Tribal Wars Stats: Casual: Tribe
Tribalwars Tribe Profile: Rim Sting (tribe changes)
Player | Action | Date/Time | Points | |
yorkie the second | Left | 01st July 2017 - 15:09 | 8,967,557 | |
KayoChan | Left | 21st June 2017 - 01:10 | 0 | |
Dirklerxst | Left | 30th May 2017 - 03:10 | 0 | |
LinkToDragons | Left | 29th April 2017 - 04:10 | 0 | |
mick5 | Left | 23rd April 2017 - 03:09 | 120,144 | |
-ShadowX | Left | 21st April 2017 - 22:09 | 2,860,589 | |
Foxtrot | Left | 21st April 2017 - 03:09 | 228,735 | |
jimmy.fitz | Left | 19th April 2017 - 20:10 | 315,406 | |
logged on | Left | 19th April 2017 - 20:10 | 619,510 | |
olavarch1 | Left | 18th April 2017 - 22:09 | 1,284,651 | |
Argan | Left | 18th April 2017 - 20:09 | 898,957 | |
Blane | Left | 18th April 2017 - 13:09 | 3,415,537 | |
acorn427 | Left | 18th April 2017 - 13:09 | 401,549 | |
spriralpaper | Left | 18th April 2017 - 11:09 | 6,281,119 | |
jez 69er | Left | 18th April 2017 - 11:09 | 6,932,535 | |
jeffhawk | Left | 18th April 2017 - 09:09 | 1,956,086 | |
valiant1971 | Left | 18th April 2017 - 08:10 | 2,376,483 | |
Sarogul | Left | 30th March 2017 - 03:11 | 0 | |
jfire99 | Left | 14th March 2017 - 20:10 | 169,387 | |
jfire99 | Joined | 14th March 2017 - 12:08 | 169,094 | |
mokers | Left | 13th March 2017 - 23:08 | 7,463,911 | |
logged on | Joined | 11th March 2017 - 14:08 | 619,510 | |
Mark370 | Left | 08th March 2017 - 23:09 | 10,220,064 | |
Richard9321 | Left | 08th March 2017 - 04:09 | 0 | |
SparkyofTCC | Left | 07th March 2017 - 04:09 | 0 | |
jimmy.fitz | Joined | 19th February 2017 - 14:09 | 306,607 | |
Argan | Joined | 25th January 2017 - 11:10 | 760,656 | |
bramley3 | Left | 15th January 2017 - 13:09 | 13,225,507 | |
gooders17 | Left | 12th January 2017 - 04:55 | 0 | |
rob2409 | Left | 04th January 2017 - 21:11 | 10,821,864 | |
3rrflondon | Left | 20th December 2016 - 17:10 | 3,163,348 | |
bramley3 | Joined | 16th December 2016 - 22:09 | 13,262,645 | |
-ShadowX | Joined | 06th December 2016 - 08:11 | 1,283,533 | |
Mark370 | Joined | 05th December 2016 - 23:11 | 9,122,660 | |
mick5 | Joined | 05th December 2016 - 19:12 | 114,967 | |
rob2409 | Joined | 04th December 2016 - 19:10 | 11,236,605 | |
Foxtrot | Joined | 04th December 2016 - 17:10 | 237,807 | |
KayoChan | Joined | 03rd December 2016 - 20:10 | 201,880 | |
acorn427 | Joined | 03rd December 2016 - 16:10 | 240,096 | |
spriralpaper | Joined | 03rd December 2016 - 15:10 | 3,692,954 | |
Sarogul | Joined | 03rd December 2016 - 13:10 | 232,826 | |
3rrflondon | Joined | 03rd December 2016 - 10:10 | 3,286,925 | |
mokers | Joined | 03rd December 2016 - 10:10 | 5,733,890 | |
jeffhawk | Joined | 03rd December 2016 - 10:10 | 960,894 | |
jez 69er | Joined | 03rd December 2016 - 10:10 | 4,750,909 | |
yorkie the second | Joined | 03rd December 2016 - 10:10 | 9,192,157 | |
Blane | Joined | 03rd December 2016 - 10:10 | 2,189,063 | |
olavarch1 | Joined | 03rd December 2016 - 10:10 | 971,871 | |
Richard9321 | Joined | 03rd December 2016 - 10:10 | 249,240 | |
