Tribal Wars Stats: World 60: Player

Tribalwars Player Profile: deBrus (conquers)

Type Old player New player Old tribe New tribe Min/Max points Date range  

>1< [all] 17
  Village Points Old owner New owner Date/Time
154 defo worked (439|540) K54 3,149 deBrus [6th] Lord Savage [PEPE] 2022-07-01 10:13:01
153 still working (437|541) K54 1,487 deBrus [6th] Lord Savage [PEPE] 2022-07-01 02:57:33
042 Lair (443|538) K54 5,598 deBrus [6th] Lord Savage [PEPE] 2022-06-28 23:01:26
152 back door (440|539) K54 1,541 deBrus [6th] Lord Savage [PEPE] 2022-06-28 23:00:46
150 round the back (442|537) K54 5,058 deBrus [6th] Lord Savage [PEPE] 2022-06-28 22:59:31
044 ForSale (444|539) K54 5,350 deBrus [6th] Lord Savage [PEPE] 2022-06-28 22:59:30
043 ForSale (443|539) K54 5,407 deBrus [6th] Lord Savage [PEPE] 2022-06-28 22:59:30
151 it worked (441|539) K54 4,641 deBrus [6th] Lord Savage [PEPE] 2022-06-28 22:59:30
Digweed West 11 (436|533) K54 1,813 deBrus [6th] choggy29 [DV8] 2022-06-02 08:46:11
153 still working (437|541) K54 197 Barbarian deBrus [6th] 2022-05-21 20:52:07
152 back door (440|539) K54 314 Barbarian deBrus [6th] 2022-05-21 12:51:34
Digweed West 11 (436|533) K54 609 Dragonwaster11 [AV8] deBrus [6th] 2022-05-08 13:10:43
154 defo worked (439|540) K54 282 Barbarian deBrus [6th] 2022-04-25 09:42:23
151 it worked (441|539) K54 278 Barbarian deBrus [6th] 2022-04-14 18:12:50
150 round the back (442|537) K54 266 Barbarian deBrus [6th] 2022-04-06 21:33:55
044 ForSale (444|539) K54 227 Barbarian deBrus [6th] 2022-03-27 19:33:28
043 ForSale (443|539) K54 182 Barbarian deBrus [6th] 2022-03-23 18:13:40
>1< [all] 17

2025-03-14 15:41:58 GMT

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