Tribal Wars Stats: uk31: Player

Tribalwars Player Profile: TW.PLAYER (conquers)

Type Old player New player Old tribe New tribe Min/Max points Date range  

>1< [2] [3] [4] [all] 61
  Village Points Old owner New owner Date/Time
172. Chewbacca (566|498) K45 1,312 TW.PLAYER [Baby] I Blame Your Mother [FAP] 2017-05-16 11:46:30
037 (561|491) K45 9,627 TW.PLAYER [Baby] jack6116 [FAP] 2017-05-15 20:26:35
181. Red October Standing by (576|497) K45 9,508 TW.PLAYER [Baby] Kabo [!Do!] 2017-05-15 16:52:25
K45 SMASH 150.7 (532|459) K45 9,783 TW.PLAYER [Baby] Generalcolesy [COOL] 2017-05-15 16:38:58
Coulie Lane (557|487) K45 1,929 TW.PLAYER [Baby] I Blame Your Mother [FAP] 2017-05-15 16:14:19
K45 SMASH 152.6 (534|459) K45 9,223 TW.PLAYER Deanoooo [COOL] 2017-05-15 08:56:57
288 (557|491) K45 9,398 TW.PLAYER I Blame Your Mother [FAP] 2017-05-15 01:45:41
527 (579|491) K45 7,646 jah128 [FAP] TW.PLAYER 2017-05-14 22:42:23
527 (579|491) K45 7,670 TW.PLAYER jah128 [FAP] 2017-05-14 22:14:07
034. (536|460) K45 9,761 TW.PLAYER Deanoooo [COOL] 2017-05-14 21:50:40
MikeIsSlow (538|472) K45 9,613 TW.PLAYER Generalcolesy [COOL] 2017-05-14 20:51:47
the hobbits to isenguard (560|495) K45 5,148 TW.PLAYER FriedChicken 2017-05-14 20:51:40
Kilt Lane (556|486) K45 7,052 TW.PLAYER I Blame Your Mother [FAP] 2017-05-14 19:12:28
032 (564|495) K45 8,563 TW.PLAYER jack6116 [FAP] 2017-05-14 18:27:03
the hobbits to isenguard (560|492) K45 6,205 TW.PLAYER PeterDGreat1 [FAP] 2017-05-14 18:25:07
032. (530|464) K45 8,260 TW.PLAYER blabla [COOL] 2017-05-14 17:48:46
078 (562|486) K45 5,552 TW.PLAYER tsangari [FAP] 2017-05-14 17:14:39
074 (567|480) K45 7,537 TW.PLAYER tsangari [FAP] 2017-05-14 17:12:42
MikeIsSlow (538|455) K45 9,684 TW.PLAYER wackyboy 2017-05-14 14:08:42
117. (540|420) K45 2,613 TW.PLAYER Gokus wee brother [COOL] 2017-05-14 13:55:54
>1< [2] [3] [4] [all] 61

2025-03-11 13:31:35 GMT

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