valiant1971 | Joined | 03rd December 2016 - 09:10 | 1,406,965 | |
SparkyofTCC | Joined | 03rd December 2016 - 09:10 | 3,492,398 | |
LinkToDragons | Joined | 03rd December 2016 - 09:10 | 4,983,483 | |
valiant1971 | Left | 02nd December 2016 - 23:10 | 1,391,925 | |
05sbuckner | Left | 02nd December 2016 - 23:10 | 3,185,808 | |
mokers | Left | 02nd December 2016 - 23:10 | 5,732,969 | |
Foxtrot | Left | 02nd December 2016 - 23:10 | 237,807 | |
rob2409 | Left | 02nd December 2016 - 23:10 | 11,236,605 | |
-ShadowX | Left | 02nd December 2016 - 23:10 | 1,397,967 | |
monged | Left | 02nd December 2016 - 23:10 | 199,057 | |
mick5 | Left | 02nd December 2016 - 23:10 | 114,967 | |
jeffhawk | Left | 02nd December 2016 - 23:10 | 960,636 | |
spriralpaper | Left | 02nd December 2016 - 23:10 | 3,690,224 | |
jez 69er | Left | 02nd December 2016 - 23:10 | 4,750,872 | |
yorkie the second | Left | 02nd December 2016 - 23:10 | 9,156,235 | |
EdwardOfEngland | Left | 02nd December 2016 - 23:10 | 717,222 | |
SparkyofTCC | Left | 02nd December 2016 - 23:10 | 3,489,645 | |
LinkToDragons | Left | 02nd December 2016 - 23:10 | 4,983,019 | |
Sarogul | Left | 02nd December 2016 - 23:10 | 232,196 | |
Blane | Left | 02nd December 2016 - 23:10 | 2,186,662 | |
olavarch1 | Left | 02nd December 2016 - 23:10 | 971,490 | |
Richard9321 | Left | 02nd December 2016 - 23:10 | 246,777 | |
KayoChan | Left | 02nd December 2016 - 23:10 | 201,210 | |
acorn427 | Left | 02nd December 2016 - 23:10 | 240,096 | |
rob2409 | Joined | 02nd December 2016 - 21:10 | 11,236,605 | |
3rrflondon | Left | 02nd December 2016 - 09:10 | 3,314,608 | |
pst0nline | Left | 24th November 2016 - 10:10 | 602,905 | |
EveRley3 | Left | 23rd November 2016 - 02:11 | 0 | |
Foxtrot | Joined | 17th November 2016 - 08:11 | 186,539 | |
pst0nline | Joined | 09th November 2016 - 15:11 | 603,102 | |
3rrflondon | Joined | 08th November 2016 - 07:12 | 3,260,883 | |
monged | Joined | 07th November 2016 - 23:11 | 179,898 | |
pst0nline | Left | 02nd November 2016 - 21:13 | 638,148 | |
ash big boy | Left | 25th October 2016 - 10:10 | 110,588 | |
Pielord | Left | 22nd October 2016 - 18:10 | 158,983 | |
ash big boy | Joined | 18th October 2016 - 14:10 | 117,255 | |
football001 | Left | 17th October 2016 - 20:10 | 134,753 | |
yorkie the second | Joined | 16th October 2016 - 16:09 | 7,958,375 | |
football001 | Joined | 13th October 2016 - 08:10 | 109,446 | |
BigCol25 | Left | 07th October 2016 - 12:11 | 778,046 | |
Am Heh | Left | 07th October 2016 - 12:11 | 248,997 | |
hasethe | Left | 03rd October 2016 - 10:13 | 86,921 | |
mick5 | Joined | 23rd September 2016 - 15:14 | 90,206 | |
Sarogul | Joined | 17th September 2016 - 13:11 | 74,983 | |
Daruss | Left | 05th September 2016 - 22:11 | 146,775 | |
ricktheminer125 | Left | 04th September 2016 - 17:11 | 11,751 | |
Pielord | Joined | 04th September 2016 - 00:11 | 128,791 | |
Mark370 | Left | 02nd September 2016 - 00:11 | 7,087,847 | |
