Tribal Wars Stats: World 74: Player

Tribalwars Player Profile: TheBigDog (conquers)

Type Old player New player Old tribe New tribe Min/Max points Date range  

>1< [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [all] 109
  Village Points Old owner New owner Date/Time
[ Defensive111 044 ] (529|506) K55 8,004 TheBigDog [BEARS] defensive111 [Whales] 2024-07-09 15:12:53
[ Defensive111 046 ] (528|507) K55 7,587 TheBigDog [BEARS] defensive111 [Whales] 2024-07-09 09:43:41
[ Defensive111 047 ] (529|507) K55 9,334 TheBigDog [BEARS] defensive111 [Whales] 2024-07-08 23:06:37
[ Defensive111 043 ] (524|514) K55 8,513 TheBigDog [BEARS] Hank1994 [BUM] 2024-07-08 11:18:28
001 (523|515) K55 9,833 TheBigDog [BEARS] Hank1994 [BUM] 2024-07-08 08:10:14
229 (522|475) K45 10,080 TheBigDog [BEARS] PAUL T and MASTERS [Whales] 2024-07-07 21:04:41
227 (522|478) K45 10,239 TheBigDog [BEARS] PAUL T and MASTERS [Whales] 2024-07-07 20:52:50
[ Defensive111 049 ] (523|512) K55 5,365 TheBigDog [BEARS] defensive111 [Whales] 2024-07-07 15:31:13
223 (521|486) K45 3,533 TheBigDog [BEARS] PAUL T and MASTERS [Whales] 2024-07-07 14:54:05
221 (523|488) K45 3,076 TheBigDog [BEARS] PAUL T and MASTERS [Whales] 2024-07-07 11:49:12
219 (521|487) K45 3,251 TheBigDog [BEARS] PAUL T and MASTERS [Whales] 2024-07-07 09:13:04
Redsus 29 (520|487) K45 3,173 TheBigDog [BEARS] Redsus [Whales] 2024-07-07 08:31:00
218 (519|487) K45 3,234 TheBigDog [BEARS] PAUL T and MASTERS [Whales] 2024-07-07 06:41:04
217 (518|486) K45 3,380 TheBigDog [BEARS] PAUL T and MASTERS [Whales] 2024-07-07 06:17:18
211 (514|486) K45 3,455 TheBigDog [BEARS] PAUL T and MASTERS [Whales] 2024-07-06 21:59:06
210 (522|488) K45 3,328 TheBigDog [BEARS] PAUL T and MASTERS [Whales] 2024-07-06 21:18:56
208 (522|489) K45 10,017 TheBigDog [BEARS] PAUL T and MASTERS [Whales] 2024-07-06 19:53:56
207 (522|492) K45 3,148 TheBigDog [BEARS] PAUL T and MASTERS [Whales] 2024-07-06 18:47:56
205 (516|487) K45 3,105 TheBigDog [BEARS] PAUL T and MASTERS [Whales] 2024-07-06 17:15:32
201 (516|478) K45 9,905 TheBigDog [BEARS] PAUL T and MASTERS [Whales] 2024-07-06 14:19:57
>1< [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [all] 109

2025-03-07 02:53:26 GMT

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