:13 0
hwessel Left 08th March 2011 - 16:14 0
Gibbo3 Left 06th March 2011 - 15:13 31,978
Fulcan Left 06th March 2011 - 13:13 8,520
THORKULL Left 06th March 2011 - 04:12 0
king jimmy Left 05th March 2011 - 11:13 0
Braxor Left 04th March 2011 - 12:12 1,202
messenger01 Left 04th March 2011 - 12:12 1,120
Chaos maker Left 01st March 2011 - 17:13 0
fred1 Joined 28th February 2011 - 18:13 2,540
carpediem180151 Left 19th February 2011 - 22:18 429
Got Ya 2 Left 15th February 2011 - 05:17 0
Raving666 Left 14th February 2011 - 16:18 886
hotsuma Joined 13th February 2011 - 23:18 193
pepperoni pizza Left 13th February 2011 - 22:18 95
rmxtube Left 07th February 2011 - 17:18 25,875
new001 Left 06th February 2011 - 13:17 0
Ldem Left 04th February 2011 - 00:17 17,742
joshua josh Left 03rd February 2011 - 23:17 152
TheSinned Left 03rd February 2011 - 23:17 37,659
thughugger Left 03rd February 2011 - 23:17 244
carpediem180151 Joined 03rd February 2011 - 22:17 341
Jo King Joined 03rd February 2011 - 15:16 221
Chieftan Left 02nd February 2011 - 21:18 0
JasonJones Left 02nd February 2011 - 21:18 3,333
delviso Left 02nd February 2011 - 20:18 120,408
sir bobward Left 01st February 2011 - 12:17 124
Bhavik32 Joined 31st January 2011 - 17:17 183
abbie-olivia x Left 31st January 2011 - 16:16 0
wolfverine Left 31st January 2011 - 12:16 559
kilimas Left 29th January 2011 - 22:17 5,364
kiddy2008 Joined 29th January 2011 - 12:16 204
kilimas Joined 28th January 2011 - 18:16 5,361
Aaragorn Left 26th January 2011 - 18:18 1,176
vaicht Left 26th January 2011 - 09:16 5,250
Braxor Joined 25th January 2011 - 12:16 311
vaicht Joined 25th January 2011 - 10:17 4,812
messenger01 Joined 24th January 2011 - 12:16 317
joshua josh Joined 23rd January 2011 - 22:17 121
Rikky Left 23rd January 2011 - 12:16 22,075
Lucasso the Great Left 23rd January 2011 - 10:16 1,987
Ryani Joined 22nd January 2011 - 23:16 2,706
dannyk768 Left 22nd January 2011 - 10:16 27,202
new001 Joined 20th January 2011 - 08:15 6,077
Thee Greek Left 18th January 2011 - 16:17 9,240
sir bobward Joined 17th January 2011 - 22:16 22,582
tabipeti Left 17th January 2011 - 16:16 100
iman7 Left 16th January 2011 - 23:16 12,589
iman7 Joined 16th January 2011 - 21:17 12,613
Gibbo3 Joined 16th January 2011 - 12:16 159
Roland Deschain Left 16th January 2011 - 06:15 760
Fulcan Joined 15th January 2011 - 23:18 366
TribalJJC2000 Joined 15th January 2011 - 10:19 119
Raving666 Joined 14th January 2011 - 21:16 13,998
blady20 Left 14th January 2011 - 10:15 0
*Alpha-Fox* Left 14th January 2011 - 10:15 783
Thee Greek Joined 14th January 2011 - 00:15 9,523
Fulcan Left 12th January 2011 - 23:17 286
Chieftan Joined 12th January 2011 - 14:16 27,001
melll0709 Left 11th January 2011 - 16:16 263
king jimmy Joined 08th January 2011 - 22:16 31,609
TonyDevil666 Left 07th January 2011 - 23:19 19,777
dannyk768 Joined 05th January 2011 - 19:15 18,537
Roland Deschain Joined 05th January 2011 - 02:16 631
davewadd Left 04th January 2011 - 19:15 228
iman7 Left 04th January 2011 - 14:15 8,193
Aaragorn Joined 04th January 2011 - 14:15 7,999
TonyDevil666 Joined 04th January 2011 - 09:14 35,111
Ldem Joined 03rd January 2011 - 21:15 14,271
melll0709 Joined 03rd January 2011 - 20:15 250
delviso Joined 03rd January 2011 - 19:15 51,553
wolfverine Joined 03rd January 2011 - 19:15 362
bradks Joined 03rd January 2011 - 18:15 1,406
Rikky Joined 03rd January 2011 - 18:15 10,653
Chaos maker Joined 03rd January 2011 - 17:15 307
bendymon Joined 03rd January 2011 - 10:14 927
Robulous Joined 03rd January 2011 - 01:22 11,479
Lincos Joined 03rd January 2011 - 01:22 2,781
Cheesy20160 Left 03rd January 2011 - 00:14 961
dan926 Joined 02nd January 2011 - 23:15 2,298
iman7 Joined 02nd January 2011 - 22:15 8,035
sd9602 Joined 02nd January 2011 - 21:15 590
Fulcan Joined 02nd January 2011 - 09:17 7,538
Paul Phoenix Left 02nd January 2011 - 04:18 100
TonyDevil666 Left 01st January 2011 - 20:32 59,575
spillerme Left 30th December 2010 - 17:14 0
*Alpha-Fox* Joined 30th December 2010 - 14:14 619
Roger S Left 29th December 2010 - 20:15 366
Got Ya 2 Joined 29th December 2010 - 20:15 29,858
JasonJones Joined 29th December 2010 - 20:15 10,400
abbie-olivia x Joined 29th December 2010 - 20:15 10,920
Apokolips Left 29th December 2010 - 19:15 6,801
Knight Assassin Left 29th December 2010 - 19:15 345
Got Ya 2 Left 28th December 2010 - 22:15 27,197
JasonJones Left 28th December 2010 - 22:15 7,189
abbie-olivia x Left 28th December 2010 - 22:15 15,044
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