Tribal Wars Stats: World 51: Player

Tribalwars Player Profile: Assassin4 (villages)

[4] [all]
001 - Apollo10,040519|460K45
002 - Jupiter10,301522|465K45
003 - AAAVenus10,108512|465K45
004 - Mars10,030518|467K45
005 - Mercury10,076506|465K45
006 - Bacchus10,030514|469K45
007 - Neptune10,030522|457K45
008 - Pluto10,301509|458K45
009 - Juno10,301518|458K45
010 - Vulcan10,030510|459K45
010 -PF034,218537|534K55
011 - Diana10,066510|465K45
011 -Black Widow5,369518|527K55
012 - Vesta10,301522|464K45
013 - I thinks10,238553|488K45
014 - Zeus10,301547|489K45
015 - Poseidon10,301547|490K45
016 - Hades10,301547|491K45
017 - Mine again. NOT YOURS10,301550|487K45
018 - AAAHermes10,301557|486K45
019 - Artemis10,224557|491K45
020 - Ceres10,030521|464K45
021 - Unexpected10,030512|466K45
022 - Unexpected#210,030511|468K45
023 - barb10,066499|444K44
024 - arek291s villages10,171497|444K44
025 - Atlantis10,030519|464K45
026 - Rat poison I10,221464|471K44
027 - AAARat poison II10,301464|472K44
028 - Rat poison III10,109463|470K44
029 - Lighter I10,301464|479K44
030 - Lighter II10,301464|477K44
031 - Lighter III10,301465|478K44
032 - Goodbye...10,109461|471K44
033 - Rat poison IV10,109461|472K44
034 - Jötunheimr10,123479|481K44
035 - Mount Olympus10,301479|484K44
036 - Oh well10,109462|473K44
037 - Oh well II10,109464|474K44
038 - Bradculls10,301465|477K44
039 - Chocolate Salty Balls10,030516|461K45
040 - Theyre Packed of vitamins10,030514|460K45
041 - forgotten your name lol10,030516|462K45
042 - F02suck on my10,301514|462K45
043 - Melting Down10,109466|478K44
044 - Equally Wise10,171464|475K44
045 - Gamma10,301549|487K45
046 - Barb Move10,301552|487K45
047 - Say no more10,301552|488K45
048 - Jrjcymru0410,171521|465K45
049 - Jrjcymru0510,030520|464K45
050 - West Again?10,030454|479K44
051 - W - 00310,108451|484K44
052 - The Side They Stand10,301453|481K44
053 - Churchill10,030453|487K44
054 - 03410,109486|483K44
055 - Kandy Kush10,171475|485K44
056 - Just Breathe10,109454|484K44
057 - Come back10,066455|484K44
058 - Eric the red10,301524|462K45
059 - Was red XD10,301524|461K45
060 - Eat my shorts10,108532|447K45
061 - Flower Pot Castle10,171452|480K44
062 - Ay Caramba10,301531|450K45
063 - Millhouse Memorial10,224532|445K45
064 - Minas Morgul10,301535|440K45
065 - I Didnt do it10,171532|448K45
066 - No way10,171533|447K45
067 - lalala10,171534|445K45
068 - Bite me10,224536|441K45
069 - Dont have a cow10,109533|445K45
070 - You cant prove it10,301532|450K45
071 - Cheeky Catch10,030453|479K44
072 - Conqueror10,171454|483K44
073 - if that makes sense10,301554|488K45
074 - Rebirth10,066450|479K44
075 - bye bye melts10,066453|489K44
076 - Barnsley199710,301452|488K44
077 - Subrahmanya10,066455|485K44
078 - Covenanter10,301454|489K44
079 - Comet10,109457|486K44
080 - Stapsin0910,030504|508K55
081 - Xi an10,123504|509K55
082 - Nanjing10,301505|508K55
083 - Go on10,301550|485K45
084 - Was expected10,301547|488K45
085 - Barb Jungle10,109515|468K45
086 - Barb Paradise10,301516|468K45
087 - Hehe10,066505|510K55
088 - Dads00410,066449|491K44
089 - I LOVE YOU 300010,238524|522K55
090 - More Love10,109523|522K55
091 - Dads00210,301450|490K44
092 - I will have that cheers10,301554|484K45
093 - We take this one too9,836537|446K45
094 - Dans eye9,679548|468K45
095 - Shell 03010,030522|525K55
096 - Dads00110,066449|489K44