so su me | Left | 02nd September 2016 - 00:11 | 6,937,636 | |
KayoChan | Joined | 01st September 2016 - 23:12 | 76,211 | |
KayoChan | Left | 01st September 2016 - 14:11 | 75,961 | |
football001 | Left | 26th August 2016 - 22:12 | 39,362 | |
hasethe | Joined | 26th August 2016 - 22:12 | 70,091 | |
football001 | Joined | 25th August 2016 - 23:13 | 15,919 | |
football001 | Left | 25th August 2016 - 17:12 | 15,890 | |
alecsandru | Left | 23rd August 2016 - 14:13 | 3,660,573 | |
Tarakudo | Left | 22nd August 2016 - 10:13 | 22,687 | |
alecsandru | Joined | 19th August 2016 - 09:14 | 3,660,494 | |
iandavidjones39 | Left | 18th August 2016 - 13:13 | 11,304 | |
Richard9321 | Joined | 18th August 2016 - 09:13 | 55,705 | |
asgrahal | Left | 17th August 2016 - 15:14 | 2,991,121 | |
Dweller | Left | 17th August 2016 - 15:14 | 4,161,832 | |
juga | Left | 17th August 2016 - 15:14 | 195,605 | |
Starlord89 | Left | 17th August 2016 - 15:14 | 262,763 | |
Tarakudo | Joined | 12th August 2016 - 14:12 | 11,088 | |
simonr2 | Left | 11th August 2016 - 12:13 | 402,998 | |
mokers | Joined | 09th August 2016 - 20:13 | 4,369,059 | |
-ShadowX | Joined | 07th August 2016 - 22:13 | 695,991 | |
xcom1987 | Left | 06th August 2016 - 03:12 | 0 | |
football001 | Joined | 04th August 2016 - 19:11 | 1,504 | |
-ShadowX | Left | 01st August 2016 - 16:13 | 695,991 | |
Sultan1 | Left | 25th July 2016 - 11:16 | 432,103 | |
Alex25 | Left | 25th July 2016 - 11:16 | 178,846 | |
BIG MAN BOS | Left | 25th July 2016 - 11:16 | 26,408 | |
Earl Ethan | Left | 25th July 2016 - 11:16 | 36,180 | |
iandavidjones39 | Joined | 25th July 2016 - 09:17 | 6,910 | |
acorn427 | Joined | 25th July 2016 - 09:17 | 644 | |
Lorst Cawse | Left | 21st July 2016 - 00:14 | 2,922,640 | |
crazyalien | Left | 18th July 2016 - 14:16 | 202,644 | |
Mouldybeard | Left | 16th July 2016 - 03:13 | 0 | |
meffersino | Left | 12th July 2016 - 08:16 | 35,159 | |
EveRley3 | Joined | 11th July 2016 - 08:15 | 628 | |
mattkeat19 | Left | 04th July 2016 - 03:18 | 0 | |
Mark370 | Joined | 01st July 2016 - 02:17 | 5,633,216 | |
The Blackwolf | Left | 28th June 2016 - 01:15 | 0 | |
juga | Joined | 27th June 2016 - 09:17 | 189,086 | |
KayoChan | Joined | 25th June 2016 - 08:14 | 15,013 | |
LinkToDragons | Joined | 25th June 2016 - 07:16 | 2,740,266 | |
SparkyofTCC | Joined | 24th June 2016 - 19:17 | 1,204,087 | |
gypsy007 | Left | 23rd June 2016 - 12:20 | 5,551,150 | |
mackers | Left | 22nd June 2016 - 09:26 | 37,854 | |
asgrahal | Joined | 21st June 2016 - 15:28 | 2,973,082 | |
deekz69 | Left | 14th June 2016 - 23:32 | 246,501 | |
Earl Ethan | Joined | 13th June 2016 - 09:49 | 28,684 | |
alex252 | Left | 13th June 2016 - 05:24 | 0 | |
ricktheminer125 | Joined | 09th June 2016 - 09:18 | 1,557 | |
the bear | Left | 31st May 2016 - 13:13 | 150,664 | |
iMoss | Left | 31st May 2016 - 13:13 | 16,991 | |
Rollo | Left | 31st May 2016 - 13:13 | 12,931 | |
EdwardOfEngland | Joined | 30th May 2016 - 19:14 | 4,982 | |
LoneGuardian09 | Left | 24th May 2016 - 16:13 | 139,879 | |
