Zoom Level:
The percentage of zoom. The minimum value is 100% (fully zoomed out), the maximum value is 1000% (fully zoomed in).
Centre on:
When zoomed in over 100%, you can use this to change the x and y position the map is centered on.
Show abandons:
When this is checked, and 'Markers only' is not checked, abandoned villages will be shown on the map in grey.
Larger markers:
When checked any defined markers will be shown on the map in a larger size.
Markers only:
By default, the map includes all villages in the world. Checking this option will allow you to set a custom background colour and hide all villages except those you mark.
Dull background:
When this option is enabled the base background and villages will be dulled. This adds emphasis to any markers.
Continent grid:
If the continent grid is enabled the map will include lines to show the boundries of continents on the map.
Continent numbers:
When this option enabled the map will include the continent numbers. Only works well at low zoom levels.
Continent numbers:
Displays a circle showing how far a village can send a nobleman.