Tribal Wars Stats: World 8: Tribe

Tribalwars Tribe Profile: OCCULT ORDER (tribe changes)

Player Action Date/Time Points
r s jenkins Left 15th February 2012 - 18:21 562
boyos1 Left 14th February 2012 - 02:18 9,561
stephen wilson Left 09th February 2012 - 03:14 0
ryan duffy Joined 25th January 2012 - 12:16 521
JonnyWard94 Joined 25th January 2012 - 12:16 378
boyos1 Joined 20th January 2012 - 17:15 5,920
Celica Left 20th January 2012 - 00:15 1,945
michaeld1996 Joined 19th January 2012 - 22:15 990
Celica Joined 19th January 2012 - 19:15 1,938
RHYS71 Left 17th January 2012 - 10:15 0
grandmaster9 Left 17th January 2012 - 10:15 241
whitey2011 Left 17th January 2012 - 10:15 0
CharlieTDPA Left 17th January 2012 - 02:15 0
shockzzz Left 08th January 2012 - 02:19 0
jailbait Left 03rd January 2012 - 04:16 0
Oddball Left 23rd December 2011 - 03:21 0
scoopy999 Joined 18th December 2011 - 10:19 1,298
Mr Dent Left 18th December 2011 - 04:18 0
shockzzz Joined 14th December 2011 - 18:24 613
princesslaura Joined 10th December 2011 - 22:19 100
scafftag Joined 10th December 2011 - 20:20 1,820
James1St Left 10th December 2011 - 04:17 0
carlito Left 10th December 2011 - 02:18 379
lee cowan Left 10th December 2011 - 02:18 90
Mr Dent Joined 04th December 2011 - 11:18 1,543
CaptainDyne Left 03rd December 2011 - 16:19 0
Steve067 Left 30th November 2011 - 02:18 0
TameTheFallen Left 27th November 2011 - 02:17 0
dom22 Left 23rd November 2011 - 14:19 58
whitey2011 Joined 20th November 2011 - 23:19 808
grandmaster9 Joined 19th November 2011 - 12:18 435
CharlieTDPA Joined 07th November 2011 - 23:19 773
CaptainDyne Joined 04th November 2011 - 00:16 1,134
foxio Left 01st November 2011 - 05:17 1,461
hpcustomer Left 31st October 2011 - 16:23 0
The Buzz Left 31st October 2011 - 03:17 0
9th legion of rome Left 31st October 2011 - 03:17 0
TheMobster Left 28th October 2011 - 02:17 0
bkbjoy Left 24th October 2011 - 23:20 0
xxgicuxx Left 24th October 2011 - 21:22 59
rocketrim Left 11th October 2011 - 15:19 0
ominousabbreviations Left 11th October 2011 - 15:19 54
tampora Left 05th October 2011 - 02:19 0
TheGodsonUK Left 01st October 2011 - 10:24 0
O Negative Left 01st October 2011 - 10:24 0
The Traveler Left 29th September 2011 - 03:15 0
hpcustomer Joined 28th September 2011 - 15:18 80
shane1985 Left 27th September 2011 - 14:20 78
jsp22 Left 25th September 2011 - 13:18 313
hosscel Left 25th September 2011 - 13:18 286
ripper12 Left 25th September 2011 - 13:18 431
mr.tired Left 24th September 2011 - 18:18 54
carlito Joined 24th September 2011 - 02:18 450
bkbjoy Joined 23rd September 2011 - 13:16 104
brett bulmer Left 23rd September 2011 - 12:16 0
lee cowan Joined 22nd September 2011 - 22:17 92
cheeky boyz Joined 21st September 2011 - 23:19 199
FlippingGerman Joined 20th September 2011 - 21:19 257
TameTheFallen Joined 20th September 2011 - 15:18 193
9th legion of rome Joined 20th September 2011 - 08:17 186
mr.tired Joined 18th September 2011 - 12:17 165
geeb Left 17th September 2011 - 19:17 0