Mouldybeard | Joined | 24th May 2016 - 09:15 | 3,428,494 | |
Dweller | Joined | 24th May 2016 - 00:14 | 3,862,350 | |
jez 69er | Joined | 23rd May 2016 - 22:13 | 2,405,268 | |
so su me | Joined | 23rd May 2016 - 22:13 | 4,690,471 | |
05sbuckner | Joined | 23rd May 2016 - 20:13 | 1,264,188 | |
mattkeat19 | Joined | 23rd May 2016 - 14:13 | 3,311,231 | |
Kev270208 | Left | 23rd May 2016 - 11:16 | 68,563 | |
atta05 | Left | 23rd May 2016 - 11:16 | 63,692 | |
lordjimmy | Left | 20th May 2016 - 11:15 | 69,917 | |
Lorst Cawse | Joined | 18th May 2016 - 13:18 | 2,303,929 | |
BIG MAN BOS | Joined | 17th May 2016 - 23:14 | 4,877 | |
pst0nline | Joined | 16th May 2016 - 13:15 | 68,867 | |
Rollo | Joined | 09th May 2016 - 18:14 | 3,360 | |
Am Heh | Joined | 29th April 2016 - 09:19 | 3,077 | |
Shumasessiy | Left | 18th April 2016 - 10:13 | 92,423 | |
simonr2 | Joined | 14th April 2016 - 14:11 | 199,663 | |
Alex25 | Joined | 14th April 2016 - 13:13 | 111,360 | |
gypsy007 | Joined | 13th April 2016 - 17:13 | 5,264,102 | |
mightyblues | Left | 12th April 2016 - 08:15 | 3,540 | |
ardcol | Left | 11th April 2016 - 02:18 | 0 | |
King Jonnyjon | Left | 06th April 2016 - 14:14 | 12,538 | |
mightyblues | Joined | 04th April 2016 - 09:17 | 3,540 | |
user7797 | Left | 30th March 2016 - 11:15 | 28,392 | |
Kev270208 | Joined | 25th March 2016 - 03:28 | 19,006 | |
King Jonnyjon | Joined | 23rd March 2016 - 18:16 | 12,566 | |
sassycity | Left | 21st March 2016 - 03:13 | 0 | |
pipwjh | Left | 21st March 2016 - 03:13 | 0 | |
d3ath.rock69 | Left | 19th March 2016 - 02:14 | 0 | |
BigCol25 | Joined | 17th March 2016 - 08:15 | 3,169 | |
valiant1971 | Joined | 15th March 2016 - 19:16 | 228,144 | |
jeffhawk | Joined | 15th March 2016 - 15:15 | 2,188 | |
LoneGuardian09 | Joined | 14th March 2016 - 12:21 | 110,298 | |
xcom1987 | Joined | 11th March 2016 - 17:18 | 894,576 | |
Fragsta | Left | 11th March 2016 - 02:17 | 0 | |
alex252 | Joined | 09th March 2016 - 18:22 | 4,375 | |
lordjimmy | Joined | 04th March 2016 - 19:13 | 1,406 | |
-ShadowX | Joined | 26th February 2016 - 00:15 | 257 | |
andy b | Left | 24th February 2016 - 01:20 | 0 | |
ardcol | Joined | 23rd February 2016 - 13:20 | 447,707 | |
shamus1969 | Left | 17th February 2016 - 02:16 | 0 | |
zeus9871 | Left | 15th February 2016 - 02:17 | 0 | |
spriralpaper | Joined | 12th February 2016 - 17:12 | 478,605 | |
storm chaser | Left | 12th February 2016 - 02:13 | 0 | |
spriralpaper | Left | 12th February 2016 - 00:13 | 477,453 | |
atta05 | Joined | 11th February 2016 - 16:13 | 10,607 | |
leachypoo | Left | 08th February 2016 - 23:13 | 1,017,890 | |
leachypoo | Joined | 08th February 2016 - 11:20 | 1,017,759 | |
Fragsta | Joined | 07th February 2016 - 14:19 | 7,839 | |
the bear | Joined | 02nd February 2016 - 19:16 | 29,183 | |
spriralpaper | Joined | 02nd February 2016 - 15:20 | 477,390 | |
mackers | Joined | 31st January 2016 - 18:16 | 2,448 | |
iMoss | Joined | 30th January 2016 - 20:15 | 2,089 | |
