Tribal Wars Stats: World 67: Village

Village: 0773 supposed to stop at 500 (conquers)

VillagePointsOld OwnerNew OwnerDate/Time
0773 supposed to stop at 500 (566|514) K55 9,996 devil4fun [MK] No Identity... [MOD] 2023-10-07 - 23:37:27
0773 supposed to stop at 500 (566|514) K55 6,704 Cristian [MK] devil4fun 2023-07-11 - 17:42:52
0773 supposed to stop at 500 (566|514) K55 461 Barbarian Cristian [AURA] 2023-05-07 - 23:25:35

2024-11-15 18:07:28 GMT

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