Say What Left 17th September 2011 - 19:17 0
flesh eating rabbit Left 17th September 2011 - 19:17 0
MYWORLD Left 17th September 2011 - 15:17 854
edwardfrape Left 13th September 2011 - 22:19 10,339
waudby9 Left 13th September 2011 - 19:18 395
ginelli97 Left 11th September 2011 - 22:18 2,961
godber2292 Left 11th September 2011 - 14:17 0
gsl1 Joined 09th September 2011 - 08:16 734
jsp22 Joined 09th September 2011 - 00:16 281
stephen wilson Joined 08th September 2011 - 10:15 251
Agaric Left 07th September 2011 - 22:19 54
MYWORLD Joined 06th September 2011 - 17:19 225
shane1985 Joined 06th September 2011 - 00:17 2,002
ginelli97 Joined 06th September 2011 - 00:17 1,829
TheMobster Joined 06th September 2011 - 00:17 1,035
tampora Joined 05th September 2011 - 21:18 300
edwardfrape Joined 05th September 2011 - 13:17 7,320
r s jenkins Joined 05th September 2011 - 11:17 604
O Negative Joined 04th September 2011 - 23:17 636
ripper12 Joined 04th September 2011 - 21:17 413
FeelTheJoy Left 04th September 2011 - 16:17 3,463
The Traveler Joined 04th September 2011 - 14:17 422
LOCO DIABLO Left 04th September 2011 - 13:17 2,332
edwardfrape Left 04th September 2011 - 12:17 6,836
MYWORLD Left 03rd September 2011 - 13:16 71
xbertyx Left 03rd September 2011 - 01:26 680
liamcole1234 Left 02nd September 2011 - 01:25 80
molesworth39 Left 01st September 2011 - 16:16 881
jailbait Joined 31st August 2011 - 22:18 632
hellbros Left 30th August 2011 - 14:18 54
flesh eating rabbit Joined 29th August 2011 - 22:18 387
foxio Joined 29th August 2011 - 16:18 526
davidmillard Left 29th August 2011 - 16:18 0
waudby9 Joined 28th August 2011 - 02:18 717
BUUURNS Left 28th August 2011 - 02:18 0
username1 Joined 27th August 2011 - 22:17 665
Beeshoney Left 26th August 2011 - 01:25 300
liamcole1234 Joined 25th August 2011 - 12:15 54
jood Left 23rd August 2011 - 13:17 298
alezan Left 23rd August 2011 - 13:17 92
ominousabbreviations Joined 22nd August 2011 - 04:17 284
iain.wilson Joined 21st August 2011 - 16:17 239
Beeshoney Joined 21st August 2011 - 12:17 177
Jimboob98 Left 19th August 2011 - 01:26 0
G766 Left 16th August 2011 - 14:18 2,679
eviTive Left 16th August 2011 - 03:17 0
rocketrim Joined 15th August 2011 - 15:17 285
sujit100 Left 15th August 2011 - 13:17 509
liamcole1234 Left 15th August 2011 - 13:17 507
WizardNY Left 15th August 2011 - 04:16 0
efrape Left 13th August 2011 - 03:15 0
damiblu Left 12th August 2011 - 21:16 53
xbertyx Joined 11th August 2011 - 21:16 349
tmor Left 09th August 2011 - 16:17 961
damiblu Joined 08th August 2011 - 22:18 1,398
Steve067 Joined 08th August 2011 - 13:17 99
edwardfrape Joined 08th August 2011 - 12:17 68
sujit100 Joined 06th August 2011 - 11:16 524
jimmy1022 Joined 05th August 2011 - 19:16 100
Whiteknight12 Joined 05th August 2011 - 04:16 400
The Buzz Joined 04th August 2011 - 20:16 226
tmor Joined 04th August 2011 - 18:16 687
eviTive Joined 04th August 2011 - 18:16 178
morrisvan Left 03rd August 2011 - 14:18 154