The Blackwolf | Joined | 26th January 2016 - 07:15 | 10,426 | |
crazyalien | Joined | 26th January 2016 - 01:19 | 10,489 | |
andy b | Joined | 21st January 2016 - 19:13 | 157,474 | |
storm chaser | Joined | 20th January 2016 - 21:15 | 2,887 | |
d3ath.rock69 | Joined | 20th January 2016 - 13:15 | 288,569 | |
pipwjh | Joined | 17th January 2016 - 16:13 | 2,885 | |
skeltz | Left | 15th January 2016 - 03:12 | 0 | |
wolf111246 | Left | 13th January 2016 - 01:19 | 0 | |
Sultan1 | Joined | 08th January 2016 - 23:16 | 65,560 | |
MonkeyDLuffy | Left | 05th January 2016 - 03:14 | 0 | |
sean6765 | Left | 30th December 2015 - 03:13 | 0 | |
jack6116 | Left | 28th December 2015 - 13:16 | 1,177 | |
Widge1 | Left | 28th December 2015 - 13:16 | 3,318 | |
themarsbargirl | Left | 24th December 2015 - 03:13 | 0 | |
wolf111246 | Joined | 15th December 2015 - 13:18 | 3,659 | |
skeltz | Joined | 11th December 2015 - 09:15 | 2,434 | |
jack6116 | Joined | 10th December 2015 - 05:17 | 1,163 | |
world9noob | Left | 07th December 2015 - 16:16 | 2,251 | |
kenny1982 | Left | 05th December 2015 - 10:14 | 66,287 | |
meffersino | Joined | 02nd December 2015 - 11:16 | 2,838 | |
SLENDER | Left | 01st December 2015 - 04:16 | 0 | |
Widge1 | Joined | 30th November 2015 - 20:17 | 1,930 | |
world9noob | Joined | 30th November 2015 - 02:19 | 997 | |
olavarch1 | Joined | 29th November 2015 - 23:17 | 2,195 | |
kenny1982 | Joined | 18th November 2015 - 18:15 | 65,456 | |
Mebaza | Left | 18th November 2015 - 09:15 | 36,363 | |
zeus9871 | Joined | 09th November 2015 - 17:15 | 1,406 | |
puure 1 own1 | Left | 08th November 2015 - 14:14 | 18,558 | |
shamus1969 | Joined | 07th November 2015 - 21:14 | 14,935 | |
ladiesman217 | Left | 07th November 2015 - 11:15 | 10,936 | |
Starlord89 | Joined | 06th November 2015 - 01:23 | 1,234 | |
mksigma22 | Left | 05th November 2015 - 07:59 | 1,919 | |
sassycity | Joined | 04th November 2015 - 02:17 | 2,585 | |
deekz69 | Joined | 25th October 2015 - 19:17 | 1,140 | |
user7797 | Joined | 25th October 2015 - 11:13 | 491 | |
Dirklerxst | Joined | 24th October 2015 - 18:13 | 3,734 | |
mksigma22 | Joined | 19th October 2015 - 20:14 | 1,666 | |
jamesedmonston | Left | 19th October 2015 - 14:13 | 7,757 | |
ladiesman217 | Joined | 19th October 2015 - 09:22 | 2,830 | |
SLENDER | Joined | 15th October 2015 - 21:13 | 512,639 | |
Blane | Joined | 14th October 2015 - 14:14 | 2,273 | |
Daruss | Joined | 06th October 2015 - 21:16 | 4,408 | |
sean6765 | Joined | 05th October 2015 - 22:17 | 12,164 | |
Mebaza | Joined | 05th October 2015 - 21:14 | 9,600 | |
Shumasessiy | Joined | 05th October 2015 - 19:13 | 41,368 | |
MonkeyDLuffy | Joined | 05th October 2015 - 13:12 | 4,962 | |
jamesedmonston | Joined | 05th October 2015 - 11:12 | 2,380 | |
themarsbargirl | Joined | 02nd October 2015 - 21:12 | 5,478 | |
puure 1 own1 | Joined | 02nd October 2015 - 07:16 | 9,035 | |
gooders17 | Joined | 01st October 2015 - 15:21 | 1,437 |
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