097 - Dads00510,109448|492K44
098 - Dads village10,301449|488K44
099 - Dads01010,301446|491K44
100 - Is that all you got?6,419553|483K45
101 - Malcolm10,066441|484K44
102 - Sniper10,066437|483K44
103 - Alextheant5,641436|483K44
104 - Saving Private Ryan10,030521|466K45
105 - Fight Club10,301524|463K45
106 - Lethal Weapon10,030518|459K45
107 - The Expendables10,301505|444K45
108 - Prison Break10,030521|463K45
109 - Punisher10,066520|463K45
110 - The Last Kingdom10,030515|465K45
111 - Ragnar9,084524|467K45
112 - Sons Of Anarchy10,301524|466K45
113 - Warface10,030517|466K45
114 - Condor10,030517|468K45
115 - Deadwater Fell10,301517|490K45
116 - Line Of Duty10,030505|445K45
117 - Shooter10,080503|444K45
118 - Bourne Identity10,030520|458K45
119 - Vikings10,030520|459K45
120 - Luther10,238523|465K45
121 - Shutter Island10,301503|442K45
122 - Breaking Bad10,301504|443K45
123 - Lagertha8,561506|445K45
124 - REDERYKs village5,755523|466K45
125 - Black Mirror10,066494|482K44
126 - RIPstovies-till next time8,404502|442K45
127 - A08 Rome VII8,168424|499K44
128 - A09 Rome VIII10,080428|496K44
129 - A11 Rome X9,095427|496K44
130 - Another Rune4,562537|543K55
131 - Another Barb9,097535|539K55
132 - Dive in10,030440|490K44
133 - King For a Day10,301438|490K44
134 - The Crimson10,301446|495K44
135 - Break the Ice10,301439|498K44
136 - Pulse9,203442|496K44
137 - Sleepers7,521439|491K44
138 - Joker8,209442|493K44
139 - Hell Above10,401437|496K44
140 - The Dagger10,301439|494K44
141 - A04 Rome III8,147425|497K44
142 - The Chain10,030437|488K44
143 - Laid to Rest10,301443|492K44
144 - A07 Rome VI7,412430|494K44
145 - Faint6,573443|496K44
146 - A05 Rome IV7,702431|493K44
147 - 128 More T153,579438|481K44
148 - Ghost and Shadow9,442440|499K44
149 - A03 Rome II8,486426|495K44
150 - A01 Rise Of An Empire10,495429|496K44
151 - Bat Country10,301446|500K54
152 - King Von7,617439|510K54
153 - A02 Rome10,301429|493K44
154 - The Bridge6,404440|509K54
155 - Hitmonchan10,301439|509K54
156 - Barb Friends5,189445|510K54
157 - Barb Paradise9,232445|512K54
158 - 013 Gosaku1,312436|498K44
159 - 010 Lost Lake1,907435|497K44
160 - 001 Sycho10,301557|490K45
162 - 002 Sycho8,149557|489K45
163 - 004 Sycho8,565558|490K45
164 - Hobbeslaw 12,397497|445K44
165 - 005 Sycho4,343557|482K45
166 - Hobbesian village4,544500|447K45
167 - Village Two2,539498|446K44
168 - Days Gone5,907439|511K54
169 - InbredInfidel4,422555|485K45
170 - 0000 Sycho1,956535|455K45
171 - 003 Sycho8,064557|488K45
172 - 008 Sazer5,388446|501K54
173 - 000 Sycho2,154535|454K45
174 - Read this if ur bad6,472446|481K44
175 - 009 Sycho4,794556|473K45
176 - 007 Sycho6,013558|469K45
177 - 005 Sazer5,333434|510K54
178 - 008 Sycho5,074556|475K45
179 - Rune Village 23,965562|473K45
180 - Barbarian village7,823560|465K45
181 - Barbarian village5,015563|466K45
182 - Barbarian village5,537564|468K45
Barbarian village1,594527|465K45
Barbarian village1,555526|464K45
Barbarian village1,585531|451K45
Barbarian village1,628531|449K45
Barbarian village1,559533|451K45
Barbarian village1,574527|446K45
Barbarian village1,623527|466K45
Barbarian village1,570535|445K45
Barbarian village1,603533|444K45
Barbarian village1,604535|442K45
Barbarian village4,065424|503K54
[4] [all]


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2024-09-28 20:20:16 BST

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