jood Joined 01st August 2011 - 00:16 264
philopolis Left 31st July 2011 - 19:17 2,949
Chieve Left 30th July 2011 - 01:25 0
dom22 Joined 29th July 2011 - 14:16 157
MYWORLD Joined 29th July 2011 - 12:15 146
efrape Joined 29th July 2011 - 11:16 567
fatboynev Left 29th July 2011 - 07:18 4,590
LOCO DIABLO Joined 29th July 2011 - 04:16 335
FeelTheJoy Joined 28th July 2011 - 16:15 6,155
Ogeman25 Left 28th July 2011 - 14:15 4,569
Flapingu Left 28th July 2011 - 10:15 0
Gboy963 Left 28th July 2011 - 10:15 229
geeb Joined 26th July 2011 - 22:18 208
WizardNY Joined 26th July 2011 - 17:18 2,362
James8 Left 24th July 2011 - 10:16 200
fatboynev Joined 22nd July 2011 - 23:16 3,866
hellbros Joined 22nd July 2011 - 22:16 146
filip001 Left 22nd July 2011 - 14:16 393
SOMEONE 2011 Left 22nd July 2011 - 14:16 1,554
SOMEONE 2011 Joined 20th July 2011 - 20:24 1,554
alezan Joined 20th July 2011 - 12:17 271
James8 Joined 20th July 2011 - 09:17 136
sirmark Joined 20th July 2011 - 08:17 772
James1St Joined 19th July 2011 - 19:18 1,764
kingchris III Left 19th July 2011 - 15:17 753
molesworth39 Joined 18th July 2011 - 20:17 153
rough Joined 18th July 2011 - 10:17 145
Jimboob98 Joined 17th July 2011 - 20:17 56
Say What Joined 17th July 2011 - 20:17 145
fatboynev Left 16th July 2011 - 20:17 3,364
wraith.horth Left 16th July 2011 - 14:16 2,983
godber2292 Joined 11th July 2011 - 22:17 1,415
Knightusinus Left 11th July 2011 - 16:17 520
JamboBwana Left 11th July 2011 - 16:17 0
Dawn Of Fear Left 11th July 2011 - 01:26 0
TheGodsonUK Joined 08th July 2011 - 22:17 315
Chieve Joined 08th July 2011 - 16:16 314
TheHammer Left 08th July 2011 - 13:16 114
scragzaminus Left 08th July 2011 - 13:16 227
Gboy963 Joined 03rd July 2011 - 12:16 120
anthonyd22 Left 02nd July 2011 - 10:16 938
legion99 Left 30th June 2011 - 19:15 548
SirVictor Left 28th June 2011 - 19:17 1,042
hosscel Joined 28th June 2011 - 04:16 169
davidmillard Joined 27th June 2011 - 12:16 146
efrape Left 26th June 2011 - 16:16 54
cod5nerd Left 26th June 2011 - 13:16 3,546
SERVOS Left 26th June 2011 - 02:17 0
mos@rt Left 26th June 2011 - 02:17 331
Agaric Joined 25th June 2011 - 22:16 107
anthonyd22 Joined 25th June 2011 - 22:16 1,708
philopolis Joined 25th June 2011 - 19:15 114
philopolis Left 24th June 2011 - 21:17 79
NgaPyin Left 21st June 2011 - 14:18 185
brett bulmer Joined 21st June 2011 - 04:16 497
Armara Left 20th June 2011 - 20:17 1,976
bigjonstuff Left 20th June 2011 - 16:16 2,391
ChemicalClown Left 19th June 2011 - 04:16 3,885
xxgicuxx Joined 18th June 2011 - 16:15 2,208
G766 Joined 18th June 2011 - 14:15 2,193
BUUURNS Joined 17th June 2011 - 18:15 580
wraith.horth Joined 13th June 2011 - 18:17 644
BAPH0M3T Left 12th June 2011 - 13:16 0
Harry monk Left 12th June 2011 - 13:16 0
SERVOS Joined 12th June 2011 - 10:15 2,896
Ogeman25 Joined 12th June 2011 - 03:14 454
Dawn Of Fear Joined 11th June 2011 - 19:15 631
anthraha Left 11th June 2011 - 01:21 1,315
morrisvan Joined 10th June 2011 - 08:19 314
NgaPyin Joined 10th June 2011 - 07:17 137
