Tribal Wars Stats: World 6: Tribe

Tribalwars Tribe Profile: To Be Decided (tribe changes)

Player Action Date/Time Points
Dogman78 Left 11th November 2010 - 20:02 243
shakeyshowdown Left 11th November 2010 - 06:01 0
schoj05 Left 11th November 2010 - 06:01 0
VSlayer Left 07th November 2010 - 02:02 1,630
Hairybear Left 07th November 2010 - 02:02 3,341
eternalsabre Left 07th November 2010 - 02:02 2,296
jaynemesis Left 07th November 2010 - 01:05 1,779
Slayde Demise Left 07th November 2010 - 00:02 1,350
Original Lionheart Left 06th November 2010 - 23:02 2,746
icenanashi Left 06th November 2010 - 23:02 1,706
daza56 Left 06th November 2010 - 21:02 316
Hothead. Left 03rd November 2010 - 16:02 361
itchifeet Left 03rd November 2010 - 16:02 210
scouseraph Left 03rd November 2010 - 16:02 320
Warp Left 03rd November 2010 - 14:01 240
Blake Stothard Left 03rd November 2010 - 13:02 773
nick armitt Left 02nd November 2010 - 15:03 345
zotje20 Left 01st November 2010 - 12:03 484
Billy Kidd4 Left 29th October 2010 - 22:03 98
aeonflux567 Left 29th October 2010 - 04:02 337
czopex Left 28th October 2010 - 15:11 877
Cj MoRaN Left 28th October 2010 - 15:11 55
finlandia Left 28th October 2010 - 09:11 703
jaynemesis Joined 27th October 2010 - 15:16 261
eternalsabre Joined 27th October 2010 - 15:16 560
hyper09 Left 27th October 2010 - 00:56 326
daza56 Joined 26th October 2010 - 21:46 155
Dogman78 Joined 26th October 2010 - 21:45 340
czopex Joined 26th October 2010 - 18:43 657
aeonflux567 Joined 26th October 2010 - 12:31 146
finlandia Joined 26th October 2010 - 09:34 451
Slayde Demise Joined 25th October 2010 - 21:55 259
Hairybear Joined 25th October 2010 - 21:55 371
jmmmjosh1234 Left 25th October 2010 - 18:50 57
I Look Awesome Naked Left 25th October 2010 - 15:45 168
Blake Stothard Joined 25th October 2010 - 15:45 213
scouseraph Joined 25th October 2010 - 00:55 147
paulbohs Left 24th October 2010 - 21:56 522
jmmmjosh1234 Joined 24th October 2010 - 18:39 100
Kris50 Left 24th October 2010 - 12:38 335
Ball-Strokington Left 24th October 2010 - 03:32 207
Billy Kidd4 Joined 24th October 2010 - 00:55 60
zotje20 Joined 24th October 2010 - 00:55 94
Kris50 Joined 23rd October 2010 - 21:41 280
Hothead. Joined 23rd October 2010 - 21:41 132
I Look Awesome Naked Joined 23rd October 2010 - 00:49 168
itchifeet Joined 22nd October 2010 - 15:35 170
Cj MoRaN Joined 22nd October 2010 - 15:35 124
icenanashi Joined 22nd October 2010 - 15:35 96
Warp Joined 22nd October 2010 - 15:35 113
Ball-Strokington Joined 22nd October 2010 - 12:30 100
Bugseater Left 22nd October 2010 - 09:29 103
VSlayer Joined 22nd October 2010 - 00:44 77
Bugseater Joined 22nd October 2010 - 00:44 98
hyper09 Joined 22nd October 2010 - 00:44 101
paulbohs Joined 21st October 2010 - 21:43 167
nick armitt Joined 21st October 2010 - 21:43 112
schoj05 Joined 21st October 2010 - 18:39 169
shakeyshowdown Joined 21st October 2010 - 18:39 112
Original Lionheart Joined 21st October 2010 - 18:39 83

2025-03-13 18:27:18 GMT

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