Tribal Wars Stats: Casual: Player

Tribalwars Player Profile: DrJWalton (villages)

[3] [all]
400 Bad Request8,074316|419K43
401 Unauthorized Village7,404313|420K43
402 Payment Required7,547313|418K43
403 Forbidden Village8,078310|413K43
404 Village Not Found7,552315|420K43
405 Nobling Not Allowed6,706315|421K43
406 Not Acceptable6,733311|419K43
407 Proxy Authentication Needed7,373294|491K42
408 Request Timeout5,927313|414K43
409 Conflict7,155309|420K43
410 Gone6,473311|425K43
411 Length Required7,037314|423K43
412 Precondition Failed6,618310|420K43
413 Requested Entity Too Large7,644313|427K43
414 Request-URI Too Long8,570308|426K43
415 Unsupported Media Type9,024293|493K42
416 Range Not Satisfiable8,703311|426K43
417 Expectation Failed7,310293|492K42
418 I am a teapot (RFC 2324)6,131312|417K43
419 Authentication Timeout7,212309|427K43
420 Method Failure7,426293|495K42
421 Zippy. lives on6,555311|428K43
422 Unprocessable Entity7,349310|428K43
423 Locked6,367311|420K43
424 Failed Dependency11,136316|423K43
425 Moonjumping lives7,341296|490K42
426 Upgrade Required6,824294|489K42
427 Westward ho7,012280|432K42
428 Precondition Required5,959279|432K42
429 Too Many Requests6,255282|429K42
430 Marching on5,034281|431K42
431 Requested header too large7,524281|485K42
432 TLDR7,511280|485K42
433 Looking around7,811283|429K42
434 Surprise9,425278|430K42
435 new ground6,582275|424K42
436 Settling in7,383277|425K42
437 staking a claim7,830274|423K42
438 just one more7,378277|424K42
439 Oh, go on then6,394277|422K42
440 look what I found10,054294|488K42
441 Building nicely8,407291|490K42
442 Hello world6,539278|488K42
443 moving on10,247292|495K42
444 finally8,993294|487K42
445 Back in the fold7,064292|496K42
446 What to call this?10,070290|493K42
447 Noms10,121289|495K42
448 another10,070291|494K42
449 from the top10,063289|494K42
[3] [all]


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2024-12-22 03:17:41 GMT

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