Flapingu Joined 10th June 2011 - 04:14 499
legion99 Joined 09th June 2011 - 22:15 413
wispa786 Left 09th June 2011 - 04:14 49
efrape Joined 08th June 2011 - 11:16 8,519
filip001 Joined 07th June 2011 - 16:16 818
anthraha Joined 07th June 2011 - 15:15 1,068
ChemicalClown Joined 07th June 2011 - 14:15 2,357
ZIMNY LECH Left 07th June 2011 - 12:15 9,490
mos@rt Joined 07th June 2011 - 10:15 321
dahud Left 06th June 2011 - 21:16 565
victor santos Left 04th June 2011 - 16:14 1,031
ichigokurasaki Left 04th June 2011 - 10:15 459
BLACKL1ME Left 02nd June 2011 - 23:14 133
Seasprays Left 02nd June 2011 - 23:14 543
wraith.horth Left 02nd June 2011 - 23:14 283
SirVictor Joined 02nd June 2011 - 20:14 329
dahud Joined 02nd June 2011 - 19:14 349
wraith.horth Joined 02nd June 2011 - 18:14 319
sir stabalot Left 01st June 2011 - 05:15 0
Mattmellon Left 30th May 2011 - 04:15 0
liamcole1234 Joined 29th May 2011 - 17:15 287
ichigokurasaki Joined 29th May 2011 - 09:14 358
scragzaminus Joined 28th May 2011 - 18:15 442
cod5nerd Joined 28th May 2011 - 15:15 1,360
Knightusinus Joined 28th May 2011 - 10:14 480
PJ-MERLIN Left 28th May 2011 - 04:14 0
bigjonstuff Joined 28th May 2011 - 01:20 539
philopolis Joined 27th May 2011 - 22:15 1,628
Harry monk Joined 27th May 2011 - 22:15 2,220
JamboBwana Joined 27th May 2011 - 17:14 498
fatboynev Joined 27th May 2011 - 10:14 359
NgaPyin Left 27th May 2011 - 07:15 1,542
Armara Joined 27th May 2011 - 07:15 512
migitmike Left 26th May 2011 - 21:14 0
Mancub Left 26th May 2011 - 04:14 0
fotisparis Left 25th May 2011 - 14:15 1,765
TheHammer Joined 23rd May 2011 - 20:16 1,007
Seasprays Joined 23rd May 2011 - 19:16 533
victor santos Joined 23rd May 2011 - 17:15 348
fotisparis Joined 22nd May 2011 - 23:15 1,296
wispa786 Joined 22nd May 2011 - 23:15 1,462
chaz55 Left 22nd May 2011 - 21:15 46
Babalonian Left 21st May 2011 - 04:14 0
dodger007 Left 12th May 2011 - 18:14 0
yapalot Left 12th May 2011 - 18:14 340
wobblylegs Left 12th May 2011 - 14:13 2,290
pict99 Left 11th May 2011 - 12:14 610
I will oak you Left 08th May 2011 - 02:15 0
NgaPyin Joined 06th May 2011 - 09:13 82
yapalot Joined 03rd May 2011 - 16:14 400
Deko Left 29th April 2011 - 10:13 1,568
miguellinno Left 27th April 2011 - 01:19 322
sukh187 Left 26th April 2011 - 22:15 4,568
miguellinno Joined 26th April 2011 - 17:15 294
brygate Left 24th April 2011 - 13:14 1,022
cannon foder Left 23rd April 2011 - 20:14 160
DOOMED Left 21st April 2011 - 22:14 537
Deko Joined 20th April 2011 - 10:14 1,067
schustar Left 20th April 2011 - 08:14 26
DOOMED Joined 19th April 2011 - 21:15 389
maybee Joined 19th April 2011 - 20:15 684
brygate Joined 19th April 2011 - 14:14 714
Luhem Left 18th April 2011 - 23:14 923
kingchris III Joined 18th April 2011 - 22:15 234
Luhem Joined 18th April 2011 - 22:15 923
sapphire137 Left 18th April 2011 - 22:15 0
schustar Joined 18th April 2011 - 22:15 559
Jacko 10 Left 18th April 2011 - 18:14 179
Cricketrulz Left 18th April 2011 - 06:14 0
ZIMNY LECH Joined 18th April 2011 - 00:14 309
BLACKL1ME Joined 17th April 2011 - 19:14 665
cannon foder Joined 17th April 2011 - 15:14 349
Spectral Spyder Left 17th April 2011 - 11:14 646
Spectral Spyder Joined 17th April 2011 - 03:13 646
Mattmellon Joined 16th April 2011 - 20:14 82
sadnuts Left 15th April 2011 - 06:13 0
Teeboo5 Left 14th April 2011 - 21:15 134
rotted zombee Left 09th April 2011 - 06:14 0
Jedonai Left 04th April 2011 - 07:15 0
hughesy1 Left 01st April 2011 - 16:13 2,153
Whiteshizen Left 28th March 2011 - 10:13 2,966
fandabydosy Left 27th March 2011 - 06:13 0
damo84 Left 23rd March 2011 - 22:14 570
Teeboo5 Joined 23rd March 2011 - 21:14 64
raders Left 22nd March 2011 - 12:21 2,072
raders Joined 22nd March 2011 - 11:13 2,071
MiSSiLE MiKE Left 21st March 2011 - 06:13 0
danfarran Left 17th March 2011 - 11:14 1,480
M21 EBR Left 17th March 2011 - 11:14 1,140
The Last Plantaganet Left 15th March 2011 - 07:15 26
Dark Donkey Left 14th March 2011 - 22:14 291
.iwo. Left 14th March 2011 - 17:14 751
jadestlou Left 07th March 2011 - 08:12 204
catdogg Left 07th March 2011 - 08:12 319
M21 EBR Joined 05th March 2011 - 01:17 472
I will oak you Joined 04th March 2011 - 00:12 410
RHYS71 Joined 02nd March 2011 - 15:13 327
Daves23 Left 01st March 2011 - 16:13 456
sukh187 Joined 01st March 2011 - 13:13 153
danfarran Joined 01st March 2011 - 00:13 166
fandabydosy Joined 28th February 2011 - 00:13 204
Oddball Joined 27th February 2011 - 20:13 26
harwoo Left 26th February 2011 - 22:13 145
Whiteshizen Joined 26th February 2011 - 03:12 238
sadnuts Joined 25th February 2011 - 15:12 72
rotted zombee Joined 25th February 2011 - 15:12 75
leerr Joined 25th February 2011 - 15:12 38
CottonSocks Left 25th February 2011 - 14:12 137
MiSSiLE MiKE Joined 25th February 2011 - 14:12 26
pict99 Joined 23rd February 2011 - 22:18 103
Dark Donkey Joined 23rd February 2011 - 12:19 30
.iwo. Joined 23rd February 2011 - 11:19 26
Jacko 10 Joined 22nd February 2011 - 23:19 88
Daves23 Joined 22nd February 2011 - 23:19 81
Jedonai Joined 22nd February 2011 - 21:19 32
wobblylegs Joined 22nd February 2011 - 20:20 48
The Last Plantaganet Joined 22nd February 2011 - 20:20 90
BAPH0M3T Joined 22nd February 2011 - 20:20 26
Mancub Joined 22nd February 2011 - 19:19 81
CottonSocks Joined 22nd February 2011 - 19:19 52
harwoo Joined 22nd February 2011 - 19:19 70
sir stabalot Joined 22nd February 2011 - 17:20 26
jadestlou Joined 22nd February 2011 - 16:19 32
damo84 Joined 22nd February 2011 - 15:19 46
chaz55 Joined 22nd February 2011 - 15:19 38
catdogg Joined 22nd February 2011 - 14:20 70
sapphire137 Joined 22nd February 2011 - 13:19 26
Cricketrulz Joined 22nd February 2011 - 12:18 32
migitmike Joined 22nd February 2011 - 12:18 68
Babalonian Joined 22nd February 2011 - 12:18 44
dodger007 Joined 22nd February 2011 - 12:18 38
hughesy1 Joined 22nd February 2011 - 12:18 68
PJ-MERLIN Joined 22nd February 2011 - 12:18 38

2025-03-11 12:28:31 GMT

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